GROUP 30310-23090 – automotive parts and supplies RFIPAGE 1

Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12242 | | | 518-474-6717
Request for Information:
Automotive Parts and Supplies

On behalf of the New York State Office of General Services (“OGS”), Procurement Services requests information from vendors who are authorized by manufacturers to sell OEM, aftermarket, and remanufactured Automotive Parts and Supplies for light duty (Class 1-2) and larger Vehicles (Class 3-8).

Purpose and Objective

The purpose of this Request for Information (“RFI”) is to acquire information regarding possible options and solutions available in the marketplace forAutomotive Parts and Supplies. New York State (“NYS”) will use the information received from this RFI to review the available options and solutions in making a determination regarding future contracting strategies. Vendors interested in participating in any possible future opportunities are encouraged to respond to this RFI and register with the NYS Contract Reporter at in order to receive future notifications. When registering for your free Contract Reporter account, select the “Vehicles & Equipment” category, and check “Commodities /Equipment.”

Scope of Request

This RFI seeks information about Automotive Parts and Suppliesavailable for delivery to, or pickup from, locations inNYS. Authorized Users of NYS contracts, including but not limited to, State agencies, public authorities and local governments, spent approximately $3,300,000statewide on Automotive Parts and Supplies in 2016, using the current OGS contracts. Total spend on Automotive Parts and Supplies from other sources is unknown. For information regarding the current Automotive Parts and Supplies award, please reference the OGS websiteat:

Content of Response

Vendors are requested to respond to all questions included in this document. A response does not bind or obligate the responder or OGS to any agreement of provision or procurement of products referenced. No contract can or will be awarded based on submissions. OGS thanks you for your assistance in this information collection process.

Since this RFI is designed as a tool to collect information and shall not result in a procurement contract for Automotive Parts and Suppliesby a State agency, it does not fall under the requirements of State Finance Law §§139-j and 139-k (the Procurement Lobbying Law) and there is no restricted period. However, we ask that you direct your questions and responses in writing to the email address listed below.

In order to facilitate review of your responses, please provide the information in the exact order as listed below. Please put answers within the yellow-colored fields in this document, maintaining the original formatting of this document, and email the completed document to the email address below. Do not submit a PDF.

If any of the information in the vendor response is considered confidential, proprietary or a trade secret, it must be clearly indicated on the appropriate page of the vendor response. Procurement Services cannot guarantee that information not labeled appropriately by a vendor will not be released as part of a FOIL request.Release of such materials is governed by the NYS Freedom of Information Law, which in pertinent part requires the requester to provide specific justification as to why disclosure of particular information in the response would cause substantial injury to the competitive position of the vendor.

Procurement Services encourages and welcomes any input or questions you might provide as this RFIwill be used to acquire information and to gain expertise in regards toAutomotive Parts and Supplies.

Please submit your response no later than August 18, 2017 to: .

Company Business Information:

Question / Company Response
1)Full Legal Business Name, (including DBA if applicable).
2)Principal Place of Business.[Enter the complete mailing address for the location of the primary control, direction and management of the business]
3)NYS County where the Principal Place of Business is located, (if in NYS)
4)Contact Information for this RFI and future contracting opportunities. [Enter Contact Name, Title, Email Address, and Phone Number]
5)Company website address. [Enter URL].
6)Is your business a NYSSmall Business? [Enter Yes or No].“NYS Small Business” is a company that:
A.Has a significant business presence in NYS demonstrated through one of the following:
  1. Pays taxes in NYS;
  2. Purchases NYS products or materials, or
  3. Has any payroll in NYS;
B.Is independently owned and operated;
C.Not dominant in its field; and
D.Employs less than onehundred persons.
7)Is your business a minority-owned business enterprise? [Enter Yes or No].
8)Is your business a woman-owned business enterprise? [Enter Yes or No].
9)Is your business listed in the Empire State Development Directory of Certified Minority and Women Owned Businesses? [Enter Yes or No]. To verify if your business is listed, click on “Search the Directory” at
10)Is your business currently the primary contract holder for any state, federal or consortium government contracts (e.g., NASPO, GSA, NJPA) for Automotive Parts and Supplies? [Enter Yes or No. If “Yes,” enter the government entity that is contracted with and the contract number].
Question / Company Response
11)Is your business listed as an authorized dealer on any state, federal or consortium government contracts (e.g., NASPO, GSA, NJPA) for Automotive Parts and Supplieswhere another company is the primary contract holder?[Enter Yes or No. If “Yes,” enter the government entity that is contracted with and the contract number].
12)How many over-the-counter company-owned NYS locations does your business have operating under the same Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN)? [Enter number of locations. If more than one, please attach a separate list all locations with complete addresses and NYS County].
13)Does your business model include independently-owned over-the-counter NYS locations that are operated under Federal Employee Identification Numbers (FEIN)that are different than the “company-owned” locations? [Enter Yes or No. If “Yes,” please attach a separate list all locations with complete addresses and NYS County].
14)OGS contracts allow the Contractor to include “Authorized Resellers” on the contract that may provide delivery, and invoice and accept payment on behalf of the contractor. “Authorized Resellers” may only be included if they provide the agreed-upon contract pricing, and the contractor agrees to accept responsibility for the contract performance of the resellers, including reporting of sales.
If you entered “Yes” to Question 13, would your company consider the independently-owned locations to be “Authorized Resellers” for an OGS contract?[Enter Yes or No].

Category-Specific Questions

  1. For each NYS County, indicate below the number of locations in that County that provide over-the-counter sales and/or local delivery service (e.g. the store or nearby warehouse has dedicated drivers that provide delivery for customers of that store location). If you entered “Yes” to Question 14 in the “Company Business Information” Section above, include the Authorized Reseller locations in the total number.

NYS County / Over Counter / Local Delivery / NYS County / Over Counter / Local Delivery / NYS County / Over Counter / Local Delivery
Albany / Herkimer / Richmond
Allegany / Jefferson / Rockland
Bronx / Kings / Saratoga
Broome / Lewis / Schenectady
Cattaraugus / Livingston / Schoharie
Cayuga / Madison / Schuyler
Chautauqua / Monroe / Seneca
Chemung / Montgomery / St. Lawrence
Chenango / Nassau / Steuben
Clinton / New York / Suffolk
Columbia / Niagara / Sullivan
Cortland / Oneida / Tioga
Delaware / Onondaga / Tompkins
Dutchess / Ontario / Ulster
Erie / Orange / Warren
Essex / Orleans / Washington
Franklin / Oswego / Wayne
Fulton / Otsego / Westchester
Genesee / Putnam / Wyoming
Greene / Queens / Yates
Hamilton / Rensselaer

Any comments or additional details about the information provided above may be entered here.

  1. Describe the typical distance range, and timeframe, for local delivery service provided bythe dedicated delivery drivers at individual store or warehouse locations. (e.g., delivery is provided within X miles of the store and is typically completed within X number of hours).
  1. Does your company offer an online product catalog and/or online ordering? [Enter Yes or No. If “Yes,” describe the online capabilities of your website. Include in the description the information listed below].
  1. Product Information. Are all products that are available listed online, and what are the search capabilities (e.g., by part type, part number, vehicle model).
  2. Pricing. The availability of pricing online, if the pricing displayed is retail or other, and if it can be customized for an OGS contract (e.g., to display discounted NYS Contract pricing).
  3. Delivery Options. If a customer can choose only in-store delivery or is delivery available statewide, and the timeframe for delivery (e.g., within 24 hours), and how is delivery provided (e.g., by common carrier such as FedEx or via a company-owned delivery service).
  1. Describe the type(s) of discount structure that your company could offer to NYS in a contract (e.g. discount from a published list or retail price, company cost plus a percentage markup, or other). Include a description of available tiered pricing.[Note: do not list specific discount percentages].
  1. Authorized Users of OGS contracts must have the ability to verify that they have received the agreed-upon contract price. This is achieved on the current contractsby having the entire pricelist posted on the OGS website (a list of approximately 1.8 million parts). For the discount structure(s) that your company could provide, how else would a contract user be able to verify that the price invoiced is correct (e.g., via your company providing the user with a copy of a published pricelist, searchable database, screenshot of a database, or a website showing the list or retail price)?
  1. How often does your company update its undiscounted list or retail pricing, and what prompts the update (e.g., manufacturer price changes, market conditions)?
  1. In the solicitation resulting in the current OGS award, the Automotive Parts and Supplies were divided into the Lots and groups listed below, with a single discount required for each group within the Lot being bid. Please provide input on these groups and suggest any changes that may be beneficial to OGS, the contractors, and the contract users (e.g., different Lots, combining groups, eliminating or adding groups).

  1. Authorized Users of OGS contracts purchase parts and supplies for Class 1 and 2 light duty vehicles (e.g., cars, vans, SUVs, pickups), and Class 3 through 8 trucks. Both aftermarket third-party and OEM (e.g., Chevrolet, Ford, International, Henderson, Cummins, Viking Cives) parts are desired. In addition to the aftermarket third-party parts and supplies commonly purchased for light duty vehicles, does your company have the ability to provide parts for Class 3 through 8 trucks and OEM parts? If “Yes,” should these parts be grouped separately in a bid, so that your company has the ability to offer different discounts than the light duty vehicles aftermarket third-party parts? Please provide input on how to group these parts in a bid document
  1. In the 2016 calendar year, Authorized Users of OGS contracts purchased only 19,300 of the approximately 1.8 million Automotive Parts and Supplies included on the contract pricelists. Approximately 2,600 parts were purchased “frequently” (i.e., at leastten ordered in 2016, and at least ten separate orders placed in 2016).For example, in 2016 OGS contract users placed 52 separate orders, totaling 224 individual items of Part Number BP2475H7 (Wagner Lighting Products).

Instead of listing all available parts on a contract pricelist, OGS may consider listing only the frequently purchased parts with its agreed-upon NYS contract price, and having all other parts be available at an agreed-upon discount from the current published list or retail price. Please provide input on this methodology.

Also, please provide a separate document, preferably in Excel, that lists the Automotive Parts and Supplies that your company considers to be “frequently” purchased. Include in the list the part numbers, manufacturer name, and part description.

  1. Do you, the suppliers and professionals, have any additional thoughts, ideas or practices for contracting for Automotive Parts and Supplies that you feel would help to potentially make the solicitation and contract use process more efficient for both you and your customers? Please provide input below or on a separate document.
