CLUBS REPRESENTED: Beeline, Bixby, Broken Arrow, Catoosa, Central Tulsa, Claremore, Inola, Jenks, Lakes Area, Mannford, Northeast Tulsa, Oologah-Talala, Owasso, Premier, Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Tulsa United, Verdigris, Union, Washington County, and Sequoyah
BOARD OFFICERS PRESENT: Steve Juett, President; Jeanette Rooks, 1st Vice President; Paul Taylor, 2nd Vice President; Travis Detter, 3rd Vice President; Cindy Patterson, Registrar; Bob Easterly, Secretary-Treasurer; and Leon Schneider, Scheduling Committee Chairman
The general membership meeting was held August 23, 2001 at Liberty Church , 7501 South Garnett, Broken Arrow, OK. Steve Juett, President, called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.
After brief opening remarks by President Juett, Paul Taylor provided background on the modification of recruiting rules by the Competitive Committee. This was followed by a presentation of the Executive Boards position on this issue, to eliminate competitive recruiting rules. Travis Detter followed with the specfic history from the Competitive Committee minutes. Gary McDonald presented an opposing view concerning elimination of the recruiting rules. Gary also provided written proposals for modification of recruitment rules that had been sent from the Competitive Committee to the GCSA Board. Discussion followed. Afterwards, President Juett proposed the Competitive Commission bring a set of rules to the Executive Board by the October meeting for consideration.
Leon Schneider was asked to report on the problems with scheduling that have occurred at the beginning of the season, due to elimination of the 60/40 rule. Leon indicated that several of the clubs have problems with travelling to other clubs to play, particularly with the U-10 age group. After some discussion between club representatives, a motion was made to reschedule the teams from 5 clubs that had requested closed leagues to avoid travel. These clubs were Broken Arrow, Claremore, Jenks, Owasso, and Tulsa United. The motion was seconded and an amendment to the motion was accepted requiring the clubs listed to help in the rescheduling effort. The motion passed by a vote of 625 /280.
President Juett requested Mike Nauman, Muskogee, chair a committee to study the fall registration and start dates to help alleviate the problem of late registrations in the fall and the subsequent loss of youth players. Mike will appoint the committee members and report back to the membership at its next general membership meeting.
Jeanette Rooks, 1st Vice President, reported that two disciplinary meetings were held concerning coaches behaviour. Disciplinary meeting will be held on a regular basis once the season starts.
Travis Detter, 3rd Vice President, reported the success of the spring tournament. GCSA received in excess of $15,000 from the tournament.
Cindy Patterson, Registrar, reminded all of the club representatives that the player database for OSA was due no later than September 15, 2001 or a $0.50 per player surcharge would be levied against the clubs. Some discussion followed about the progress of the database. Sid Goodrich, OSA, was present and answered questions concerning the status of the database. Sid indicated that OSA would bill GCSA for any deliquent database entries, and GCSA would in turn, collect these fees from the clubs. Sandy Postlewaite asked that clubs which chose not to submit player databases notify her as soon as possible.
Bob Easterly, Secretary-Treasurer, requested approval of the minutes from the last general membership meeting. A motion was made by Verdigris and seconded by Muskogee to approve the minutes. The minutes were approved unanimously with no corrections.
The budget for 2001-2002 was also presented to the general membership. The membership was told that with changes in the fee structure recently passed by OSA, and the change in USYSA fees, the budget was tenative but that we should be able to minimize any future fee increases this year. A motion was made and seconded to approve the budget. No discussion followed. The motion passed unanimously.
Several proposals for changes in the bylaws were presented to the general membership for consideration. These changes are attached to the minutes. The changes will be voted on at the next general membership meeting. Two changes to the Standing Resolutions were also requested. These proposed resolutions are also attached to the minutes. A motion was made and seconded to accept each of these changes to the Standing Resolutions. Each motion passed unanimously.
President Steve Juett reported on the recent OSA annual general membership meeting he attended in Oklahoma City. Issues discussed included the proposed restructuring of the OSA board. Currently OSA is working on job descriptions for the various offices. There is a possibility of a constitutional convention perhaps as early as November.
The fee structure proposed by the Youth Board was also passed by OSA. The fee structure has been discussed at previous GCSA general membership meetings. The restructuring was opposed by the GCSA.
Also discussed at the OSA meeting were penalties and the disciplinary process for players were “playing down” and teams that allowed “ringers” to play. There were some instances reported during the past spring season. The proposed penalties for these offenses will be strengthened to help discourage this type of behaviour.
The Nominating Committee representatives failed to show to give a report or provide nominations for the following positions: 1st Vice President, Games and Disciplinary Committee, 2nd Vice President, Competitive Committee Chairman, and Secretary-Treasurer. Nominations for the positions were taken from the floor.
For 1st Vice President, Paul Taylor was nominated and accepted by acclaimation.
For 2nd Vice President, Linda Woodward, Tom Wedding, and stan Rickner were nominated.
Foe Secretary-Treasurer, Bob Easterly agreed to stay in the position and was accepted by acclaimation.
Following a vote for 2nd Vice President, Stan Rickner was elected by a majority vote.
A motion was made and seconded to destroy the ballots. The motion was approved unanimously.
Following the elections, a motion was made by Muskogee and seconded by Inola to allow Sequoyah to form thee additional teams for their club. After some discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn. President Steve Juett adjourned the meeting at 11:03 P.M.
Proposed Bylaw Change No. 1
To amend Article IV, Section 3 of the bylaws, which reads:
“Section 3.No officer shall hold more than one GCSA office at a time, no officer shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office, nor concurrently serve as Member President and/or OSA officer.”
“Section 3.No officer shall hold more than one GCSA office at a time and no officer shall be eligible to concurrently serve as Member President and/or OSA officer.”
Proposed Standing Resolution
Section V, Rules of Competition
Addition of Section “G” - U-8 Soccer
“U-8 Soccer shall comply with Official U.S. Youth Soccer 4 v 4 Program except as amended by GCSA.”
Proposed Revision to the Bylaws
“All references to “Standing Resolutions” in the bylaws and rules of the Green Country Soccer Association be amended to “Standing Rules”.”
This proposal seeks to bring consistency to the bylaws in accordance with “Roberts Rules of Order Revised” by changing the term “Resolution” to the term “Rules”.
This proposal requests renumbering of Articles VIII through XII to be Articles IX through XIII and the additional of a new Article VIII which states:
Articles VIII. Affiliation
The Green Country Soccer Association is a member of the Oklahoma Soccer Association, and is affiliated with the United States Youth Soccer Association and the United States Soccer Association and agrees to abide by the rules, policies, and procedures established by these organizations as they pertain to youth soccer; unless otherwise amended by Standing Resolutions or Standing Rules passed by a majority vote of the membership of the GCSA.
Proposal to amend Article II, Section 5
“Section 5.The membership of any Member may be terminated at a special meeting called for that purpose by the concurrence of two-thirds of the eligible votes of GCSA.”
“Section 5. The membership of any member may be terminated by a majority vote of the Executive Board or by a the concurrence of two-thirds of the eligible votes of the GCSA.”
Proposal for Disciplinary Hearing Procedures
Section VI, Paragraph L
(1) All parties are entitled to a hearing with proper notification.
(2) Once a complaint been properly filed, the chairman of the Disciplinary Committee shall notify all involved parties within 5 days of receipt of the complaint, the nature of the complaint, the names of all parties, a copy of the complaint, and the date, time, and place of the hearing.
(3) The conduct of the hearing shall be as determined by the rules of GCSA, except where noted herein.
(4) Any party subject to disciplinary procedures shall have the right to:
- present witnesses on their behalf.
- be accompanied by one individual of their choice to assist in their defense. However, legal counsel shall not be permitted during disciplinary hearings.
- challenge any witness against them.
(5) Exceptions to Rule 4c. may be allowed in the event the witness is a
minor child and participation in the hearing is deemed harmful to the welfare of the child by the Disciplinary Committee.
(6) A written record (called the official record) shall be kept of the proceedings.
(7) A written notification of the decision shall be sent to all involved parties within 7 days of the hearing. This notice shall be sent by certified mail.
(8) All hearings shall be scheduled to be held within 30 days.