Name: Alexis Jackson

Classification: Senior

Major: Biomedical Sciences


COSAM Leader

Social Sorority

Auburn University Student Recruiter

SGA Cabinet: Assistant Director of HSLC

BSU Cabinet: Freshman Liaison

Platform: Many students on Auburn’s campus are overwhelmed. The challenge of completing schoolwork, balancing involvement, discerning purpose, and nurturing relationships can be taxing. This stress can coerce a student to adapt a negative perspective towards life as a whole, stemming symptoms such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and an overall poor health.

I have been that engulfed student before. My life seemed to be drowned and defined by my responsibilities and commitments, and I often had a difficult time grabbing a breath of fresh air. Throughout my time here at Auburn University, I am discovering that the art of overcoming these challenges is finding balance, and the starting point of this balance lies in pursuing wellness. The Auburn Creed states that Auburn men and women“believe in a sound mind, a sound body, and a spirit that is not afraid.” Through our traditions, initiatives, and service,it is evident that the Auburn student body, community, and alumni care about the well being of the individual. Wellnessaligns with our values by encouraging individuals to pursue a healthy mental, physical, and spiritual lifestyle.

As a Miss Homecoming Top 5 Candidate it is my passion to work with different sectors, at Auburn and within the community, to raise awareness about the importance of viewing health holisticallycoupled with having a positive view of self.I will be partnering with Active Minds at Auburn and Auburn University Counseling Services to provide information about developing and maintaining healthy thoughts and a sound mind. I also will be working alongside the Auburn Health Promotion and Wellness Servicesto provide practical tips on how to make healthy lifestyle decisions physically. Lastly, I will be hosting focus groups that address relevant spirituality topics and encourage others to evaluate life introspectively.

I believe that whether one is juggling seventeen hours and having an on campus job, or being a mother and a business owner, finding balance through wellness is pertinent to students, faculty, and alumni alike. If selected as Miss Homecoming, I will be beyond grateful and humbled for the ability to serve, influence, and impact the lives of others as we join together to celebrate the university that we love and cherish.