Greeley West High School
English 10
Mr. Jarrell
Room 603
Course Objective:
This yearlong course will fulfill the requirements for Grade 10 literature and composition instruction and is designed to enhance student’s written skills and their understanding of various types of literature. Students build writing skills in many forms and are expected to meet the district writing standards in four specific areas: expository, persuasive, narrative and descriptive writing. Emphasis in expository writing will include at least two of the following structures: cause and effect, compare and contrast, and problem-solution. The literature genres studied include poetry, drama, nonfiction, short stories, and novels.
Class Norms:
Participate: Be actively engaged and take every opportunity to add your thoughts to the class discussions
Respect: Respect yourself, others, and class materials
Inquire: Ask questions to be sure you understand the material before you leave for the day
Diligence: Turn in all assignments on time
Exceed: Do not except meritocracy, go above and beyond the expectation
Instructor’s Contact/Tutoring Information:
Room: 603
Plan Periods: 2nd and 5th
Tutoring: After school Monday and Thursday 3:45-4:15. Any other times are by appointment only!!
- 3 ring binder
- 1 Composition Book
- 1 packages of filler note book paper
- Package of Dividers
- Highlighters
- Scissors (School Safe)
- Glue Stick
- Blue or Black Ink Pen
I will not provide paper or pens! Please bring your supplies to class every day! If you come unprepared you will risk not being able to complete that day’s work and ultimately costing you points and your credit.
Communication and Reminders:
Google Classroom:
We will be using Google Classroom throughout the year. To create a college class environment, we will be turning in assignments, communicating through discussion posts, and using resources which I will post through this platform. If you do not have access to the internet at home, you will need to use outside resources to complete your assignments. You may use your cellular device to access Google classroom; download the app for Google Classroom and Google Docs. You must download both to interact with the assignments. Please be diligent in completing your assignments. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me.
Remind 101/Teacher Webpage:
We will use Remind in this course to maintain a line of open communication. Remind is a communication platform used nationwide in many classrooms. I will use this tool to remind you of upcoming due dates, project reminders, and class announcements. For whatever reason, you are not able to use this helpful tool, please see me! Of course, you may always email me or text a friend that is setup on the Remind App to ensure you are update on all course communications.
- To join our class, enter this number:
- Text this message:
Cell Phones:
There may be times when you will find your cell phone helpful in class. However, cell phones will not be used every day. Please be respectful and silence your cell phones when we are not using them.
- First offense = Phone will be confiscated and returned at the end of the period.
- Second Offense = Phone will be confiscated and turned into the office. Parent phone call.
Grades will be posted once a week. It is your responsibility to check and keep up with how you are doing in the course. By checking your grades, you can also see if you are missing any work due to absences. If you require assistance; you must attend tutoring before or after school. Class time is not the time to discuss grades or make-up work, so please do not ask. Please sign up for Infinite Campus to help you stay up to date on your current average and missing assignments. Please allow 7 days for major assignments to be posted!
Point Break Down
Homework = 15 points
Quizzes = 30 points
Tests = 75 points
Essays/Projects = 100 points
Make-up Work due to Absences:
Missing Work:
You are in high school, and that means you are responsible for getting any make-up work turned in to me. District policy states that a student has as many days that the absence covers plus one to turn in all make-up work. To receive make-up work, you must record what assignments you need on a make-up request form (I will show you where these are located) and submit it to me before or after school. This form must be stapled to your missing work. I will not remind you what you owe me; so be sure to check your grades through IC (Infinite Campus) and keep up with your assignments. Pop quizzes are not subject to make-up policy. If you exceed the amount of time allotted to complete make-up assignments; a grade deduction will take place as follows:
1 day past- 10 points
2-days past -20 points
3 days past -30 points
4 days past- 40 points
5 days past – 50 points
6 days past – 60 points
7 days past -70 points
I will not accept late work on the 8th day after an assignment is due.
I love project based learning; so therefore, we will do a major project for each unit coupled with a major paper. Essays are done according to the writing process and MLA formatting, please see MLA guidelines and rules source located through our class webpage and google classroom. Your essays will carry a series of different grades. If you miss a day that we are working on a certain part of an essay; it will be your responsibility to get all steps completed. Here are the categories for all papers written in my class:
Brainstorming = 15pts
Outline= 15 pts
1st Draft = 15 pts
Peer Editing= 15 pts
2nd Draft with corrections = 15 pts
Final draft and Publication= 250 pts.
Homework is a huge part of being in high school and college; therefore, we will have assignments that will need to be completed outside of school. These assignments will come from your readings, essays, projects. This is just a fact of life, so please be responsible and have all assignments ready when you come to class. All homework is to be turned in to your class period’s basket. If you turn it in to the wrong basket; you risk that assignment not being graded.
All work that you submit must have the proper MLA heading on it, and the heading must be double spaced and in the upper-left hand corner of your paper. Below you will find the correct format:
First Name Last name (There are no commas in your name)
(Class Name)
Mr. Jarrell
DAY MONTH YEAR (There are no commas in the date)
Failure to have the proper heading will result in an automatic 10-point deduction from your grade on each assignment.
Binders and INBs (Interactive Note Book): You will be required to keep a binder and an interactive notebook (Composition Book). These will be checked on a weekly basis.
Food/Drink in the Classroom:
To maintain a clean learning environment, I will not allow food in the classroom. You may have a bottle of water with a lid. No soft drinks, gum, or candy will be allowed in my room. If you have any questions please consult the student handbook on campus wide Food/Drink policy.
Schedule: Tentative
Readings: / Major Assignments and Essays Due Dates: (Below, you will find due dates for major assignments only. This list does not include smaller assignments)Unit 1: The Power of Choice / Unit one will run from 8/21 -10/13
Unit one assessment 10/4 – 10/5
Unit 2: The Power of Place / Unit two will run from 10/16 – 12/19
Final Exams 12/18 – 12/19
Unit 3: The Power of Words / Unit three will run from 1/4 – 3/9
Unit three assessment 2/28 – 3/1
Unit 4: The Power of Values / Unit four will run from 3/19 – 5/23
Finals Exams 5/22 – 5/23
I have read the above syllabus and understand the expectations for my English 10 class. Please sign and return this portion of the syllabus to me by 24 August 2017 and receive a free 100 to start the school year!
(Parent Signature)(Parent Printed Name)
(Student Signature)(Student Printed Name)