Great Yarmouth Youth Advisory Board (YAB)

Minutes of meeting: Wednesday 20th January 2016

MAP offices, Deneside,Great Yarmouth

In Attendance:

Trevor Cockburn – Chair, GYCT

Cllr Penny Carpenter

SabrinaLeech –East Norfolk Sixth Form College

Marie Balfour – NHS

Amanda Bayfield - YMCA

Kirsty Nicholas - YMCA

Sue Robinson -NCC

Claire Henwood – Sentinel

Louise Sayer – Business Rep (Sainsburys)

Louise Hampton – Great Yarmouth BC

Rebecca – Youth Representative

Elliot– Youth Representative

Anthony – Youth Representative

Josh - Youth Representative

Karla George - MAP

Trudi Halls - MAP (Minutes)

1.Welcome and Introductions
Welcome and introductions were made by Trevor Cockburn
1.1Apologies were received fromCarol Doherty, Dan Smith and Claire Ledgerwood.
2. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising – The minutes of the previous meeting were gone through and matters addressed.
2.1Potential business rep has been sourced from Sainsbury’s. Dan Smith has been in contact with Sainsbury’s and Louise is now attending. Karla advised the board that there needs to be another rep from Children’s services. Sue to action.
2.2 Twinning film TH has sent link to board members.
2.3 Near my Street, Karla has met up with up with Tas (who replaced Jane) from Voluntary Norfolk. Both felt the site had not as yet been developed enough for promotion to community groups. Karla has asked Gary who is the lead site developer to get back to her regarding the site. Karla to report back to the board.
2.4 The Grant scheme and Mental Health are dealt with under agenda item 5.
2.5 All other actions are addressed within the agenda items. / SR
3. Young Commissioner Update
3.1 Anthony spoke about his visit to carry out QA of‘Crucial Crew’. Crucial Crew delivered their week long programme at Haven Seashore Holiday Park in the week starting 16th November, The project was partly funded by the Great Yarmouth YAB. (£1,600).
600 students had attended the event. There were 10 different stations to visit and interact with. The course gave students lessons which they could reflect upon in their lives and covered topics such as internet safety, fire safety, drugs and alcohol and general life skills. Attendees were given a Junior Life skills book to take home. Anthony was impressed by the event and commented on its success of engaging young people and delivering outcomes. Sue asked if the event would be put on again, Karla said that if they had sufficient funding they may consider putting the event on again.
3.2 The young commissioners had given their time to write to the Council regarding the proposed cuts to Youth Services. Anthony had appeared on the local news, and was interviewed regarding the proposal. Trudi to forward link to the board showing the interview. Karla explained how the young people had spoke passionately about the difference youth work had made on them as individuals and the wider impact on the community. She also advised the board that the young commissioners had been visitedby Tim Eyres and Phil Beck who came to speak with the young people and hear their concerns..
3.3 Karla told the board that she was having a get together of all new young commissioners next Saturday. / TH
4. Presentation from YMCA on the YAB funded detached youth work project
4.1 Kirsty from the YMCA gave a presentation on the work she and Simonare currently carrying out. They work in two areas, Southtown Common and Middlegate Estate. They started the work in July 2015 and it ends in February 2016. They have built up some really good relationships with the young people. They run various activities for the young people, including dance, basketball, and quiz and pizza night and pamper nights. The red cross had come to visit the group and carried out a first aid course.
Kirsty has had some really good feedback about the project from the young people and had heard that ASB levels within the areas had decreased. Karla asked if there were any statistics to back this up. Amanda will check this out and get back to the board.
Challenges to the project included there being no lighting in the Middlegate area. So although the project is very well used in the summer months, it is used less during the winter. There had also been some issues with the residents in the area. Oil/grease had been put on the basketball area, which the young people had tried to clean. Plus there had been some incidents of residents being annoyed that the young people were there making some noise, however, when it was explained that they will leave by 10pm, the residents were happier.
Although some of the young people did not have English as their first language, sport appeared to be a common theme that united the young people.
The final challenge was the use of Outcome stars. This had proved difficult to implement as the activities were generally outside. However, some questionnaires had been completed. Karla asked if there were any case studies that she could have. Amanda to forward relevant data.
Kirsty finished her presentation by saying that if the work were to be recommissioned that she believes it would be better for the project to run between March and October as the young people are happier to attend during the summer months with longer daytime hours.
Karla thanked the YMCA for their presentation. / AB
5. Update on 2015/2016 commissioning
5.1 Near my Street. This scheme is still being held up – please see item 2.3
5.2 Grant scheme – Karla asked the board to keep promoting the grant scheme. Sue thought that the Early Help team may be interested in this, bursary can be offered to access opportunities. Karla to resend link to fund.
5.3 LGBT project – End of year report has been submitted toKarla and forwarded to the board. The project was allocated £5000 in 2014-15. The group meets fortnightly and approximately nine young people attend each week. The project was asked what future plans for the project entailed. They have replied that with the extra £2500 Norfolk LGBTintend to spread the cost over 12months rather than just 6 months with a focus on 1:1 and schools outreach work. The board agreed with this proposal.
5.4 Mental health: A proposal from “The Outsiders” had been received to deliver a Young People Led Time to Change Village in Great Yarmouth. Time To Change is a national campaign to end the stigma and discrimination associated with mental health. The event would take place around April 16. The time to change village has already been used across the country including the 2012 Olympic Village. Karla believed the idea to be really good and the board agreed to fund this project.
5.5 Sports England – resubmitting bid. A pilot project is going to be run and be used for further evidence.Board agreed that they were still happy for the £3,500 to be spent on a pilot project.
5.6 YMCA – a proposal has been received from the YMCA to adapt the volunteer capacity project for a further 12 months with a third of the funding received in the previous 2 years. The project had highlighted concerns around the safety of community led youth groups and the need for professional input. They will continue to support issues surrounding teenage pregnancy, obesity, mental and sexual health. They hope to work towards the Ambition Standard. Amanda was asked which youth clubs she hopes to work with. Amanda said that she would work with Karla to identify who needs support.Board agreed to the proposal from the YMCA
5.7 Transport Campaign – Karla has not finalised this yet and is still investigating a campaign with the Young Commissioners. / KG
6.Update on YAB funding
6.1Good news regarding Youth and Community work contract for YAB’s, which have been extended for another year. The specifications will be re written in spring 2016 and the contract for the various YABs will be out for tender in the summer.New contracts will be offered in November. The proposed commissioning budget for next year is £30,000 but this may be tapered off in future years.The funding for positive activities may still be cut. There will be more information regarding the future of the YABs funding at he next meeting.
7. 2016/17 Needs assessment and Youth Consultation
7.1 Karla is in the process of designing a consultation with the young people. She hopes to reach as many young people as possible. The consultation will start in mid February.
The Needs analysis will also commence shortly. Karla asked board members to forward any relevant data to her, so that this information can be included. Jill confirmed she had some data that could be shared and will check the age and stage profile from NCC.
8.Any Other Business
8.1 Claire from GY College has asked Karla to inform the board that next month is their healthy relationship, LGBT and forced marriage month, if anyone would like to come in and hold a drop in stand/run sessions they can email .
9. Dates for future meetings
9.1 Dates for future meetings were agreed as;
23rd March at the Marina Centre, Great Yarmouth
27th April at the YMCA, Hall Quay, Great Yarmouth
6th July at East Norfolk Sixth Form College, Gorleston
14th September at Haven Bridge House
9th November at Great Yarmouth Town Hall