Griffith Service Manager (GSM)


Here are the key terms you will need to know to work with the Griffith Service Manager. The focus is on Incident and Request.

Term / Definition / Context
Action / An Action is an activity that can be initiated manually (from a button, link, menu bar item, or Widget) or automatically (from an Automation Process, One-Step™, or email Monitor) to execute a command (ex: Print) or display/run a GSM Item / Interface
Action toolbars / The Action toolbars display buttons specific to the type of record displayed in the Main Pane (ex: The Incident toolbar displays when an Incident is active). These toolbars are created as part of the Business Object definition in GSM Administrator. / Interface
Alt. Contact Info / Alternate phone number or e-mail address of the Customer who initiated the Incident/Request. / Record Management
Arrangement / The Arrangement dynamically displays linked child records, such as Journals, Tasks, Approvals, etc. / Record Management
Automation Process / Automation Processes allow GSM Users to automate behaviour by creating rules for the system to follow.
Blueprint / A Blueprint is a working copy of changes to your GSM system definitions (Business Objects, Fields, Forms, Grids, etc.) that allows you to make offline changes and then publish them to your live system at a later time. / System Administration
Bomgar / Bomgar® is a remote support solution that enables secure, real-time remote support sessions. Griffith Service Manager (GSM) integrates with Bomgar so that GSM technicians and Customers can launch remote support sessions directly from GSM to encourage real-time collaboration and fast resolution of IT issues. Session details (ex: Chat conversation history) can then be stored in an applicable Business Object. / Tool
Browser Client / The GSM Browser Client is a web application that enables Users to access most of the features available from the GSM Windows-based Desktop Client using a browser. The GSM Browser Client supports most major modern browsers on desktop machines and tablets. / Interface
Business Object / A Business Object is a definition-powered business entity that stores data to help organizations manage their various workflows and business processes. For example, the Incident Business Object embodies everything about an Incident (ex: Who initiated it, how it is categorized, to whom it is assigned, etc.). / System Administration
Category / Service Category that the record relates to (ex: Mobile Client). / Record Management
Change Advisory Board (CAB) / The Change Advisory Board (CAB) is a group of people that support the assessment, prioritization, authorization and scheduling of Changes. At Griffith CAB meets on Wednesday mornings / Process
Change Management / GSM Change Management ensures that Changes are recorded, classified, scheduled, implemented, and reviewed to minimize Service disruption to the company. / Process
Change Request / A Change Request is a record that tracks the addition, removal, or modification of anything that could affect IT Services. These can include changes to architectures, processes, tools, metrics, documentation, and other Configuration Items. / Process
Cherwell Mobile / Cherwell Mobile is a mobile platform that provides access to Griffith Service Manager (GSM) via mobile devices, either through native applications or appropriate browser support. / Interface
Cherwell Mobile for Android / Cherwell Mobile for Android™ is the Griffith Service Manager (GSM) Android app, which provides access to GSM from an Android™ device. / Interface
Cherwell Mobile for Browser / Cherwell Mobile for Browser is a mobile-optimised website that provides access to Griffith Service Manager (GSM) from mobile devices that have appropriate browser support (ex: Windows® and Blackberry® mobile devices). / Interface
Cherwell Mobile for iOS / Cherwell Mobile for iOS®, formerly called iCherwell™, is the Griffith Service Manager (GSM) iOS app, which provides access to GSM from your iOS device. / Interface
Cherwell Report Writer / The Cherwell Report Writer is a built-in report writing tool accessed through the Report Wizard that helps Users create GSM Reports quickly and easily. / Reporting
Cherwell Service Management (CSM) / Cherwell Service Management™ (CSM) is a configurable, scalable, Out-Of-The-Box (OOTB) service desk solution based on IT Service Management (ITSM) best practices and the ITIL framework. CSM has been used to build the Griffith Service Manager. / Product
Configuration Item / Configuration Items (CIs) are assets that make up the CMDB that are managed to avoid disruptions to Services. / Record Management
Configuration Management Database (CMDB) / The Configuration Management Database (CMDB) is a repository of Configuration Items (CIs). / System Administration
Custom Query Builder / The Custom Query Builder allows you to create an exclusive search that finds all records meeting a unique criteria. / Searching
Custom Search / A Custom Search is an exclusive search that finds all records meeting unique criteria (ex: Add search criteria to a Chart Widget). Custom searches are meant to be defined on-the-fly for unique scenarios, but can also be saved as Search Groups if necessary. / Searching
Customer / A Customer is an End-User, either an internal employee or an external individual, who relies on GSM to initiate/fulfil a Service or Product (ex: A person reporting a lost password or requesting a new phone). If configured, a Customer can access GSM data and perform self-service activities using the Portal. A Customer is assigned to one, and only one, Security Group (so they can access specific functionality and data) can log in using their default Role (so they can have a personal Customer View) and can belong to one or more Workgroups (so they can share GSM items, such as Dashboards). / System Administration
Customer Survey / A Customer Survey is a GSM tool that generates questions used by the company to obtain feedback from Customers regarding a product or service. / Record Management
Dashboard / A Dashboard is a configurable, interactive, and insightful console capable of initiating commands and Actions, and providing real-time, at-a-glance information through the use of filterable, configurable Widgets (Action Catalogues, Websites, Buttons and Links, Charts, Command Palettes, Gauges, Matrixes, Search Controls, Search Results, Twitter Feeds, RSS Feeds, and Shapes). / Interface
Dashboard Viewer / The Dashboard Viewer is a stand-alone tool that displays a single GSM Dashboard or cycles through a group of Dashboards (called a Slideshow) without consuming a license. / Interface
Emergency Change / An Emergency Change is a break in the system and must be addressed immediately so that the system can resume operation. Since the Change is critical, it requires immediate attention from either the CAB or Emergency Change Advisory Board (ECAB). / Process
Emergency Change Advisory Board (ECAB) / The Emergency Change Advisory Board (ECAB) is a subgroup of the Change Advisory Board that makes decisions about Emergency Changes. / Process
Field / A Field is a basic unit of information (ex: ID, last name, address, etc.) that is specific to a Business Object (ex: Incident, Problem, Service, Customer, etc.). / Record Management
Form / A GSM Form is a graphical representation of a GSM Business Object that is used to view and input data directly into the Business Object's Fields using configurable Form Controls (ex: Text boxes, combo boxes, links, buttons, etc.) and an optional Form Arrangement (special tabbed area that displays related data). When you view an Incident record in GSM, you are viewing the Incident Business Object Form; each Form Control represents an Incident field. / Record Management
Grid / A GSM Grid is a tabular view of GSM data from a Business Object. / Interface
GSM / Griffith Service Manager. At Griffith this term is used to identify the IT Service Management System used by INS to manage incidents, requests, change, problems and release. / Product
GSM Desktop Client / The GSM Desktop Client is the main application in the GSM suite. The Client runs under Microsoft® Windows®, and provides all the features and default Business Objects/processes for service desk professionals to effectively and proactively manage their support desks. / Interface
Heads-Up Display (HUD) / The Heads-Up Display (HUD) is a transparent, pop-up Dashboard that can be accessed from almost anywhere in GSM by pressing F4 on your keyboard. / Interface
Impact / A measure of the effect of an incident, problem or change on business processes. Impact is often based on how service levels will be affected. Impact and urgency are used to assign priority. / Process
Incident / An Incident is an unplanned interruption to a Service or a reduction in the quality of a Service (ex: Something is not working). / Process
Incident Matching / Incident Matching is performed to determine if the Incident/Request has a known solution/workaround, is part of a larger Problem, is a duplicate, etc. Matching Incidents are displayed on the Similar Incidents tab (Arrangement). / Incident/Service Request Management
Incident Priority / The Incident Priority indicates the level of priority. / Incident/Service Request Management
Item Manager / GSM Item Managers help manage (view, create, edit, organize, or delete) GSM Items (Dashboards, Search Groups, One-Steps, etc.). / System Administration
Journal / A Journal is a record that tracks what occurs during the lifecycle of a record. Journals vary depending on the Business Object they support and what they track, either Notes or History. / Record Management
KA / Knowledge Article. / Knowledge Management
Knowledge Article / A Knowledge Article (KA) is a record that shares Knowledge (ex: FAQs, how-tos, workarounds/solutions, tutorials, processes, reference, etc.) among Users and Customers. / Knowledge Management
Knowledge Search / A Knowledge Search is a search that runs against the GSM Knowledge Base and the Web to quickly find solutions (ex: Find information relating to Account Management). Knowledge Searches can also treat existing records in GSM as Knowledge Sources. / Knowledge Management
Known Error / A Known Error is the root cause of a Problem and has a workaround to keep employees operating while the Problem is being resolved. / Knowledge Management
Linked Incidents / Displays related Incidents that involve this Incident. / Incident/Service Request Management
Main Pane / Displays the main form fields. The Main panes greatly vary. / Record Management
Main toolbar / The Main toolbar displays buttons for performing common GSM operations. / Interface
Major Incident / When checked, indicates that the Incident/Request is considered a Major Incident (ex: a Priority 1 Incident/Request that requires a coordinated effort). / Incident/Service Request Management
mApp / A GSM mergeable application (mApp™) is a bundle of GSM system definitions (Business Objects/Fields, Forms, Grids, Relationships, Actions/One-Steps, Search Groups, etc.), along with merge instructions, that allows definitions to be transferred between databases and functionality to be merged. / System Administration
Metric / A GSM Metric is a stored measurement query whose value can be used to measure, monitor, and predict service desk performance and trends (ex: Average time to resolve Incidents). / Reporting
Mobile Dashboard / A Mobile Dashboard is a simpler version of a GSM Dashboard that is optimised to be accessed from a mobile device. / Interface
Mobile Form / A Mobile Form is a simplified version of a GSM Form that is optimised for GSM Mobile Users accessing GSM on a mobile device. / Interface
MRU / Most recently used. / Acronym
Navigation toolbar / The Navigation toolbar displays buttons for navigating between records (ex: Incident, Problem, etc.). / Interface
Normal Change / A Normal Change is undocumented and it is unknown how the Change might affect the system. Though the CAB must approve the Change before implementation, it is not considered a high priority, and can be addressed during the regular CAB meeting time. / Process
One-Step / A One-Step™ is an entity that initiates one or more defined Actions (ex: Create an Incident record). / Record Management
One-Step Editor / The One-Step™ Editor is a tool that allows you to easily create simple or complex One-Steps to automate common or repetitive tasks in GSM. / Tool
OOTB / Out of the box. / Acronym
Portal / The GSM Customer Portal is a highly configurable web application that enables Customers to securely and conveniently access their GSM data (ex: Incidents, company news, documents, the Service Catalogue, etc.) using a browser. A Portal supports multiple sites (for different types of Users), and also allows managers to access their Team’s data. / Customer Interface
Portal Dashboard / A Portal Dashboard is a custom, interactive, and insightful console that is optimised to provide helpful at-a-glance self-service information and navigation for Customers accessing a Portal Site. / Customer Interface
Portal Site / A Portal Site is a collection of self-service information in a GSM Portal that is dedicated to a topic or function. / Customer Interface
Priority / The priority is used to establish timescales and effort to respond to and resolve an issue (Incident or Request). Priority is derived from an impact and urgency Priority Matrix. / System Administration
Priority Bar / Priority bar is located in the Quick Info Tile and displays the Incident priority. / Interface
Priority Matrix / The Priority Matrix is a visual display of priority levels based on the correlation between Urgency (High, Medium, Low) and the Impact (Organisation, Group, Individual). / Interface
Problem / A Problem is the cause of one or more related Incidents. Problems involve a more complicated issue than Incidents, and require a deeper investigative process so that the Incidents do not reoccur. / Process
Problem Management / GSM Problem Management is the process that ensures that the root cause of multiple Incidents is resolved as quickly as possible. / Process
Prompt / A Prompt is a display window that requires Users to provide information before proceeding with a process or Action (ex: Specify the reason for putting an Incident into Pending status). / Interface
Query / A Query defines the criteria for retrieving specific data (ex: find All Incidents). / Searching
Query Builder / A Query Builder allows you to build Queries through the use of one or more independently created Clauses. / Searching
Queue / A Queue is a mechanism for routing issues to a particular person or group so the most qualified person can start working on the issue right away. / Record Management
Quick Info Tile / The Quick Info Tile displays important at-a-glance information, such as ID, Status bar (current and next status), record ownership, and common operations (I Want To). / Record Management
Quick Search / A Quick Search is a simple query that quickly finds all records containing a specific word or phrase (ex: Show all records whose description contains the word "phone").
Compare: Specific Search / Searching
Quick Search Query Builder / The Quick Search Query Builder allows you to create a Quick Search. / Searching
Record / A GSM record is a collection of Business Object data represented as a Form and Grid. Records are used to track and relay information. / Record Management
Record Locking / Record locking is the ability to prevent record editing (or warn that a record is locked) so that multiple Users do not make simultaneous changes to the same record. Read-only access is still allowed. / Record Management
Relationship / A Relationship is an association between two Business Objects that allows data to be pulled together in meaningful ways. For example, the Incident Business Object is often in a Relationship with the Customer Business Objects so that Incidents can be associated with the appropriate Customers. When Business Objects are in a Relationship, one object is known as the parent and the other is the child. / Record Management
Release / A Release is the deployment of one or more Configuration Items (CIs) that are built, tested, and deployed together. Releases involve extensive planning, building, and testing to ensure that existing Services are not impacted by the deployment. / Process
Release Management / GSM Release Management is the process that ensures that builds are created, tested, and deployed without affecting the stability of existing Services. / Process
Report / A formal Report is a .rpt file that is a formatted and organized presentation of GSM data that meets defined criteria (ex: Most Popular Knowledge Articles displayed in descending order as color-coded alert bars). Where ad-hoc Reports pull data for a specific or immediate use (ex: A data-driven Widget on a Dashboard), formal Reports are generated, organized, and designed using defined criteria that the User selects. These Reports are typically run through the Report Manager and the Report Wizard, though formal Reports can be run using a command-driven Widget on a Dashboard or using a One-Step. / Reporting
Request for change (RFC) / A formal proposal for a change to be made. It includes details of the proposed change, and may be recorded on paper or electronically. The term is often misused to mean a change record, or the change itself. / Process
Resolution / Action taken to repair the root cause of an incident or problem, or to implement a workaround. In ISO/IEC 20000, resolution processes is the process group that includes incident and problem management. / Process
Resolution Details / Displays related Resolution Detail records that are created to track the Resolution Details and possibly the Cause Code (if it is an Incident). / Record Management