Group Poster or Presentation Project – Algebra 1 Support – Mr. Saltzen


Your group may have 2 or 3 members – NO 4 MEMBER GROUPS.

You must give me a piece of paper with the names of your group members and the topic of your presentation or poster. One person will be the leader/organizer, one person will be the artist/technical lead, and the final person will be the presenter. All group members must stand in front of the class during their presentation.

Possible topics:

·  Anything from the text book chapters 6-12.

·  A mathematician or scientist who made a contribution to mathematics.

o  Note: only 1 group can do a particular person – no duplicates!

·  Any topic from mathematics or science that is somehow relevant to this class.

All topics must be approved my Mr.Saltzen in advance to receive credit for this assignment.

You presentation will consist of at LEAST a 2 minute talk showing either your poster or your slide-show. Extra credit will be awarded for creativity, detail, excellent presentation skills, etc.

You are encouraged to include a CLASS ACTIVITY for your presentation. This could be a worksheet for the class, a game, or any kind of audience participation to help engage your classmates and help them learn something new about mathematics.

You will assign a Peer Grade to your team mates at the end of this project, which will be factored into each students final grade. In other words, if you don't help your team mates with this assignment they will probably give you a bad grade and I will take that into consideration when awarding points.


A Give an exciting, interesting presentation on a mathematical topic that is helpful for success in Algebra I. Display artistic quality in your final work as well as technical prowess and mathematical accuracy. Showcase good group dynamics. Includes sound, video, color and incorporates a class activity. More than 5 mins.

B Missing one or two elements from above. About 5 minutes long.

C You did what I asked and included something special to differentiate your group project from the rest of the class. About 4 minutes long.

D Barely adequate. You got up and did something math related in front of the class. Your poster probably won't be up on the wall afterwards. At least 2 mins.

F You didn't do it or didn't help your group succeed.