Abstract /Summary
Please give a short description of the technology ( 500 characters)summary: Where is it from, what is offered, what are the advantages, what deal is sought?)!
Description/ Special features.Please give a description of the relevant results or characteristics of the offer.
Innovative Aspects of the Offer
Describe clearly the innovative aspects of the technology.
Main advantages of the Offer
Give the main economic advantages / benefits of the technology.

Current stage of development of the offered / required technology

Development phase – laboratory tested
Available for demonstration – field tested Already on the market
Intellectual Property Rights (for offers only)
patent applied for* patents granted *
copyright protected exclusive rights *
secret know-how others (registered design, plant variety right, etc)*
  • If the patent applied for is ticked, please list the countries in which you have applied for patents in the Comments Box.
  • If the patents granted box is ticked, please enter the countries that have granted the patents in the Comments Box.
  • If either the patent granted box or the exclusive rights box is ticked please indicate where the initial patent was granted and say a few words about the company.
  • Whenever possible, you should indicate the year a patent was granted and its reference number,

Exploitation of RTD results

EU RTD result Private Research
National programme Others
Comments: (if applicable, please name programme and project title)
  1. Organisation/Company submitting Technology Offer

Type Industry Technical Centre / Technology transfer centre Research institute /University Services
Other: please specify*
Size of Organisationsubmitting Technology Offer (please tick one box)
< 10 employees 11-50 employees 50-250 employees 250-500 employees > 500 employees

Market Applications and Customers

Type of collaboration sought(more than one option can be selected)
Technical co-operation Commercial agreement with technical assistance
Joint Venture agreement Licence agreement
Manufacturing agreement Financial resources
Comments: Partners contribution - Role and profile of the partners and tasks to be performed


Российско-Германскаявнешнеторговаяпалата Deutsch-RussischeAuslandshandelskammer

вРоссийскойФедерации - Mоскваin der Russischen Föderation - Moskau

КонтактноебюроземлиСеверныйРейн-ВестфалияKontaktbüro Wissenschaft und Innovation

понаукеиинновациям - Москваdes Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen - Moskau

Шостьин Владимир СергеевичDipl.-Ing. SchostinWladimirSergejewitsch


понаукеиинновациямdes Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

------für Wissenschaft und Innovation

3. Голутвинскийпер. 10, строение 6------

119180 Moskau3. Golutwinskij per. 10, Geb. 6

Тел.: +7 (495) 662 43 18 119180 Moskau

Факс: +7 (495) 662 43 19Tel.: +7 (495) 662 43 18

E-mail: x: +7 (495) 662 43 19

Моб: +7916573 8702 E-mail: Handy: +7916573 8702