3.1 The significance of tutoring for students
3.2 Tasks of a tutor
3.2.1 Easing the chaos of first days
3.2.2 Introducing studying in Oulu UAS
3.2.3 Encouraging group spirit
3.3 Tutor needs to know his/her responsibilities
3.4 Characteristics of a tutor
5.1 Join the fun!
6.1 What does the international tutor student need to know/do?
Congratulations, you have made a right choice starting your journey as an international tutor. Foreign students need someone to help them to cope with their studies and student life as well as with culture shock. As an international tutor you will be a friend and a guide.You might be the first person a foreign student learns to know in Finland and it is your job to make sure that the student finds important places and people. As an international tutor also you benefit from your work. International affairs have become a part of our everyday life and also labour market call for international know-how. You gain new friends, get to know different cultures, get international work experience and improve your language skills. We hope that this guide will be at use for you in everyday situations with international students.
We wish you happy and pleasant moments as a tutor!
The aim of this small dictionary is to clarify some of the concepts that relate to tutoring. Clarifying is needed as these concepts are used in many different places and have many meanings. This following terminology is used in Oulu University of Applied Sciences.
Alumni: The word means former students. In this context it means students that have graduated from Oulu UAS and are already in the work life. An alumnus visits his/her former school and tells about his/her employment and tasks.
Callidus tutor, a.k.a. experience tutor: A student, who has personal experience of a phase in the study path. These phases might include international exchange, practical training or bachelor’s thesis. Experience tutor can offer his/her experience-based knowledge on the subjects.
International and cultural affairs: Operations and activities of OSAKO have been divided into different sectors. The member of the board in co-operation with the Secretary of International and Cultural Affairs carries out the activities of international and cultural affairs. Together they organize cultural events, trips, sauna evenings, Study Abroad days etc. for and with the students of Oulu UAS, above all, in the frame of Club KulttuRally. More about the club see chapter 5.
International tutor: International tutor is a guide and a support for the exchange students. International tutor advises exchange students in education related questions and helps exchange students to adjust to Finnish culture, especially to the life in Oulu. An international tutor participates in the international tutor training.
KAJ: The short form KAJ comes from the Finnish word “Koulutusalajärjestö”. Students of almost each school in Oulu UAS have their own branch organisations. These organisations are called Field-specific Student Associations.
OSAKO: Student Union of Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OSAKO) is a non-political service and support organisation for all students in Oulu UAS. Law prescribes its status.
SAMOK:Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences - SAMOK is an umbrella organisation of non-university higher education students in Finland. SAMOK is a self-sufficient and politically independent national interest and service organisation of students. OSAKO is a member of SAMOK.
Secretary of International and Cultural Affairs: Student Union of Oulu UAS (OSAKO) has an employee, who works in the field of organizing cultural and Study Abroad events for the students as well as coordinating activities of Club KulttuRally. The Secretary of International and Cultural Affairs co-operates with the member of the board who is responsible for the international and cultural affairs.
Secretary of Educational Affairs: Student Union of Oulu UAS (OSAKO) has a full time employee, who works in the field of tutor coordinating and the development of tutoring. Secretary of Educational Affairs is also responsible for the training of new tutors. Secretary of Educational Affairs co-operates with the member of the board who is responsible for the tutorial affairs.
Teacher tutor: In each school of Oulu UAS, there is a teacher tutor for each group of students. Teacher tutor works as an instructor for the student group in areas such as planning the studies, and helps students in study related decisions. Teacher tutor follows and supports his/her own students through out the study path.
Educational affairs: Operations and activities of OSAKO have been divided into different sectors. Educational affairs are one of them. There is two member of the board responsible for the educational affairs and one of them is focused on tutorial matters. This member of the board works in the field of tutor coordinating and the development of tutoring in co-operation with Secretary of Educational Affairs.
Tutor representative: Each school in Oulu UAS has a tutor representative, who usually is a board member in the field-specific student association. Tutor representative is the person in charge of tutor activities inside his/her school. Tutor representative works together with the study advisor, secretary of studies and teacher tutors of his/her school. Tutor representative arranges tutor meetings with other tutors in the school. Tutor representative is the first person for a tutor to turn to in need of help and guidance. Tutor representative works as a link between his/her school and OSAKO.
Tutor student: A student, who acts as a tutor for Oulu UAS students on voluntary basis. Student tutor is usually an older student. Student tutor may also be known as a peer tutor.
Tutor team: Tutor team consists of OSAKO’s member of the board who is responsible for the tutorial matters, Secretary of Educational Affairs and the tutor representatives of the field-specific student associations. Tutor team is a tool for planning tutor trainings and developing tutor activities. Tutor team is assembled roughly once per month and is open for all students interested on tutor activities.
Tutoring is a part of student guidance in Oulu UAS and is based on the student’s path concept. Student’s path includes the start of the studies; the middle and the final phase of studies as well as graduating and employment follow up. Students need guidance through out their studies, but the requirement and form of tutoring varies depending on the phase of studies.
In the beginning of studies guidance includes integration to studies and to the study community. Group formation and group spirit is also an important thing to notice in the beginning of studies. An important factor in the middle phase of studies is to help the students to find the right kind of approach to studies, so that they do not feel alienated from the school or studies. Supporting the planning of studies is a good way of tutoring in this phase. In the final phase of studies a tutor should support the students in completing their studies. Bachelor’s thesis guidance and helping in applying for a job are good examples of tutoring in the final phase of studies.
The most active phases in student tutoring are informing the applicants and in the beginning of studies. Marketing tutors visit other educational institutes and various events telling about their own degree program and studying in Oulu UAS in general. Student tutors work usually also as guides during entrance exams. During the first days of school year student tutors work together with teacher tutors and welcome, guide and help students to adjust to a different education system and episode of life.
Student tutoring is also needed in the middle and final phase of studies. Student tutors can help in improving studying skills. Callidus tutors can also help in these phases. They have experience on some phases of studies such as exchange or bachelor’s thesis and thus they can help students in relating problems that puzzle them. Callidus tutor can help in study planning, determining the suitable work placement, etc. In the final phase of studies alumni are helping the students as a peer tutor. There are alumnus evenings held in some schools of Oulu UAS, where former students tell about their graduation and about their work life.
This following chapter discusses about the significance of tutoring for students. Tutors tasks and responsibilities are also discussed. Finally we look into the skills that a tutor needs in his/her work.
3.1 The significance of tutoring for students
The importance of tutoring for students cannot be underestimated. Without tutors, the students might feel lost and alone during the first days of studies, and they couldn’t ask important questions from anyone. Tutor is the first link to a new study place for the students. As a result of tutoring, the adjusting process is easier.
3.2 Tasks of a tutor
Tutor student acts as a guide and a support for students.Tutor’s role is very important when new group is forming group spirit. He/she guides new students to know and meet all the new important places and people.
3.2.1 Easing the chaos of first days
The mission is to help the students in starting their studies and to help them in becoming a part of the student community. It is easy to put yourself in to the shoes of the students by thinking back how lost you were on your first day. How new everything was, how instructions were given from left and right, how you found the toilet and your way out. On top of this, the city might have been totally unfamiliar.
Luckily, students do not have to face the situation all on their own, because tutor is there to help. In the start of studies one of the most important things is to introduce the school facility, its library, dining room, toilet, classrooms and yes, the way out. It is also a good thing to make sure that students can navigate in the new town.
Tutor’s mission begins already in the spring at the tutors training, where he/she gets the vital information for acting as a tutor. Summer is a good time to think about the goals, which you want to achieve as a tutor. Drafting some kind of a tutoring plan helps to distinguish your own mission and helps you to be a more organised tutor.
3.2.2 Introducing studying in Oulu UAS
During the first days a tutor meets the students and spends time with them. It is worthwhile to plan the tutoring sessions beforehand so that all the important information is covered during these sessions. It is also important to cover issues that the students want to know about. The students are usually interested in tutor’s own studying experiences, different studying possibilities in the school, planning their studies and the benefits of the education in the labour market.
Introducing and integrating to a new kind of studying culture is very important. As a tutor you can clarify the process of getting a student card, introduce the student sports services and tell about various student events. Various organisations and unions that work for the benefit of students have events where information about their activities is given.
3.2.3 Encouraging group spirit
One of the most important tasks of a tutor is to promote and encourage the student group to have the right kind of group spirit. For students coming from another culture it is very important to feel welcome and to find new friends right in the beginning of their studies. It is also important to get the quietest students to participate in various activities. Encouraging students to get to know each other can also be done during leisure time. It is actually the best time for this. A tutor is not a superman or a -woman, and the only task of a tutor is not entertaining the students, but a tutor might very well have a couple of get-together’s with the students in his or her free time. Here, the tutor can steer the students into a direction where they start organising their own get-togethers and parties. A good opportunity to do just this is to join the Club KulttuRally. When arranging get-togethers or parties, a tutor should keep in mind the differences in philosophy and way of life between the students, and also the fact that students often do not have the dough to spend on such events. As an alternative choice for bar hopping, the events might be outdoors sports or indoor game-nights, etc.
3.3 Tutor needs to know his/her responsibilities
Acting as a tutor is a responsible task. A tutor is actively in contact with students, so the big picture of studying and the degree programme projects through the tutor. Obviously the tutor acts as him/herself, so the tutor needs to have genuine interest towards the mission of being a tutor. Energetic and bright appearance create positive image of the tutor and the school he/she represents.
A tutor needs to remember his/her responsibility as a representative of the degree programme, so he/she has to think carefully which kind of information is suitable to be given to new students. For example, own negative opinions on teachers or the school are not suitable information. This kind of tutoring does not benefit anyone; on the contrary it creates prejudiced viewpoint towards studies. A tutor has to let the students form their own opinions on matters.
The relationship between a tutor and a student is confidential. A tutor must also remember to tell this fact to the students. Students need to feel safe when they approach the tutor; they need to rely on the fact that all issues discussed stay between the tutor and the student. However, a tutor may face such tricky situations where his/her resources are no longer enough. In these situations, the tutor should know where to direct the student to further discuss the problems. It is also important to remember that when the tutor is arranging different kind of get-togethers or parties he/she is a leader of the group and is responsible for example premises that have been rented.
A tutor needs to have the ability to admit his/her limitations. A tutor is not – and does not have to be – an encyclopedia that has an answer to every single question. However, when the tutor encounters a problem or a question he/she does not have the solution or the answer, the tutor has to either find out about it, or direct the students to a person or an instance where the problem could be solved or the question answered.
Although tutoring is fun and joy, it might feel stressful from time to time. Thus, it would be good to meet regularly with other fellow tutors, for example in meetings organised by the tutor representative, where the colleagues could share experiences and learn from each other. You might want to summon the teacher tutor, study counsellor or co-ordinator who can give information on how to manage different situations in tutors work.
3.4 Characteristics of a tutor
As an external attribute of a tutor, the tutor uses a black t-shirt labelled ”tuutori” which is ordered in the tutor training. It is advisable to use it during the first days, so that recognising a tutor from the mass of students becomes easier to a newcomer. More important than external indicators, are the psychological characteristics of a tutor.
During his/her career a tutor meets many different kinds of people. It is clear that with some people “the chemistry” works better than others. There might also be students that need special support e.g. with a learning problem or disability. A tutor needs very sensitive “tentacles” to take into consideration and to treat every student as an individual.
It is tutors responsibility to create as open and broad-minded atmosphere as possible to the group, so that each individual would feel relaxed and diversity would be approved. Among the most important skills of a tutor are interaction skills. Tutor does not have to be a professional performer, but still you might want to pay attention to your body language. Looking directly to the eyes of the person you are speaking to and listening to students creates trust.
A tutor also needs to have information about his/her field of studies. The students will receive so much information that they cannot remember everything right away.