Greater Manchester Welfare Rights Advisers Group

Take-up, Training and Social Policy Sub Group Meeting

24 January 2003

Venue: Civic Centre, Millgate, Wigan


John BallFamily Housing Association

Kalid DojtAge Concern Manchester

Derek EdwardsOldham Welfare Rights Service

Sandra FisherRochdale Advice

Patrick HillBolton Welfare Rights Service

Kurt KleinschmidtTameside MBC, Welfare Rights Service

Carol LaidlawWarrington CAB

Terry PattersonManchester Advice

Christine RichardsonWigan Welfare Rights Service

Roger SmithSalford CAB

Roger ThompsonTameside MBC, Welfare Rights Service


Sue BakerStockport Welfare Rights Service

Lyn KirwanManchester CAB

1.0Matters arising from the Minutes

1.1War Pensions

Terry referred to the issue of the War Pension leaflet. A press release is currently being drawn up and Richard Bundy approached for funding.

2.0Take Up - Information Share

2.1Bolton – Patrick

Have appointed a new Senior Officer, Susan Spriggs, originally from Chester Welfare Rights.

Currently working on the CLS audit and impact of fairer charging guidelines.

2.2Warrington CAB - Carol

Now have funding for the Training Officer Post.

A problem with Housing Association charging double what Social Services charge for care services.

2.3Oldham – Derek

Debt Advice work not available any more and all debt work being referred to CAB.

Now have a full complement of staff. IT provision has now been provided and Welfare Rights service are moving to new premises. Restructuring of service continues. Presently awaiting approval from the Board.

2.4Salford CAB - Roger

Roger apologised for not having attended for some time. Caseworkers have reduced from 9 to 6. Presently undertaking partnership works for older people and would welcome ideas on how to promote take up. Group advised that radio had proved a good medium for older people.

Roger shared his experience of setting up take up initiatives in his previous jobs. Patrick felt this would be valuable to other GMWRAG members undertaking similar exercises at the moment. Roger agreed to present a half-hour session at the main meeting in May.

2.5Rochdale Advice - Sandra

Resource funding is difficult to obtain, although Personnel have recently authorised two new benefits checker’s posts (scale 5) based within the Advice section to work on MIG take-up. Tameside have provided the data identified from Housing Benefits claims. Contains over 1000 names of potential MIG claimants.

Providing basic Tax Credit training for customer service staff. May follow up later with more in depth training.

2.6Family Housing Association - John.

In conjunction with the supporting people initiative, they are offering a general benefit to older people living in sheltered accommodation.

2.7Age Concern Manchester – Khalid Dojt

This is the first meeting Khalid has attended and explained that he has come to observe today. A welcome was expressed to him and extended to anyone who may wish to attend future meetings.

They offer a free counselling service. Referral’s are usually from GP’s. They offer telephone advice and home visits one day a week.

2.8Manchester Advice - Terry

Terry highlighted an urgent problem with advice and help offered to Asylum Seekers. On the 8th January 2003, The Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002: changes to the asylum system in the UK, section 55 and 57 came into force and affect Asylum applicants’ eligibility to apply for NASS support for Asylum applicants. This act affects the way in which Local Authorities are able to offer support and lays down reporting procedures to the Home Secretary in such cases. Practically, those left without help can only look to charitable options – soup kitchens and voluntary run schemes. The effect of this recent change is set to become a major issue over the next few weeks/months. For more detailed information access the refugee council on the Internet at

Continuing to prepare for Tax Credit introduction. Government is going to undertake a big advertising campaign. The question raised is ‘how and when to offer take up?’ One avenue is to target own workforce and use advertising/information space on wage slips, but this is limited to 420 words. The advance claim period is April to October 2003 were individuals will only be able to access forms by telephone or Pension service outreach surgeries. Indicated up to now is that Advice Agencies will not have access to claim forms. A claim for MIG will double up as a claim for Pension credit.

Terry was asked by Sylvia Saxton at Lancashire Welfare Rights to raise awareness at GMWRAG re Asbestosis sufferers. An increasing number of people are being diagnosed as suffering from Asbestosis related diseases. They have set up a referral scheme with health. People who have recently been diagnosed are offered help with benefit claims. Example of good practice.

2.9Tameside Welfare Rights Service - Roger/Kurt

Older Persons Team has raised nearly 1 million pounds in MIG take-up. 3 Officers currently work on MIG with 1 worker visiting.

Mental Health Team – currently presenting basic benefits training course to Community Mental Health team including social workers and CPN’s.

Debt team are now up and running. They have successfully cleared a lot of debt. They have 5 team members (1 senior and 4 others).

Disability Team have recently been offered another position whose role will be to develop work in to primary care. Roger is currently working on the induction process for this post.

Telephone Advice Line is doing extremely well.

Need to change the date of the GMWRAG meeting to 11th July 2003. It is hoped the speaker will be James Purnell, MP for Stalybridge and Hyde, who is a member of the Work and Pensions Select Committee.

2.10Wigan Social Services Welfare Rights – Christine

Wigan has operated a telephone advice since 1988. Calls answered daily between 10.00 am and 12.00 noon and answer machine facility outside those time. Very well used with an average of 90 calls per week.

Welfare Rights team based in Social Services Department. Currently undertaking corporate partnership work projects with Housing and Primary Care. Heavily involved with the new fairer charging introduction. Section currently going through a restructure/review. It is anticipated that the format will involve three teams who will concentrate on Fairer Charging/Benefit Take up, Benefit Advice to Service Users, Home Visits, Appeal Representation and Supported Accommodation Support.


3.1Bolton receiving Tax Credit training in Trafford, provided by Jean Betteridge from Manchester Advice.

3.2Patrick asked if anyone knew of training providing Mental Health awareness. He represents people with Mental Health problems at appeal and would value more knowledge of their illness/symptoms. Kurt suggested an organisation based in Bristol called the Barton Hill Advice Services. Their website address is

3.3Maternity/paternity rules set to change in April. Terry will ask the low pay unit if they are planning any training/publicity.

4.0Social Policy

4.1An area of concern raised was incidents of Housing Benefit Departments recouping overpayments whilst an appeal is still pending. It appeared there is inconsistency in approach between different areas. One case highlighted was of a person who was evicted and then went on to win their appeal. Terry suggested informing local MP of this problem.

4.2GMWRAG are considering preparing a submission to Works and Pensions Select Committee, which criticises the diminishing role/powers of the Social Security Advisory Committee.

5.0Any Other Business


Date of Next Meeting 21st March 2003 at Stockport.

Date of Tameside Meeting 11 July, 2003 at Tameside

Greater Manchester Welfare Rights Advisers Group

Main Meeting (Afternoon Session)

24 January 2003

Venue: Committee Room A, Wigan Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan


Sue BakerStockport Advice

John BallFamily Housing Association

Sarah CalderWigan Independent Advice Service

Joan CarterTrafford MBC

Kalid DojtAge Concern Manchester

Jane EberhartSalford Welfare Rights Service

Sandra FisherRochdale Advice

Patrick HillBolton Welfare Rights Service

Jane HobsonTrafford MBC

Julie HopkinsHalton Borough Council

Kurt KleinschmidtTameside MBC, Welfare Rights Service

Doreen ParrCheshire CC Welfare Rights Service

Christine RichardsonWigan Welfare Rights Service

Roger SmithSalford CAB

Sue SpriggsBolton Welfare Rights Service

Roger ThompsonTameside MBC, Welfare Rights Service

Don WilliamsBury SSD


Mike HughesSalford Welfare Rights Service

Lyn KirwanManchester CAB

1.0Matters arising from the Minutes

Minutes agreed as correct. No matters arising.

2.0Speaker – Patrick Hill, Bolton Welfare Rights Service

2.4Thanks expressed to Patrick for stepping in as speaker at very short notice. (The arranged speaker, Andrea McDonald, Supporting People Team Manager, Wigan Social Services was on sickness leave after a car accident the previous day.)

Patrick went through the details of an appeal he took (supported with CPAG Barrister) to an oral hearing at Commissioners and won. Commissioner Howell heard the case and decided that certain parts of the claims and payments regulations were at odds with article 6(1) of the Human Rights Act and thus previous non appealed decisions stood now to be appealed.

Full details are enclosed with these minutes.

Patrick suggested that if anyone feels they have a fair and justifiable case they wish to appeal, but the case is ‘non appealable’, then just have a go quoting this article of the Human Rights Act. Cases may be stockpiled as the decision may be appealed to Court of Appeal.

3.0Feedback from subgroups

3.1Hospital Community Care Group

Group met in Bolton on the 7th January 2003. Discussion concentrated on LA charging policies and introduction of fairer charging. Bolton’s policy not firmed up yet. Stockport’s is now set.

Next meeting will be held at Hope Hospital, 11 March 2003 at 2.00 pm in the Humphrey Booth Suite. Minutes to go out with the next Agenda.

3.2Take Up Group

Overview of discussion from this mornings meeting. Copy of minutes enclosed with these minutes.

4.0Tribunal Users Group

4.1Sue attended the meeting this morning. There was a presentation on future changes, e-government, scanning medical evidence and submissions. Appellants and representative will be able to choose venue and time on line.

4.2From April 2003 there are only 3 DATS (as opposed to the present 4) to be listed in one session.

4.3Nick Warren used an industrial injuries commissioner case (referring to an ill-prepared tribunal representative) as an example to request that representatives prepare fully. Basically told to ‘get your facts right’.

4.4Kurt has experienced some problems when a particular chair who made it difficult for him to present his case verbally. Procedures from the Framework of Standards for Tribunals were not followed. Sue suggested GMWRAG as an organisation, write to central office and attach a dossier of cases that have experienced similar problem. Patrick felt this would be difficult and time consuming to collate. Suggested this topic be included as an Agenda item for next meeting.

5.0Any Other Business

5.1Terry attended NWRA. Collectively they are responding to the Green Paper ‘Pathway to Work’ consultation process. Deadline 6th February 2003.

5.2Kurt has added extra pages to the GMWRAG website ( Posted on these are minutes from NWRA, and the Sub-Groups.

Date of Next Meeting 21st March 2003 at Stockport.