56 North State, Orem, Utah
June 13, 2012
This meeting was for discussion purposes only. No official action was taken.
CONDUCTING Debbie Taylor
OREM ELECTED OFFICIALS Councilmembers Margaret Black, Karen McCandless, Mark Seastrand, and Brent Sumner
OREM STAFF Bruce Chesnut, City Manager; Karl Hirst, Recreation Director; Donna Weaver, City Recorder; and Rachelle Conner, Deputy City Recorder
ALPINE BOARD OF EDUCATION Mark Clement, Paula Hill, Terry Peterson, Jodee Sundberg, and Debbie Taylor
ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMIN. Vern Henshaw, Superintendent and Rob Smith, Assistant Superintendent
EXCUSED Mayor Jim Evans and Councilmember Mary Street
ABSENT Councilmember Hans Andersen
Mrs. Taylor called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m.
Items of Common Interest
School Construction Projects
Vern Henshaw, Superintendent, indicated he and Mr. Smith just drove by a few of the school projects going on in Orem. Cherryhill was being torn down that day and Westmore is progressing really well. The District wants the community to be proud of what they have. He expressed appreciation for the value of working together to have positive happen as a result of this partnership between the District and the City.
Rob Smith, Assistant Superintendent, briefed the Council on the status of the projects. Westmore is four weeks ahead of schedule. That project will be finished before next fall, and it looks really good. They are two days behind on the demolition of Cherryhill Elementary, but things are moving along nicely. Scera Park Elementary will have an aligned drop off, which will be finished by the fall. The Orem Engineering Department was able to find some funds to assist with this project. Cascade Elementary will have a new parking design on the north end of the school. That project will be bid out at the end of June.
Lakeridge Junior High
Mrs. McCandless advised that Lakeridge Junior High School has a 7th grade class that writes letters to the City Council each year telling them what they have done for service during the year, and they also give suggestions to the City. One letter asked for the possibility to have bottled water at school lunch for those that do not drink milk, so Mrs. McCandless wanted to pass that along. Mrs. McCandless said she enjoys reading these letters.
Joint Facilities
Mr. Chesnut indicated they still need to have a conversation about the Mountain View High School baseball and softball fields.
Mr. Hirst indicated a few years ago the City and District worked together to put in a retention basin in by Timpanogos High School that is used for soccer fields. The City has an opportunity to lease the property to the north from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to use for additional soccer fields. The City would need to use the high school parking lot.
Mr. Seastrand questioned whether this would replace the fields at the Cemetery Park. Mr. Hirst noted that is the plan.
Mrs. Black indicated she walks in that area and there have been banner signs facing the retention basin. Half of them are hanging down right now, and it is very unsightly.
Orem Cemetery
Terry Peterson advised he was at the cemetery recently and was so impressed with the upkeep of the grounds. He commended the employees for their efforts.
Mr. Seastrand indicated they had a really good report from the Gang Task Force last night. A lot of this is a result from them working with the school resource officers.
High School Recognitions
Mr. Seastrand advised the City has been recognizing the schools’ sports teams for their accomplishments. He said he did not want to limit it to just sports. He asked that the schools let them know about any major accomplishments they have, so the Council can recognize them.
Sleepy Ridge Development
Jodee Sundberg asked whether the growth by Sleepy Ridge is Orem growth or Vineyard growth. Mr. Chesnut replied some is Orem, but right now most of it is Vineyard. There will be a 110-lot development soon that will be in Orem.
Mr. Chesnut then noted that 575 South will remain open for access. The property owner has agreed to not close it off, which is very beneficial.
Set Date and Time for Next
The next meeting was scheduled for September 19, 2012, at noon in Orem.
The meeting adjourned at 1:01p.m.
Donna R. Weaver, City Recorder
Approved: June 19, 2012
Joint OremCity Council/Alpine School District Minutes – June 13, 2012 (p.3)