2013 Greenwich Men’s Softball Town Tournaments

The Town Tournament will begin on Thursday, August 15th for the “A” Flight and Thursday and Friday, August 15thand 16thfor the “B” and “C” Flights. There will be three (3) Flights. All flights will run about two-three weeks and all Flights will be double elimination. Please read the information on this entire flyer carefully. Please note the Flight Eligibility, teams will play in their own division Any team may ask to move up and play in the “A” Flight and in that case only, we will allow teams to be play in two (2) Flights.There will be a limit of ten (10) teams in the “A “ Flight. Our plan is to play games at your usual fields until Labor Day. At this time, we plan to only play at Teufel Field after Labor Day. All games in the “A” Flight will be played at Teufel Field, with most games played on Thursdays and Mondays. This Flight will play by the rules used in the Town Thursday A League, which includes using bats that we provide and playing with 70 foot bases.


‘A’ Flight: Thursday “A” League, At Large Teams

‘B’ Flight: Thursday and Friday “B” Leagues

‘C’ Flight: Thursday and Friday “C” Leagues

Industrial and Master Leagues will have their own Tournament

NOTE: The GSO is not responsible for possible scheduling conflicts that could occur in this case.

NOTE: Teams may only use their Town Roster.

The seeding orders are listed above. Seeding is based on won/lost pct and will be determined by the most recent standings available, which will probably be about August 7th.

All teams must fill out the attached application form.

$120.00 Entry Fee Per Flight (Your Check is returned if there your Flight is filled).

Teams pay regular umpire fees per game to the final Threegames in every Flight.

No Umpire fees in games played beyond this point. (2 umpires)

Registration begins immediately by mail only to the Greenwich Softball Organization Inc. Entry Forms and checks made payable to the “G.S.O.”must be mailed to: Greenwich Softball Organization Inc. P.O. Box 4171, Greenwich, Ct. 06831. The deadline for receiptof your entry at the P.O. BoxisWednesday, August 7 at 5:00 pm. You will receive an e-mail confirmation that your entry has been received. If you don’t receive an e-mail, it is your responsibility to e-mail us at Teams must supply an e-mail address for the Town Tournament. We will e-mail the brackets, but your team must pick up the four (4) softballs that we provide on Monday, August 12 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm at the Parks and Recreation Conference Room on the Second Floor of Greenwich Town Hall, 101 Field Point Road, Greenwich, Ct. 06830

Note: Teams must be ready to play any weeknight and weekend other than Labor Day Weekend. This includes Friday, September 6.




(Based on number of your roster, plus one for your sponsor, maximum 15 shirts per team)

Any cancellations due to weather may push subsequent games back, if needed. You will need to call the hotline at 203-977-1701. There will be no games scheduled for Labor Day weekend, Friday, August 30 throughMonday, September 2. Games may be scheduled on other Friday evenings, or other weekends if needed due to weather.

Teams must be prepared to play starting Thursday, August 15 or Friday August 16.

Each team will receive four (4) new balls in the every flight. Each team will give the umpire one new ball for each game. Teams that get eliminated in a Losers Bracket game will give their extra new ball to the winning team. All teams losing games in the other Flights will give their extra new ball to the winning team. It is the winning team’s responsibility to ask for the new ball. The manager of the losing team shall have this extra ball in his team’s bench area. The “over the fence” home run rule at Teufel Field will apply.

Home team will be as stated on the bracket for your League Flight. When you reach the finals, the winner of the Winner’s Bracket will be home team for the first game. If the “if necessary” game is played, the other team will be the home team. Each team shall pay the appropriate umpire fees as described above. Game time will be 6:00 p.m. with a 15-minute courtesy period maximum. Games must start at the expiration of the courtesy period.

All Town Rules apply with the following exceptions:

Any game that is started, but stopped due to rain before it becomes a legal game will become a suspended game and will be re-started from that point.

Any game stopped due to darkness will become a suspended game and be finished from that point. The scheduling of completing these games will be at our discretion.

The run-ahead rules will be suspended in the Championship Game and “if necessary” game only.

Protests on eligibility must be submitted to the Recreation Division no later than 10:00 a.m. the morning after the game (Monday for a Friday or weekend game). If your team is notified that a protest is being filed against it, you will have two (2) hours from that point to file a counter-protest if you wish. All other Town rules apply.


1. ______2. A_____B_____C____

Team Name Flight Registering For

3. ______4. ______

Manager’s Name Day Phone

5. **______6. ______

Manager’s Address – if different from regular Night Phone


7. ** ______**______**______8. ______

Town State Zip E-Mail (Required)

Paid______Check #______By______