Great Wood News September 2009
To the Parents/Carers of ______
Welcome back everyone. I hope that you all had a good summer time with your children and that they are rested and keen to be up early and back at school. A special welcome to all our new families and childrenboth in reception and those who have arrived in other year groups. The term has started well and classes have settled quickly into their routines.
09/10 Great Wood House Captains
Blue / Maddie AccuttDavid Bottomley
Green / Charlotte Moore
Lewis Hunt
Red / Kaitlyn Nicholson
Ben Latham
Yellow / Jasmine Baines
Adam Thompson
09/10 Great Wood Vice Captains
Blue / Anya BriggsAlex Williams
Green / Georgia Parish
Daniel Rosbottom
Red / Lizzie Wimborne
Harry Fretwell
Yellow / India Harding
Nathan Beamer
Y6 pupils are chosen by their classmates for these important positions because they demonstrate:
Sensible and mature attitudes
Good role models for others
Fairness and friendship
Well done to you all!
Many other pupils are involved in taking special responsibilities around the school and we are proud of the work that they do to help others and to help things run smoothly.
Staff Notices
There are few staffing changes this year. Mrs Harwood, Mr Howard and Mrs Harris continue part time. Mrs Mathy is supporting some infant children with maths both at Great Wood and at Poulton-le-SandsSchool in the afternoons. Peripatetic music teachers are Mr Black (guitar- Friday) Miss Kay (recorder/flute/keyboard - Tuesday) and Mrs Beresford (violin- Monday) Mr Black will also teach all Y4 guitar on Tuesdays.
Miss Hanson joins us part-time as Learning Mentor. This new role is to help children who have some problem or issue that is having a negative effect on their ability to reach their potential. Such ‘problems’ include lateness to school, absence, social, friendship or home problems, or maybe simple organisational difficulties. The Learning Mentor enables teachers to concentrate better on their primary focus of teaching, enabling the school to further develop connections with out of school agencies that support children and families, and will provide continuity for children and parents over the years.
11 / Sycamore / Mrs Hamilton / Y610 / Rowan / Mrs Flaherty / Y5/6
9 / Oak / Mrs Davies / Y5
8 / Maple / Mrs Kennedy/ Mrs Edmondson / Y4
7 / Lime / Mr Hook / Y3/4
6 / Horse Chestnut / Miss Stewart / Y3
5 / Holly / Mrs Bartlett / Y2
4 / Cherry / Mrs Todd / Y1/2
3 / Birch / Miss Young / Y1
2 / Alder / Mrs Cardwell Cook / R/Y1
1 / Ash / Miss Akister / R
We are delighted to welcome back teaching assistants: Mrs Toulmin and Mrs Norman. Mrs Norman had a busy year training and now has qualified teacher status. We also welcome Mrs Reeve-Stennet who is working with children in reception and Year 1.
Parents will get the opportunity to meet with class teachers, to discuss their child and his/her progress to date, in early October. Infant Parents Evening is on Tuesday, October 13th, Junior Parents Evening is on Thursday, October 15th and Reception parents will be invited on both those dates.
At Great Wood we believe that having extra adults in school is good for the children. We have teachers from the University of Cumbria who join us for training opportunities, teaching assistant trainees who are doing courses at Lancaster and Morecambe College or the Adult College, high school and university students on work experience placements and a group of regular volunteers who listen to children read, help in the classrooms and support activities at clubs. We welcome regular volunteers and we can guarantee that it is a rewarding experience. Volunteer application forms are available at the office. Please be aware that regular volunteers are subject to a background check and parents do not support their children’s classes; this is not the case when a class teacher needs extra hands for one-off cookery, craft or chaperoning.
The end of the last school year was very busy. Y6 enjoyed an Oscar themed leavers’ party (thanks to the parents of the year), and the Y6 performed a brilliant play, taking in themes from Romeo & Juliet, Grease, ancient Greeks and children’s book characters galore. The following results are as yet unvalidated and we had questions about marking quality with a group of writing papers returned, as we felt a higher mark was deserved according to the marking criteria. This cannot take away from the fact the children and teachers worked extremely hard.
2009 End of KS2 Results
Level 4 and above
2008GW Results
(national) / 2009
GW Teacher
Assessment / 2009
Great Wood SAT
Results (unvalidated)
Reading / 96% (86%) / 88% / 83%
Writing / 90% (67%) / 81% / 62%
English / 92% / 79%
Maths / 96% (79%) / 81% / 85%
Science / 96% (88%) / 92% / 92%
Level 5
2008GW Results
(national) / 2008
GW Teacher
Assessment / 2009
Great Wood SAT
Results (unvalidated)
Reading / 72% (48%) / 38% / 48%
Writing / 32% (20%) / 13% / 10%
English / 56% / 23%
Maths / 52% (31%) / 29% / 31%
Science / 58% (44%) / 35% / 35%
Results throughout the school were positive and we are proud of the children’s achievements. Teachers are continuing to develop ways to fairly and accurately track progress so that we can provide appropriate support. In the lower years the girls are demonstrating greater relative progress, particularly in writing, and we are looking for ways (including support at home) to inspire boys to read and write – some ideas that were piloted in reception last year had a positive impact. We wish to do our best so all our children are positively challenged and make good progress.
Over the past year, staff and governors with pupil and parent input determined the mission for the school and developed the Gold Leaf Code of Conduct. Both are attached as will be used in our planning and decision making. The mission is summarised by the moto – ‘Aim High and Make a Difference,’ and the Code of Conduct with ‘Care, Courtesy and Consideration for the Community.’
We will continue to use positive discipline to help the children develop appropriate behaviour for different situations, and follow the school’s behaviour policy. We believe that you like to be kept informed and will be in contact if there are serious or regular misdemeanours.
When we are assessing the impact of the work we do, we look at the progress of children individually, the year group, boys, girls, high achievers, children with special needs to see if we are meeting the needs of these groups.
As part of the drive to meet all children’s needs, some are identified as Gifted, Able or Talented in our school records and we do our best so these children meet their potential. The children may demonstrate noticeable skill in art, music, PE, creative writing or other subjects or may do exceptionally well academically. Since the criteria are relative to children at Great Wood and therefore not necessarily transferrable to a different school, we don’t inform the parents of each child on this register by formal letter, rather, we indicate relative academic achievementon the annual report and speak directly to parents about noteworthy talents.
Parents are involved and notified formally when children are identified as having a ‘special educational need’ and an individual educational or behavioural plan (IEP or IBP) is in place. In looking at the progress of pupils with SEN over the last year, data shows that they have made progress in line with national expectations.
The following clubs will be running this term. Children who are eligible will be notified in school by the organising teachers. For after school clubs, parents must complete permission slips and make arrangements to collect children at the end of the session. In winter it is often dark at the end of a club and we require parents to ensure the safety of the children travelling home.
Upper Junior classes have swimming lessons during the year on a rota
Autumn term – Mrs Hamilton
Spring Term – Mrs Flaherty
Summer Term – Mrs Davies
Lessons begin on Friday, 25th September.
High School Open Evenings
Y6 pupils will soon be receiving a booklet which includes the high school preference form. Y6 parents are asked to contact us if you do not receive it. Parents may wish to note the open evening dates to arrange visits before making their decisions.
OPEN DAY -Community Morning
Families who have children who have a 4th birthday between 1/9/09 and 31/8/10 will be making the important decision about their primary school preference. The information booklets with the forms are distributed through nurseries and schools, and the form has to be returned by 6th November. To give an opportunity for prospective parents to see inside the school on a working day we have a community morning on October 8th between 9:15 and 11:45 when house captains host visitors, give a tour and answer questions. The headteacher is also available to answer questions. The open morning is also open to current parents who would like to see the school in action.
Parents’ Questionnaire.
The results of the summer term parent questionnaire are being collated by a governor and will be with you soon. Thank you to everyone who responded. We are open to suggestions and like to know what you think of how effective we are.
Every parent of Great Wood is automatically a member of our PTA. Meetings to make decisions and arrange fund raising events are held at school or locally and all parents are welcome to attend. Parents are invited to join the PTA mailing list to receive e-notices, meeting minutes etc. by emailing The first PTA event is Bag Packing at Morrisons supermarket on Saturday 17th October and the first PTA meeting is on Tuesday 15th September at the Palatine Hotel, Queen Street, Morecambe - 6.30pm for 6.45pm start.
Building Work
The school looks smarter after the exterior was painted and much needed signs were put up. It turns out that the 140 tennis balls stuck in drainpipes weren’t the cause of flooding at the back of school, rather some sagging drains which have now been attended to. The fencing between school and Huntley Close will be modified following discussions with residents if the council gives approval.
Governors have also approved 3 major projects which will take place over the next 18 months. Although we will try to minimise it, there is likely to be disruption to parents and children as the work does not meet the ‘summer work’ criteria.
- Improving drainage of the playing fields
- Enlarging the staff room
- Playground improvements including seating, permanent equipment, gate, paving repairs, disabled access to hall, extending hard surface areas.
Local authority grants have been sought and achieved for all the projects. In addition, the PTA has expressed interest in raising funds to support the playground improvements and will be making decisions on what to sponsor once the children and staff have been consulted.
‘Housekeeping’ Reminders
Thank you to all parents who make themselves aware of and follow school guidelines; these can be found in our handbook and are on our website. The following is a summary of the ones parents most often have questions about or make mistakes with.
The school has a clear administration of medicines policy. For those children who need medication in school for regular or emergency use please return the medicine and forms in a clearly labelled plastic box (named on the sides as the boxes are stacked). For over the counter medication like cough medicine, the office staff will assist children taking medicine if asked and given written signed and dated instructions, (however, not eye or ear drops).
Parents are reminded to always use the main entrance when coming into school during the day. Also, things brought to school should be clearly named, PE kits should be brought in draw string bags, coats need hanging loops and bulky backpacks are not allowed. Thank you to every parent for helpingus towards being a 100% uniform school! Everyone looks so smart and ready for work.
The Lost and Found box is in the school hall, named items are sent back to their owners and the box is emptied each half term.
Parents are asked to keep to the edges of the playground before and after school. In the morning it gives the children space to play and helps develop independence and at the end of the day it is so children can see to locate their parents.
Please help us by making sure your child knows that if there is no one to pick them up then they are to stay with their teacher and not leave the playground on their own (unless previously arranged).Reception children are now dismissed from the reception play area.
For safety reasons the adventure area is out of bounds before and after school.
To ensure that there is a clear area in front of the school for children to cross drivers are asked to honour the parking restrictions, and also to avoid parking in front of local residents’ drives. The school has received two complaints from local residents this term about cars and taxis being parked on the single yellow line which was added at the request of the school governors following parent concerns about pupil safety.
The Great Wood Walkers meet and set off fromMayfield Drive/Bare Lane corner and Beaufort Road/Broadway corner at 8:45 each morning.
Keys for the bicycle helmet lockers are available with a £5 returnable deposit. We have a white 14” Stunt King bike in the courtyard, left at school last year.
The car park is for taxis, the disabled and staff. Parents are requested not to use the car park for delivering or picking up children. Pedestrians are requested not to use the vehicular entrance.
School Meals are available at £1.85 per day. Payment is made in advance, on Friday. Children can have meals on as many days of the week they like, however parents are requested to maintain the same pattern for each term. Your child may be eligible for free school meals and a call to 581207 gives permission for income to be checked – there is no paperwork to complete and no distinction is made between those who receive free school meals and those who don’t.
We encourage parents to pack a balanced meal. Packed lunches should not include confectionery, fizzy drinks, bottles or nuts.
Children are encouraged to drink regularly. Please help us maintain our healthy lifestyles policy by only putting water into water bottles and not flavoured drinks.
Before and After school care is available at Shooting Stars, at ChristChurch on Broadway. Louisa Longworth can be contacted at 07538421743 and can give advice about tax credits.
is our website address. Information has been updated over the summer. The website is also being used to make announcements to avoid jammed phone lines - such as Sports Day taking place or not when the weather is mixed.
Diary Dates
The infants invite parents to their nativity on Tuesday, December 15th at 9:30am. The upper juniors invite parents to their production at 6:30pm on Thursday, December 10th.
We are also planning a theatre excursion to see The Wizard of Oz at the Dukes Theatre. Years 1-6 will fill the theatre on the morning of Wednesday December, 16th; the PTA have agree to provide a treat for the interval. We believe the experience is worth the effort and cost and encourage you to contribute. Without commitment the excursion will have to be cancelled. More information will follow.
Fri, Sept 18th / Upper KS2 - MacbethThu, Oct 8th 9:15-11:45 / OPEN DAY/Community Morning
Fri Oct 16th / Last day for High School preferences
24/10– 2/11 inc / Half term holiday
Fri Nov 6th / Last day for Rec pupil applications
Nov 24th -27th / Life Education Bus at GW
Thu. Dec 10th @6:30 / Upper Junior Performance
Tues. Dec 15th @ 9:30 / Infant nativity
Wed. Dec 16th / Wizard of Oz @ Dukes
Fri Dec 18th / School breaks for Christmas holiday at usual time
Welfare Assistant(s) Wanted
The school requires Welfare Assistants at lunchtimes to assist the children during the dinner break. They are expected to supervise the pupils whilst they eat their meals, helping to cut up food etc and to do playground duty. This is for one hour daily, 12 til 1pm. It can be on a casual basis if you wish.
Anyone interested, whether a parent, grandparent, or relative, please collect an application form from the school office or contact the Mid-day Supervisor, Mrs CarolTurner.
The Big Wide Talk
There is an opportunity coming to Morecambe in the coming months for parents and children to do some interesting activities in The Winter Gardens. The project is lottery funded and apart from the events at the Winter Gardens for many there will be opportunities for some to get involved first and learn how to film or something else – an activities where the children can go to. The people involved seem genuinely interested in making it a positive experience for all and a representative will be here to speak to interested parents at parents evenings. See the attachment for more information.