Date: February 21, 2016

We are glad that you chose our church to mark the season of Lent. During this season, we are all together in need of divine forgiveness, in need of power to lead more faithful Christian lives. Acceptance and support await you in our church. Just make yourself known to us, and you will see.

Greeting you today are Jen and Jim Maccarille. Ushers are Dino Sumerano and Jim Craven.

Sanctuary Flowers are placed in honor of Shirley Ruth on her 80th birthday, February 27 from her family.

Nursery Care for toddlers and infants is available in Room 7 and is provided by Jen Meyer, an experienced caregiver. If your little one would rather play or needs a break, please feel free to have them join the fun in the nursery.

Activities this week:

Before Worship: Choir Practice, 9:00 am

Sunday: Youth Group Meeting

Sock Hop, 4 pm

Tuesday: Guild Quilters, 9:30 am

Badminton, 9:30 am

Balance for Life, 11:00 am

Wednesday: Bible Study, 7:30 am

Thursday Badminton, 9:30 am

Join us in Schadewald Hall after worship for fellowship. Refreshments are provided by Roberta Falatyn and Karin Lamb. We love all goodies -homemade or store bought. Please sign up for refreshments for fellowship hour. There is a signup sheet posted in Schadewald Hall.

Our Mission of the Month for February: Our February mission is to collect for the Woman’s Auxiliary of Hurley Fire District #1. They have a loan closet which includes items like wheel chairs, walkers, crutches etc. They need contributions to help with repair, maintenance and replacement. The loan closet is a resource that can be used by anyone in the community.

Today is Soup Sunday featuring Italian Wedding Soup (YUM!) $7 a quart.

Brooks BBQ!!!! Youth Group is sponsoring BBQ on March 1st, 4 pm and 7 pm. Call Kathleen (845-514-2868) for reservations. You can leave a message).

Contribution Statements for 2015 are available in the office.

Spire materials are due! (what already?!?) You know what to do.

Get well soon!! Betty Pirro is in rehab at Benedictine Hospital. Kathy Musialkiewicz is recuperating after a fall resulting in two broken wrists. Marvin Schildhorn is recuperating after a hospital stay.

As many of you know, the barn that housed Wayne Waligurski’s business burnt down this week. Prayers for his well-being and loving support for him and his family during this trying time are requested.

Journey through Lent with daily devotions found on One journey is a written one through the Gospel of Luke. (This one you can also download through the church’s website). The other is a series of videos entitled “Abundance in the Wilderness.” Well worth your consideration (a Dorothy review).

Building fund (envelope) donations for the month of February will be used for window repairs in the Hurley Nursery School rooms.

Easter Plant order form is one of the bulletin inserts this week. Orders are due by March 11. Speak with Doris Alden.

WALK FOR WATER: Grace Community Church of Lake Katrine is organizing a walk for water and I am hoping to organize a team from the HRC. The date is March 12 from 10-11 rain snow or shine. It is only a 1 mile walk, but here's the catch: you have to carry a 1 gallon jug or pail of water This attempts to help us understand the conditions in much of the developing world where the average distance to gather a bucket of water is 3.5 miles. It is $10 to participate or $25 per family. See Rebecca Masters to sign up.

Events at other churches in the region:

February 24, 93rd Annual Washington Day Dinner, Old Dutch Church, Honoring the Work of Family of Woodstock, 6:30 pm

February 27, Pot Roast Dinner, St John’s Reformed Church, Upper Red Hook, 4:30 – 7:00 pm

February 27, Saturday Night Matinee, Reformed Church of the Comforter. “Disney’s the Good Dinosaur”, 6:00 pm

March 5, “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made”, 2016 Women’s Conference, Brighton Heights Reformed Church, Staten Island, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

March 13, “Apocalypse: Then and Now” Second in a lecture series by

Dr. Bruce Chilton, Professor at Bard College, Rhinebeck Reformed Church, 1:00 pm. March 18 “Hope College Chapel Choir Concert”, First Reformed Church Fishkill, 7:00 pm

More information can be found on the bulletin board.

There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth: not going all the way, and not starting.” – Buddha

Seminar at the Parsonage



12-2:30 pm

Rev. James Alley and his wife Joan will describe the journey they took along the Camino de Santiago, a traditional pilgrimage route through Spain, and the personal spiritual journey that they experienced as they walked the path for six weeks. They will present a narrative and show slides of their journey. People have undertaken pilgrimages for thousands of years, with motives which have varied but have much in common. The discussion which follows can include ways that we today in the congregation and in general can undertake pilgrimage, or practice the attitudes of a pilgrim, in our path through modern life.

Rev. Alley received his B.A. From Princeton University, his M.A. From Brown University, and his Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary. He is recently retired from the ministry after serving the Katsbaan and Blue Mountain Reformed Churches. His wife Joan Alley taught in the Kingston School district as a social studies teacher and then middle school librarian.

Hurley Reformed Church – Pastoral Pilgrims

A History of the Ministers Who Have Served Hurley Reformed Church 1801-Present

A PowerPoint presentation developed by Wally Cook will be shown with commentary on March 13 at 11:30 am. (After coffee hour – plan to stay!)

A few teaser questions:

Who played tennis with Don Kent?

•Which Minister fought in the Revolutionary War?

•Who was Hurley’s youngest minister?

•Who was the first to preach totally in English?

•Who served the longest at Hurley?

•Who served the shortest??

•Who had the longest tenure in ministry? (hint: 72 years)

•Which minister was grandfather to a NYS Governor?

•Which minister took a second job as a milkman?

•Who was our first “homegrown” minister?

Why was it said that Hurley enjoyed ‘loving its ministers into the profession’?

We are rounding up information about Hurley Reformed Church’s “past pastors’. Have you looked at the roster of individuals on our pastoral board and wondered who they were – what they were like? We will try to bring our past ministers to life, but need your help! Any anecdotes or pictures of former pastors will be appreciated. Give your tidbit of information to Wally Cook.