Using the examples provided as a source for ideas create a set of pictograms representing the Safety Color Code:
Green - Designates location of safety and first aid equipment
Red - Designates location of the firefighting equipment
Yellow - Designates caution and marks physical hazards (Such as steps)
Orange - Designates dangerous parts of equipment, which may cut, crush, shock, or otherwise injure a body.
Ivory - Highlights an area that might otherwise not be noticed
These will be drawn in black and white ONLY! You cannot use any words or typographical symbols to represent these color codes.
You are to draw 5 thumbnails of each color code (5 x 5 grid each) in your sketchpad.
You will have a total of 25 thumbnails when you are done, five for each color code. (50pts)
You will be graded on: Creativity – I am looking for new ideas not redrawn ideas that are copied from the internet. I have Googled these topics and I am familiar with the images that are out there.
On a separate sheet refine the best drawing of each set of thumbnails into a rough draft (15 x 15 grid each) in your sketchpad. You should have 5 rough drafts when you are done, one for each color code. (40pts)
You will be graded on: Craftsmanship - 70% Black tint on drawing. Black and White only. These should be well drawn. (Think about the level of work that went into creating your personal logo)
Answer the following Questions: (10pts)
The first graphic images that developed into our system of writing were called 1. ______. These images represented a basic vocabulary of 2. ______and 3. ______.
Over time 4. ______were developed to express more complex objects and concepts. These are called 5. ______.
The third stage in the evolution of written language is the 6. ______. These represent either 7.______or
8. ______.
9. List the following in the chronological order they occurred in written language development: Ideograms, Phonograms, Pictograms.
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
10. Draw the letter “B” from the Egyptian 3500 BC, Hebrew 1500 BC, Phoenician 1000 BC, Greek 600 BC, and Roman 144 AD.