Greater Winston-Salem Area Intergroup



The purpose of the GWSAI Answering Service Committee is to carry the message of recovery from alcoholism by answering telephone calls to the GWSAI Hotline from individuals seeking help from alcoholism; those searching for a meeting location; or those requesting other information about Alcoholics Anonymous.


The committee recommends at least one year of sobriety to answer calls to the Alcoholics Anonymous Answering Service. It is also strongly suggested that the interested member check with their sponsor before signing up to volunteer. Sign-up forms are available at most home groups, at the GWSAI office, and on-line at

If you decide to participate, your identity will remain strictly confidential. No one will know your telephone number other than the Answering Service. When someone calls the Answering Service for help, the Service will forward the call to you if you are available. The answering service provider’s number appears on your caller ID; the GWSAI Answering Service number appears on the caller’s Caller ID if they have it. Your number does not appear anywhere in the interaction.

It is important that you be readily available on a steady basis for the times you sign up toanswer calls. Much of our Answering Service expense in the past has been from members beingunavailable for the times they signed up for. As a result, the Answering Service has to makemany calls searching for an available member.


Current activities of the GWSAI Answering Service Committee are simple:we make ourselves available to those calling our GWSAI Answering Service seeking information about Alcoholics Anonymous.

The GWSAI Committeehas an ongoing immediate need for people in recoveryto take calls to the GWSAI Hotline. There is a particular need for women in recovery to perform this service.


For more information on becoming involved in the GWSAI Answering Service, please contact the GWSAI Answering Service Committee ChairpersonRyan B.

Telephone: 336-995-5243
