Greater Glasgow NHS Board

Agenda for Change Project Steering Group

Minutes of a Meeting of the Agenda for Change Project Steering Group held on

Friday 10 September at 12 noon in The Board Room, Dalian House

PRESENT: Elizabeth Stow, Joint Chair, Full Time Officer, Society of Radiographers

Jonathan Best, Joint Chair, Chief Executive, Yorkhill Division

Rona Agnew, Project Manager, Staff Partner

Stewart MacLennan, Area Partnership Forum Representative

Les Jacobs, Corporate Analyst, GGHB

Jim Whyteside, Public Affairs Manager, GGHB

Juli McQueen, KSF Project Lead

Caroline Fee, Area Partnership Forum Representative

Rosslyn Crocket, Nurse Director to Greater Glasgow Health Board

Paul Watt, Job Evaluation Project Lead

Susan Russell, Staff Side Co-ordinator

Donald Sime, Area Partnership Forum Representative

Jim Cameron, Director of Human Resources, South Glasgow Division

Irene Shields, Project Manager, Management Partner

George Doherty, Deputy Director of HR, North Glasgow Division (representing Alan Boyter)

In Attendance: Bill Goudie, Employee Director, and NHSGG

1. Apologies: Alan Boyter, H.R. Director, North Glasgow Division

Janice Whitelaw, Terms and Conditions Project Lead

Ian Reid, Pay Modernisation Director

Andy Carter, Acting Director of Human Resources, Primary Care Division

Marjorie Mullins, Project Administrator

2. Minutes of Meeting held on 30 July 2004:

The minutes were accepted as a true record.

3. Matters Arising:

a)  Jonathan Best advised that Rona Agnew had given a presentation to the Glasgow Area Partnership Forum.

4. Sub-Group Feedback:

a)  Management Group:

Irene Shields briefed the group on the development of a risk register for Agenda for Change in Glasgow. The core team initiated the processes by meeting with the auditors to agree a format for the register. The group worked with the auditors to identify key risks which will be expanded and developed with the Project Steering Group over several months.

Irene Shields briefed the group on the audit requirements around Agenda for Change. The auditors will look at the work of the Project Steering Group, Management Team and Divisional Teams on the basis of reviewing the project as a managed process.

Rona Agnew tabled the Project Plan for final comments by the PSG. Jonathan Best reiterated the magnitude of the task of implementing AfC and also the need to make regular representation to the Area Clinical Forum, CMT and Divisions. It was agreed that a two week time limit for comments, suggestions and/or changes to be placed on the Project Plan would be forwarded to RA and IS.

Action: ALL

RA reported that further General Awareness sessions were released for October. Insufficient places for staff to attend continue to be a general complaint. The Team are continuing to identify possible alternatives. RA and IS have both met with the medical illustrations people and identified items to be inserted and used in the CD Rom development. Further work and clarification continues with the key leads and it is hoped that a final CD Rom will be ready mid to end October for distribution to appropriate staff.

Action: IS/RA/Project Strand Leads

b)  Job Matching / Evaluation Group:

Paul Watt and Caroline Fee reported the following:

§  Divisional job evaluation leads continue to find the task of collating appropriate workforce data challenging. CF stressed the need to address facility time for staff as a matter of urgency.

§  PW tabled the job evaluation subgroup document on ‘Preparing Job Descriptions’. JC requested that some of the appendix 1 ‘helpful Questions’ maybe a bit misleading to staff. Staff may consider that they undertake a certain task such as training, however the manager may not see this as a prerequisite for the job and hence job description. It was agreed that the project steering group would take the document and provide comments back to PW within two weeks.

Action: ALL

c)  Terms and Conditions Group:

SMcL reported on the activity from the T&C subgroup. Some key activity included three priority areas which the T&C group are tackling.

1.  George Doherty (GD) and David Robertson (DR) were meeting Thursday 29 July 2004 to discuss the development of a proforma which would highlight the information which is required to be collected by the Divisions. This will be circulated to the T&C group membership for comments prior to presentation to the PSG. This will hopefully be presented to the next PSG for ratification.

2.  DR to provide the Divisions with a print out of the annual leave entitlement. This will allow the Divisions to measure, to some degree, the likely impact on service provision and therefore in turn inform the financial group on the financial impact for Glasgow in relation to Annual Leave.

3.  Irene Shields raised annual leave as a potential difficulty for mangers in managing service provision at a time of year with merging holiday entitlements. This has been confusing as there appeared to be varied interpretations within the wording of the proposed agreement. IS requested a speedy conclusion to this as annual leave has the potential to have a marked effect on service provision and delivery and there needs to be a developed contingency to manage this effectively. It was agreed that this needed clarification from SPRIG. SR stated that she had discussed this informally with one of the SPRIG chairs and it would be placed on the Agenda in two weeks for discussion and clarification.

Action: ES/SR

IT Lead:

Jonathan Best reported that he still had no response from Wendy Hull to discuss an IT lead. JRB agreed to contact Wendy Hull again with this matter

Action: JRB

d)  Knowledge and Skills Framework:

Juli McQueen reported the following:

§  The KSF team now have a full compliment of staffside representatives identified and invited to join group although PCD still to give clarity on their nomination. This should be available today following the PCD initial meeting for AFC.

§  All questions and enquiries being dealt with.

§  Juli stated that she had requested comments on the KSF draft terms of reference tabled at the last meeting. She had received no comments. The PSG therefore ratified the KSF terms of reference.

Action: JMcQ/AC

e)  Communications:

Jim Whyteside reported on the communications group. A new development around the website making it a Glasgow unified website was in progress. This should give the facility for the team leads to access and update and make changes or when they wish to highlight something relevant to staff. Jim stated that he was hoping to now work with the project plan and the communication group to firm up an action plan for the communication side of AfC. This would be available in its draft format for the next PSG. The newsletter will be developed around milestones or key events. JRB suggested that an A4 publication be put out around what staff can do now and a focus event for managers to be developed. Jim stated that he would do this plus ensure information is placed in the next edition of staff news.

Action: JWh

f)  Finance:

Les Jacobs reported that:

Work is underway around the financial impact of AFC but the figures remain very broad based at present. He stated that he was developing a paper for JRB to present to the next CMT in order to advise them of the likely increased financial impact on Glasgow. Les stated that the paper was likely to focus on backfill costs and will present financial figures for 100%, 75%, 50% backfill to allow the CMT to understand the variance but also the potential costs.

5. Partnership Working:

Susan Russell reported details of staffside nominations.

Action: SMcL/SR

6. Any Other Business:

There was no other reported business.

7. Date of Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be held on Friday 8 October 2004 at 12 noon in the Conference Room at Dalian House. Lunch will be provided.

Agenda for Change Project Steering Group Minutes 10.09.04

Marjorie Mullins, Agenda for Change Project Team, Tel: 0141 951 5840