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Day 1 May14, 2014: 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time

Day 2: May15, 2014: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Pacific Gas & Electric

245 Market Street

San Francisco, California 94105

Meeting Minutes

I.Introductions, arrangements, and changes to the agenda – Vishal Patel

On the phone: Abhishek Singh, Leonard York, Baj Agrawal.

In person: Hari Singh, Nathan, Maggie Peacock, Milorad Papic, Vishal Patel, Cheryl, Chuck Matthews, Kimberly, Valery, Ken Wilson, Tait Willis, Simrit Basrai, Marco Rios

Vishal –Would like to add a discussion of categorization of bi-polar DC outages to the meeting agenda.

II.Approve February5-6, 2014Meeting Notes – Marco Rios

Before approving the February meeting notes, RS had a discussion regarding the action item assigned to RPEWG regarding clarification of NERC TADS and its reporting requirements.

Maggie presented a slide showing the NERC reporting requirements – mandatory and voluntary. This closes the action item for RPEWG from the February 2014 meeting.

Meeting notes were reviewed. Vishal motioned to approve the meeting notes, Chuck, seconds, all approve unanimously.

Approve April 10, 2014 Meeting Notes

Meeting notes were reviewed. Vishal motioned to approve the meeting notes, Milorad, seconds, all approve unanimously.

III.RAWG Report – Milorad Papic

RPEWG/LRS held its first meeting on May 14, 2014. RS reviewed RAWG Charter and considered for approval. Milorad motioned, Chuck seconds. All approve unanimously.

IV.Inclusion of non-BES elements as part of the BES– Kenneth Wilson

a.Establishment of guidelines

b.Recommendation 17 of the Arizona-Southern California Outages


Ken – The guideline document has gone two iterations with WECC’s legal department. Do we also need to address action items 24 and 25? Should we just reference PRC-023-3, FAC-014-2 in the paper? It would be prudent to have a short paragraph or few sentences indicating that the NERC standards already sufficiently address these recommendations.

The RS discussed and finalized the language in the document after the revisions made by WECC and its legal department.

Motion – Submit the BES Inclusion Guideline document to PCC for approval as an industry guideline (after Ken cleans up the comments). Ken seconds. All approve.

Action Item – Vishal to contact PCC that this document is coming for their approval. After PCC approval we are notify the OC of the guideline action.

V.Project WECC-0100 System Performance Update – Chuck Mathews

a.System Performance Document Categorization White Paper

b.Drafting SAR to remove and/or modify WECC Regional Variance for FAC-010 and FAC-011

After completing System Performance Categorization white paper RS has had an action item to initiate the processto develop a replacement document.

Chuck is to send the SAR to RS members to review and provide any comments by end of May 2014. Vishal is to then brief PCC steering committee to see if a presentation to PCC is needed.

c.Voltage Dip Guideline

Chuck – reviewed TPL-001-4 requirements and effective dates.

On Jan 1, 2016 – WR1, WR2, WR4 and WR5 will be retired upon TPL-001-4 becoming effective

Project WECC-0100 Scope:

  • Voltage Stability Criteria,
  • Transient Voltage Performance
  • Process -> develop document, industry comments, and then approval

The hope is to have a strawman proposal by around end of June and go out for first round of comments.

Baj – we should add the “Do Nothing” option and retire the criteria

Next step – Ken, Steve, Vishal, are to present this document to PCC in July. Vishal will send it around to RS for review and comments.

Chuck – It may be a good idea to take 30 minutes in the next WECC-0100 meeting to go over the document.

VI.PCC Updates – Vishal Patel

Path operator task force

Sub-regional groups would like more involvement from RS

September 8 dashboard – requirement 17

VII.Tour of PG&E Control Center

RS went on a tour of the PG&E back-up transmission operations center on Wednesday, May 14.

VIII.Categorization of bi-polar DC outages

Vishal – Owners/operators for DCPI are considering going back to comply with Cat C4 outage criteria and not Cat B. Should RS or RAWG go to the board with this issue?

Baj – Does RS or RAWG have the authority to insist on a higher required performance level?

ACTION ITEM – Check with TOS to see if they if they have any coordination issues.

Group discussion - Current standard may allow for the requirement but with the new TPL standards RS would not have the authority to impose such requirement.

With WECC criteria being retired (Effective TPL-001-4). RS does not need to take any action on this. RS never took any action on this initially. The owner on its own decided to treat this line with a higher performance category.

IX.Future of RS

To be covered at next RS meeting.

X.WECC Standard/Criteria Activities Update – Kenneth Wilson

a.Project WECC-0101 – Generator Validation Policy Conversion

XI.NERC Standards Activities Update – Kenneth Wilson

a.Bulk Electric System Definition

Phase 2 is effective on July 1, 2014.

Submission of information will begin July 1.

b.MOD A, B, and C

  1. MOD-001-2
  2. MOD-031-1
  3. MOD-032-1
  4. MOD-033-1

c.Connecting Facilities to the Grid – FAC-001-2 and FAC-002-2

d.Geomagnetic Disturbance Mitigation

Action Item - Vishal to look into having someone come to the next RS meeting to cover the potential studies involved.

XII.Action Items – Vishal Patel

XIII.Administrative Items

XIV.Next Meetings

a.September 10-11, 2014


c.January 13-15, 2015

d.May 12-14, 2015

e.September 1-3, 2015



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