Group Box 129, Temagami, ON | P0H 2H0 | (705)237-8927 | Fax (877)281-4687
July/Aug Fax (705)237-8916
May 21, 2014Minutes
Board Attendees: Andrew Healy, Chip Kittredge,Gerry Kluwak, Ted Tichinoff, Pete Calverley, Tim Richardson, Will Goodman
Regrets: Andrew Zyp, Justin Metz,David McFarlane,
Guests: Kelly Bancroft-Romans
1.Approval of the agenda. It was moved byTed Tichinoffand secondedbyWill Goodmanto approve the agenda. Carried.
2.Adoption of minutes April 23meeting.
It was moved by Andrew Healyand seconded by Pete Calverleyto adopt the minutes of the April 23 meeting. Carried.
3.Business arising from the minutes:Board meetings will he held on Tuesday evenings during the months of June, July and August. The next meeting is Tuesday June 17.
4.Committee Reports
- Archives:
- Communications: our website is in need of a new webmaster that can do such things as update a twitter feed. Our present webmaster may be invited to the June meeting to discuss options.
- Finance:
- Fish and wildlife:
- Member services: AGM agenda to be discussed in June – invitees will include Friends of Temagami to update Temagami Trails maintenance, Temiskaming Health Unit and the OPP.
- Natural resources: The Temagami Island trails project is on track and the partnership group, which includes the MNR and Municipality, may have successfully obtained a permit for a new dock at the trail access.
- Nominations and elections: Justin Metz has been acclaimed for a second term while acclimations were made for Kelly Romans Bancroft and Peter Whyte to serve three year terms as new directors.
- Planning:
- Protection of Persons and Property: There were alarge number of break ins over the winter almost all on the shoreline in a search for gas and easily disposed of articles such as small motors.
- Special Event: The possibility of live music at this year’s event was discussed and as the proposed band is not on the lake at that time it was felt that music with one entertainer was not a good use of funds. It was suggested that a personal appeal letter from some directors would help generate donations for the auction. Pete Calverley will follow up.
5.Taxes and Municipal issues: The 2014 Municipal Budget includes an increase of 2.3% which will probably result in a similar tax increase. Sample tax bills will be published in the Summer Times.
6.TERAS: The are 5 signatory directors (Chip Kittredge, Gerry Kluwak, Andrew Healy, Peter Healy, Tim Richardson), there will be 5 directors ongoing all TLA members in good standing and two of which are TLA directors .
7.Water Quality: Our two summer staff is presently collecting water samples for analysis. Dr. Murray Richardson will be meeting with them soon to discuss this year’s enhanced initiatives.
8.New Business:
9.Motion to adjourn: It moved byTim Richardsonand seconded byGerry Kluwakto adjourn the meeting at 7:45 PM. Carried.
Next meeting:
Tuesday. June 17, 6:30 PM