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1.The First Meeting of the Interim Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (ISTAC) to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife in the Wider Caribbean Region (SPAW) was convened by the Regional Coordinating Unit of the Caribbean Environment Programme on behalf of the Executive Director of UNEP in keeping with the decisions of the Ninth Meeting of the Monitoring Committee on the Action Plan for the Caribbean Environment Programme and Special Meeting of the Bureau of Contracting Parties (Kingston, 12-14 June 1991), as well as the resolution of the Final Act of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife in the Wider Caribbean Region (Kingston, 15-18 January 1990).
2.The present meeting was convened at the Jamaica Conference Centre, Kingston, 4-8 May 1992 with the support of the Governments of France and the United States of America, with the following main objectives:
-To review and prepare detailed recommendations and priorities for the 1992-1993 and 1994-1995 workplans for the SPAW Regional Programme;
-To review the criteria for listing species in the Annexes to the Protocol and the criteria for the establishment of specially protected areas; and
-To initiate the development of the Rules of Procedure for the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) of the SPAW Protocol.
3.The experts invited to the meeting were nominated by the National Focal Points of the Caribbean Environment Programme. All the National Focal Points of the Caribbean Environment Programme and the Commission of the European Community were invited to nominate experts and to participate in the meeting. In accordance with the Resolution of the Final Act of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries Concerning the SPAW Protocol (Kingston, 15-18 January 1990), which agreed to bring into existence an Ad Hoc Group of Experts to function as an interim Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee, pending the entry into force of the Protocol, the National Focal Points and the Commission of the European Community were requested to consider, when making nominations, the experts who were designated to attend or attended the Meeting of the Ad Hoc Group of Experts for the Development of Annexes to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife in the Wider Caribbean Region (Martinique, 5-8 November 1990). Additionally, representatives of the United Nations and other organizations participating in the Caribbean Environment Programme were invited to attend the meeting as observers.
4.Fourteen (14) States and Territories of the region attended the meeting. In addition, representatives of eight (8) international, intergovernmental, regional and non-governmental organizations participating in the Caribbean Environment Programme attended the meeting as observers. The list of participants is appended as Annex I to this report.
Agenda item 1: Opening of the meeting
5.In opening the meeting, Ms. Beverly A. Miller, Acting Co-ordinator of the Caribbean Environment Programme, welcomed the participants and noted the substantial progress made since the Caribbean Environment Programme had initiated the development of the SPAW Protocol in St. Croix, October 1988, and the subsequent development of the SPAW Regional Programme, with the support of Governments and Non-Governmental Organizations that strongly assisted with this process. She also stated that continuing technical and financial co-operation is essential in order to successfully manage species and protected areas. She invited the participants to endeavour to accomplish the tasks required, utilizing the strong bond of regional co-operation that exists in the Wider Caribbean region. Additionally, the expert from Jamaica welcomed the participants to the island and wished the meeting all the success in its deliberations.
Agenda item 2: Election of Officers
6.The meeting unanimously elected from among the experts the Chairperson, three Vice-Chairpersons and one Rapporteur of the Meeting as follows:
Chairperson:Mr. Eduardo BENITO-ESPINAL (France)
First Vice-Chairperson:Mr. Kevin CHU (United States of America)
Second Vice-Chairperson:Mr. Anibal HUERTA LOPEZ (Mexico)
Third Vice-Chairperson:Mr. David FREESTONE (Antigua and Barbuda)
Rapporteur:Ms. Nadra NATHAI-GYAN (Trinidad & Tobago)
In accepting his election, the Chairman expressed appreciation to his colleagues, on behalf of the Government of France, for the confidence expressed and hoped that the meeting would be fruitful and rich.
Agenda Item 3: Organization of the meeting
(a)Rules of Procedure
7.The meeting adopted mutatismutandis the Rules of Procedure of the Governing Council of UNEP as contained in document UNEP/GC/3/Rev. 3 for its conduct.
(b)Organization of work
8.English, French and Spanish were the working languages of the meeting. Simultaneous interpretation in these languages was provided by the Secretariat for the plenary sessions. The working documents of the meeting were made available in all languages. The Chairman proposed the convening of the meeting in plenary. However, the representative from Monitor International raised the need to convene a working group to prepare draft Terms of Reference for the Interim Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (ISTAC) of the SPAW Protocol as a separate issue from the Rules of Procedure for STAC. In response to this concern, an expert noted that the Terms of Reference for the STAC, as outlined in Article 20 of the SPAW Protocol, could be provisionally applied to the Interim Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee and, as such, it was not necessary to prepare Terms of Reference for ISTAC. Several experts expressed agreement with the point made regarding the provisional application of Article 20 of the SPAW Protocol.
Agenda item 4: Adoption of the agenda
9.During the discussion on the adoption of the Agenda, an expert expressed the need for additional time to allow for the reading of the working documents of the meeting. Additionally, the expert suggested a modification in the order of the Agenda so that Agenda Item 7, "Review of the preliminary draft of the Rules of Procedure", could be discussed prior to Agenda Item 5, "Review of the 1992-1993 and 1994-1995 Workplans for the SPAW Regional Programme". Several experts supported this point. In response to these concerns, the meeting agreed to allocate additional time for the reading and review of the working documents and to modify the order of the Agenda so that Item 4 would be followed immediately by Item 7, then Items 6, 8 and 5. The expert from France proposed that Item 9, Other business, include a discussion on the document UNEP(OCA)/CAR ISTAC 1/INF. 8, "Proposal for an Ecological Typology of Protected Areas in the Caribbean." The meeting agreed to this request. The approved Agenda is appended as Annex II to this report. The documents which were made available to the meeting as support to the various agenda items are listed in Annex III to this report.
Agenda item 5: Review of the preliminary draft of the Rules of Procedure for the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) of the SPAW Protocol
10.The Secretariat presented the preliminary draft of the Rules of Procedure for the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) as contained in document UNEP(OCA)/CAR ISTAC 1/5 and invited the experts to provide specific comments and modifications to assist in its further development.
11.During the general discussion, it was decided that the word "Secretariat" should be replaced by "Organization" in the draft Rules of Procedure, in keeping with the Convention and the SPAW Protocol, and that whenever the word "scientific" was mentioned, it should be followed by the words "and technical" to conform with the functions of the committee. To facilitate the reading of the preliminary draft of Rules of Procedure, the Secretariat suggested that a list of definitions be developed and included as a preamble to the Rules of Procedure. With regard to the status of subsidiary bodies, the meeting agreed that such bodies, when established, should report to the Committee of the Whole, rather than being independent.
12.With regard to the issue of membership of STAC, the preliminary draft of the Rules of Procedure presents two options within brackets - [Contracting Party] and [member of the Caribbean Environment Programme]. The meeting decided to defer the final decision on which option to use, pending the decision on this matter to be taken by the Intergovernmental Meeting in November 1992. Consequently, it was decided to maintain the bracketed text.
13.Following on these overall comments, the preliminary draft of the Rules of Procedure was reviewed, line by line, and specific comments and modifications were provided regarding the contents of each rule. The Chairman established an Ad Hoc drafting group to ensure linguistic compatibility of the revised version of document UNEP(OCA)/CAR ISTAC 1/5. The drafting group was composed of the following members:
Mr. Gilberto CINTRON (United States of America)
Mr. Ernesto DIAZ (Venezuela)
Mr. David FREESTONE (Antigua and Barbuda)
Mr. Anibal HUERTA LOPEZ (Mexico)
Mr. Louis REDAUD (France)
Mr. Alain ROUSTEAU (France)
The revised version of document UNEP(OCA)/CAR ISTAC 1/5 is contained in Annex IV to this report.
14.The Secretariat then presented Annex I of document UNEP(0CA)/CAR ISTAC 1/5, which contains a description of a possible structure for ISTAC, and invited the experts to provide inputs as to the utility, functions and mechanisms of such a structure. The Secretariat also suggested that a possible structure of ISTAC could become the initial structure of STAC once the Protocol comes into effect. It was decided, however, not to consider the document in detail as it was felt that at this time ISTAC should concentrate on its integration with the overall activities of CEP, i.e. the various Regional Programmes of the Action Plan. It was agreed that comments be forwarded to the Secretariat by July 1992, and that the Secretariat would then forward the document to the Intergovernmental Meetings on the Caribbean Environment Programme, tentatively scheduled for November 1992.
Agenda item 6: Review of the Criteria for species listing in the Annexes to the Protocol and for the establishment of specially protected areas
15.In introducing document UNEP(OCA)/CAR ISTAC 1/4, the Secretariat described the process by which the criteria for the selection of species to be listed in the Annexes to the SPAW Protocol were developed by the Meeting of the Ad Hoc Group of Experts (Martinique, 5-8 November 1990). These criteria were utilized and endorsed by the Conference of Plenipotentiaries for the Adoption of the Annexes to the SPAW Protocol (Kingston, 10-11 June 1991). The experts were invited to review these criteria, and recommend modifications or additions as appropriate. With regard to the criteria for the establishment of protected areas, the experts were invited to formulate appropriate recommendations, for submission to the First Meeting of Contracting Parties to the SPAW Protocol.
16.With regard to the criteria for the listing of the species, some experts expressed the view that, since these criteria were accepted and had been utilized by the Contracting Parties, amendments should not be made. In response however, the meeting's attention was drawn to paragraph 18 of the Final Act of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries for the Adoption of the Annexes to the SPAW Protocol which pointed out that the views of Contracting Parties which did not participate in the Ad Hoc Group of Experts meeting should be considered. Subsequently, the meeting discussed the criteria line by line.
17.A lengthy discussion ensued with regard to criterion (d), which relates to endemic species. One expert mentioned that a mechanism is needed to decide when international co-operation is important for the recovery efforts of an endemic species. Since all the information required in Article 19 of the Protocol is not always available, a justification for listing an endemic species might be inadequate. The meeting recommended that all future nominations for the listing of species in the Annexes should follow the procedures stated in Article 11 (4) and Article 19 of the SPAW Protocol as far as possible. When nominations do not contain all the information requested in Articles 11 (4) and 19, the ISTAC agreed to endeavour to assist in the collection of the necessary information.
18.With regard to criterion (e), the expert from Mexico expressed dissatisfaction with the current formulation, since the inclusion of lower taxa within higher taxa cannot be generalized for all species to cover all its subspecies, which are often not well described. The expert, therefore, proposed that the last sentence should be modified to read as follows: "The inclusion of a species in a list does not include all its subspecies and these should be considered separately as the case arises." Following an extensive discussion, the meeting decided that the text of criterion (e) should remain unchanged and that the objection of the expert from Mexico be included in the report of the meeting.
19.In considering the criteria for the establishment of specially protected areas, the meeting agreed that a substantial amount of information on this subject is already available. It was therefore proposed that existing information should be collected and analyzed for the drafting of relevant guidelines. It was mentioned that the recent World Parks Congress held in Caracas and organized by the World Conservation Union (IUCN), has generated most of the information required.
20.The meeting agreed to establish an Ad Hoc Group to compare and review documentation pertaining to this subject, and to formulate a draft of common guidelines and criteria for the identification, evaluation and possible inclusion of protected areas in a list for consideration by ISTAC. A number of experts expressed their countries' willingness to participate in the Ad Hoc Group. The Secretariat informed the meeting that since this activity was outside of the approved workplan and budget of the Action Plan, countries would have to participate at their own expense unless the Contracting Parties decide to find funds for this meeting.
21.An expert suggested that the meeting be convened at the Regional Coordinating Unit in Kingston, in light of the fact that the documentation required by the Ad Hoc Group would be voluminous and would be available at the Secretariat. The meeting agreed to this suggestion.
Agenda item 7: Review of the Species listed in the Annexes to the Protocol and Consideration of Additional Species
22.The Secretariat presented the document UNEP(OCA)/CAR ISTAC 1/6 and invited the experts to review the additional species contained in the document for inclusion in the Annexes to the SPAW protocol and to provide appropriate recommendations for consideration by the Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the SPAW Protocol.
23.One expert mentioned that the species in question had not been considered at the Ad Hoc Group of Experts meeting (Martinique, 5-8 November 1990) as there was either disagreement with respect to their inclusion/deletion from the proposed list, or that not enough information was available. The expert pointed out that since no new information had been provided, the recommendation for the inclusion of these species in the Annexes would be premature at this time. Another expert reminded the meeting that it would not be possible to add new species in the Annexes prior to the entry into force of the Protocol. The meeting agreed to postpone consideration of the species in the list until such time as information be provided in accordance with Articles 11 (4) and 19 of the Protocol.
24.One expert observed that the first part of document UNEP(OCA)/CAR ISTAC 1/6 constituting the additional species proposed by the Conference of Plenipotentiaries for the Adoption of the Annexes to the Protocol, should be accorded a higher priority than the second part of the document , which constitutes additional species submitted by Parties. The Secretariat informed the meeting that the additional species nominated by Parties at the Conference relate to paragraph 24 of the Final Act of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries for the Adoption of the Annexes to the Protocol. The meeting therefore agreed to provide the Secretariat with as much information as possible on the additional species, in accordance with Article 11 (4) of the Protocol.
25.One expert noted that a number of errors exist in the second part of the document, as several of the species proposed are already listed under the Annexes. Another expert pointed out that some species, which were proposed for the lists, were presented in inappropriate annexes. The meeting agreed to correct the document at this time and the Secretariat was provided with the pertinent corrections.
Agenda item 8: Review of the 1992-1993 and 1994-1995 Workplans for the SPAW Regional Programme
26.The Secretariat presented the workplan of the SPAW Programme for the 1992-1993 and 1994-1995 biennia as contained in the working document UNEP(OCA)/CAR ISTAC 1/3. The connection between the SPAW workplan and the SPAW Protocol was emphasized, and the SPAW Regional Programme was highlighted as an important tool for the successful implementation of the Protocol. The Secretariat also outlined briefly, within the scope of the Caribbean Environment Programme, the historic development of activities relating to the management of species and areas and described the genesis of the SPAW Regional Programme. The Secretariat explained the integrated approach of the Caribbean Environment Programme and provided examples of linkages between SPAW and the Regional Programmes of CEPPOL, IPID, CEPNET and ETA. The meeting was invited to provide specific comments with regard to linkages of SPAW to these Regional Programmes when discussing the specific activities. The meeting requested the Secretariat to ensure that results of this meeting would be forwarded to the Meetings of Experts on the other Regional Programmes which will be convened this month.