KatyIndependentSchool District
2011KISD Livestock Show
General Rules
The Katy ISD Agricultural Science instructors shall be the final authorities of these rules and regulations and arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions, and differences in regard thereto or otherwise arising out of connection with, or incidental to the show.
- Only Katy ISD FFA dues paying members of good standing with their chapter and enrolled in classes of Agricultural Science (both fall and spring semesters) are eligible to qualify as exhibitors. An exhibitor is a student who weighs an animal in at the Katy ISD FFA annual show.
- Students shall be eligible to attempt meeting qualifications for only four years and shall not exhibit livestock in the show for more than four years.
- All Katy ISD FFA members may begin meeting eligibility requirements for the 2011 show at the conclusion of the 2010 show. Each year’s activities will run show date to show date.
- All FFA members must attend the KISD FFA Livestock Show Rules Meeting accompanied by at least one parent or guardian and attend all FFA meetings for the year. These meetings will be held on September 14, 2010and repeated on September 15, 2010. (Any exception must be cleared in advance with the student’s agricultural science instructors).
- All required fees, entries, animal costs, etc. must be paid prior to September 17, 2010 for exhibitors to be eligible for competition.
- University Interscholastic League rules of eligibility will apply to both the show and sale.
- Any student who is suspended from school or placed in OAC will be ineligible to show. Any student placed in ISS for more than three days or more than one time during the school year will be ineligible to show.
- All students must adhere to the dress code regulations as stated in the Katy ISD policy. All girls shall keep hair neatly and properly groomed. The boys shall keep their hair neatly groomed, off ears and standing collar. Boy’s earrings, boy’s body piercing and girls’body piercings are not accepted during the qualifying year.
- Exhibitor Eligibility – Each exhibitor shall meet the following requirements:
- Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of expense, income and other pertinent information.
- Complete 10 community service hours prior to the Livestock Show approved by the AST.
- In the first year of exhibition, recite the FFA Creed during the first semester of ag enrollment.
- First year exhibitors must complete the online Quality Counts Program ( as instructed to do so by the AST, and turn in the required documentationon or before the end of 1st semester to their AST.
- Participate in at least two different activities in the same semester or the same activity in two different semesters above the chapter level. Progress shows are not acceptable.
- Participate in chapter fundraising activities and have $500 in gross sales annually, which must include at least one catalog ad. This entitles each Greenhand (first year) member
to a chapter purchased FFA jacket.
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- When progress shows are held for specific species (steers, hogs, goats, lambs), the exhibitors are encouraged to participate and shall be responsible for the transportation of their livestock.
11.All FFA meetings and work assignments held during show week shall be attended by all FFA members. Activities such as picture taking, parade assignments, hauling equipment and supplies, and clean-up details are included. Monetary fees ($25.00) will be levied for missing their assignments.
- Each exhibitor must show his/her own animal in the show ring during the KISD FFA Livestock Show unless an emergency arises and substitutions are pre-approved by the Agricultural Science instructors.
- Upon receiving their livestock show pictures, students will have two weeks to complete their picture delivery and return signed documentation to their AST. Failure to meet this deadline will result in a late penalty of $25 per day.
13.The exhibitors must be present in official dress during the show and auction with their animals fully groomed when pictures are scheduled.
14.Each exhibitor must write a buyer “Thank You” letter, present that letter to his/her Agricultural Science teacher for approval, and receive that approval by March 11th to be eligible to receive his/her Livestock Show check. Failure to meet this deadline will result in a late penalty of $25 per day.
15.Students violating show rules shall be required to immediately remove their entries from the show grounds.
16.During the livestock show, no animals will be allowed in the show pavilion except animals exhibited by eligible KISD students enrolled in the Agricultural Science program.
17.During the show, on weekdays students are expected to be at the show facility during normal school hours unless they have pre-approval from their Ag Science instructor.
18.At the conclusion of the premium sale, all exhibitors must remove all personal equipment from the show pavilion. Any items left will be considered property of KISD, and handled accordingly.
19.During the livestock show, the barn will close nightly at 8:00 PM. All feeding, care, etc. must be done prior to this time each day.
20.Projects will be pre-stalled at the progress show and the livestock show. Exhibitors may be required to share pens, and should make plans accordingly. KISD does not guarantee a pen for each project at the show facility.
21.Any student who withdraws from enrollment in KISD for any reason will not be eligible to exhibit a market animal at that school year’s show.
23.To be an exhibitor of any Katy ISD FFA Chapter, any animal project, local or major, must be
housed within the KISD boundaries, unless it is their primary residence.
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24.All animal pen(s) must be clean at all times. Any animal not fed, watered, and cared for daily will be removed from the facility at the owner’s expense. Steps followed when failure to maintain proper care of pen area and animal care are:
*First offense – The student will receive a letter from the AST, which constitutes a warning, and the problem must be remedied within two (2) days of letter’s date to the satisfaction of the agricultural science teacher. The letter will be signed by both the student and the parent, and filed in the CTE office of KISD. A copy of the letter will be made available to the campus administrator of the student.
*Second Offense – Will follow the same steps as above, but will be considered a final warning.
*Third Offense - The student will be evicted from the facility and the animal will be removed from the premises at the owner’s expense.
*Fourth Offense– If the animal has not been removed from the barn within 72 hours of having been served an eviction notice via certified mail, the animal will be sold at auction. If the animal was sponsored by a scramble or non-profit organization, any residual funds (after all outstanding dues and fees are paid) shall be returned to that organization. If the animal was not purchased by a scramble or non-profit organization, any residual funds (after outstanding dues and fees are paid) shall be donated to the student’s FFA chapter.
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