Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting
In attendance:Duke Spinelli, David Carter, John Davidson, Allen Hellegna, Sam Smith, Thad Dulin, Ken Drescher, George Furr, Jessica McKelder, Steve Yetman
Daylight Savings
- March 13 time change
- March 15 starts SCTAC
Duke to visit homeowner's association meetings around SCTAC to remind them of ride beginning Tuesday, March 15.
- GS élan involved, leading rides
- Family fun rides holding off until April
- Country rides are unofficial
- Looking for smaller groups, cultivate more ride leaders
- Route is well-marked
Lane's Calendar
- Duke to send out another email looking for interested persons to continue with the calendar
Follow up on Kevin Dunn and P3
- By laws won't allow us to sponsor
- We will try to get riders to ride it
- Will fall on same day as SC State RR Championships
- Advertise ride like we do our own rides
- Not putting proposal together for us
Speaker for April Club Meeting
- Exercise physiologist Vance Ferigno
- Sam Smith and Steve Bakerto make the ask
In future to have pictures of local rides we do and place online.
May is Bike Month
- Gain exposure for the club to make sure people know we're here
- Potential to partner with Bikeville, Andrew Meeker
- George to spearhead this effort
Need more people to attend meetings
- Coffee Underground tough toget to
- Sam mentioned thoughts on having meetings outside, can ride bike to
- Send emails out much earlier for scheduling purposes
Check written for Andrew Meeker for National Bike Summit
Motion accepted for $350 offer to counsel women Amy to offer to support her at the national bike summit.
Greenville Spinners Jerseys
- JD: consider doing 2 orders for Spinners Jerseys
- David: need to hold inventory for Spinner's Jerseys
- Do not have to make profit on it
- JD will stock 10 jerseys
- Carolina Tri willing to carry the jerseys?
- Pedal Chic for women's jerseys?
JD - Racing
- Partnership with GS élan
- "Racing 101"
- Matt at Ride On open for the 19th
- JD wants to make this annual event
Extra Special Thanks to Hincapie Sportswear for the Spring Training Series
- Races went off very well
Thanks to Duke for all his efforts.
Allen Hellenga - Mountain Biking
- Subaru Trail Care Crew Club Care Program, begins week of 3/7
- Thursday 6:30 pm, The Great Escape
- Friday, land manager training sessions
- Saturday, classroom session on building/maintaining trails. Work on trails that evening
- Event Saturday night at Chicora Alley
- Sunday ride at ParisMountain
Sam Smith- Treasurer
- Membership still coming in
- Asked Sally Nicholson to do unbiased check of books
Thad Dulin - Secretary
- Ride with Ronald Flyer
- April 2nd
George Furr – Member At Large
- Situation in the park in need of improvement
- Children without helmets
- Community needs education
- Traffic signals being ignored
Ken Drescher/Steve Yetman -Touring
- Next Touring Ride will be 42 mi.Packs Mt. Ride, date to be determined.
- Fire department to provide 18volunteers forOct 8th Cherokee Foothills Bike Tour
- Fire department wanted to start and finish at the department but we will useNGU for all activities
- 4 different routes (Cherokee Ride)
- Mark, Assistant Manager at BI-LO #92, has ride planned for April 24th through BI-LO's name, we will help promote his ride. He is a Spinner member.
- Mark donates foodvia BI-LO vendorsto Spinners TouringRides
- Thoughts on donation for North Greenville Athletic Department because they've stage Leaf Tour and Cherokee Foothills Rides, never charged us for anything.
- Motion accepted for $200 donation
David Carter - Webmaster
- Raised $300 for the Safety Foundation from the Reedy River Run volunteers
Duke Spinelli - President
- Volunteers services job well done
- Kudos to David for ReedyRiver participation
- Allen, Mountain Biking coming back into the lime light
- Everyone try to volunteer at least once, makes a huge difference
Meeting Adjourned at 7:25 pm.