Time, Treasure and Talents: three opportunities for ACC and PCUK members and friends to make contributions, whether large or small, to the organisation to enable it to growand develop, to be financial secure and to be a resource for the Kingdom of God.

Is there anyway you could support the work of ACC and PCUK?

Some suggestions or opportunities:

  • Network Representative:Become a Network Representative in your area to represent ACC/ PCUK locally and support members
  • Network Committee: Join or help create a Network Committee where you live.Committees include both counsellors and pastoral carers
  • Pastoral Pals : Help set up a Pastoral Pals group in your local area
  • Support: Offer your time, however small to support the work of a committee even if you do not feel you could be on it
  • Raise Awareness: Help promote and raise awareness of ACC and PCUK through your church, organization and contacts, either directly or making an initial contact for ACC/PCUK to follow up on
  • Pray: Consider being part of a regular prayer support network for ACC and PCUK.

ACC/PCUK achieves amazing things with limited finances and we are always aware that many of our members are volunteers and so we try to keep membership and training costs low.For some budgets are tight, for others there is opportunity to make maybe a bigger contribution. Ways you cansupport the finances are by:

  • Financial giving :-
  • One off gifts, possibly a legacy or will
  • Regular monthly giving, however small: £5, £10, £20 or more
  • Organise a fund raising event i.e. a coffee morning, sponsored event, bring and buy etc
  • Ensuring you are registered for Gift Aid with ACC:
  • If you are a tax payer, HMRC allowcharities to recover 25%on any gifts made to a charity. If you are not already gift aiding to ACC collect a form from the ACC stand in Meeting Point
  • If 100 members gave £5 a month over a year = £6,000, with Gift Aid this would amount to £7,500. £5 is less than two lattes a month!Some may be able to show even greater generosity
  • Our goal is to increase our annual income by £25,000 (which could be achieved by 325 members giving £5 per month with Gift Aid).This would enable us to improve our services for members, to develop our resources for the public, to help meet head office expenses and grow the organization and its influence in the world of counselling and pastoral care.

In the parable of the talents, Jesus reminds us that God has given each of us talentsand skills and that all have a value and purpose in growing God’s Kingdom.Likewise,in ACC we believe that ourmembers and friends have a wide variety of skills and talentsnot just in counselling or pastoral care, which could be invaluable to us. ACC/PCUK have made great progress in recent years, but what we can achieve is limited by the people resources that we have (only the equivalent of 4 paid full time staff, with everything else being achieved by volunteers)

How could you help us to move beyond our current limits?

What talents do you have that you could give in any way and for any length of time?

  • Specialist Skills and Experience: putting on events and training through a Network Committee or Network Representatives
  • Relational and Supportive Skills: Forming a small local group of ACC / PCUK members that meets to share experience, support and pray for each other.
  • Financial, Administrative, IT Skills: To be used locally within a Network or for HO to be able to use at events or as a remote support
  • Training: Training to become a Trainer for Developing Quality Relationships and / or Resourcing Pastoral Care Course
  • Marketing and Promoting: Helping us to develop strategies and plans to create marketing opportunities and promote ACC/PCUK, to develop materials, attend events and represent ACC/PCUK etc.
  • Networking and Talking: Can you talk about the work of ACC/PCUK to anyone who may be interested, raise awareness of our work in churches, organisations and with the public?
  • Creative Skills: do you have creative or artistic talents that ACC / PCUK may find helpful in promoting the work of the organizatione.g. writing an article for Accord

Some suggestions, but we would love to hear about any other skill that you would be willing to offer.

Next Steps:

  • Pray about it
  • Come and talk to us at Meeting Point
  • Let us know what you could offer to do
  • Complete: A Standing Order Form to make a regular monthly gift and/or a Gift Aid Declaration Form

Contact Us After this Event

For Talents and Time:

  • Contact: one of the Directors, for Kathy Spooner Counselling r Teresa Onions Pastoral
  • Contact: one of the Network Champions
  • For Counselling: Dave Cooper or Helen Vipan or Counselling
  • For Pastoral Care: Marlene Forsythe-Gidharry or Chris Webster or Pastoral Care

For Treasure:

Contact us via the Finance Director Sue Monckton-Rickett

A heartfelt thank you from ACC Board and Executive