Term Aim: This term we will be learning about stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination and reflecting on how people have been discriminated against because of their religious beliefs.
Learning objectives andkey questions / Cross
skills / RE skill / Range / Learning activities / Resources / Assessment opportunities
What is stereotyping? /
/ 1.i
3. i
3.iii / 2.v / Power point presentation – images of different people –sportsperson / nurse / teacher /doctor /farmer /old person etc
In pairs or small groups, pupils should predict who might have a job like the ones shown and explain their conclusions. Did they give each person an ethnicity? Why? (Doctor – male / Asian) Did the language of the labels matter (e.g. manager instead of manageress) How do our experiences influence us? For example – male/female ratio of teachers at Tre-Gib? Are there more male or female nurse/doctors seen on television?
Optional task: display information in the form of a graph – before and after feedback for comparison.
Ask pupils: ‘Where were you in the graph?’ ‘Did you think the same as everyone else?’ ‘What does this say about the way you judge people?’ / Powerpoint presentation.
How can stereotyping lead to prejudice?
What does prejudice mean?
What is discrimination?
How are people
discriminated against? /
/ 1.iii
3.iii / 2.iii
2.v / In pairs. Task 1 – page 8. Look at photos A-D and see if you can work out the ways in which people are being discriminated against. You can use the Five Ws questioning technique: Who?
What? When? Where? and Why? to investigate the messages and signals shown in particular images.
You could use video clips – see resources
Watch clips - news or read newspaper article on modern day situation e.g. Sikh girl suspended from school in South Wales for wearing her ‘Kara’. Discuss whether it is fair that Sikhs are treated differently because of what they wear?
Write a letter to the school in response to the suspension of the Sikh girl. / Imagine that you are the Sikh girl – diary entry what happened and how did you feel.
Optional task
Thinking skills task – Mystery ‘Does Sunita get the job?’
Feedback on conclusion and explanation on events leading up to their conclusion / EQ 2 – Page 8-9
Video clips – e.g. ‘côr meibion’
Wallace and Gromit showing disability
Vicar of Dibley – the arrival of new vicar
Stephen Lawrence
Video clips or newspaper articles on Sikh girl in South Wales
EQ Teacher book page 123 – cards for the mystery activity (instructions p 116)
Why did the Holocaust happen?
How does religious prejudice show itself?
What are the consequences of religious persecution
How easy is it to forgive? /
/ 1.i
3.vi / 2.v / Display Holocaust Images in PowerPoint or OHTs. (set mood by darkening the room and using music) Pupils to look at each image for about 45-60 seconds and then respond / record feelings on response sheet
Read poem Holocaust by Barbra Sonek (p 127) or in Welsh part of poem ‘Gwerth’ gan Ifor ap Glyn . You could light a candle and leave it burning for the last 30 seconds or so.
Pupils could create their own poem expressing their own feelings / emotional response. Use ICT / Holocaust images to redraft poems – wall display.
Read Anna Bergman’s story p. 11. In pairs, Fortune Graph discussion activity on Anna Bergman (instructions on p 117). Challenge the discussions that pupils have so that they explore the reasoning behind their ideas.
Diary entry for Anna Bergman
.Discuss with a partner what your feelings are when you read that Anna cannot forgive. Would you be able to forgive?
Compare with article written by the mother of Stephen
Lawrence – racial attack – she was able to forgive the person that attacked her son. Compare and contrast beliefs about forgiveness.
Interview Mrs Norma Glass (Swansea Orthodox
Synagogue) / Holocaust images in EQ2 Teacher’s book pp 123-7
Response sheet 128 (instructions p.117)
EQ 2 pages 10-11
The poem ‘Gwerth’ by Ifor ap Glyn
Appropriate music
Extra resources on
Anna Bergman Fortune graph and cards EQ 2 Teacher’s book 129-130
CD Rom available on Anna Bergman.
What do religions teach about how you should treat other people?
What does it feel like to be treated unfairly?
What do religions
teach about equality?
How do Christians make moral decisions?
How can religious statements and beliefs guide people in their moral decisions? /
/ 1.i
2.v / 2.v / Look at pages 12-13. What do the six major religions teach us about how we should treat others? Use different images and headlines recently seen on the media e.g. ‘old woman beaten at her home in Swansea’ / ‘young person stabbed during night out’ / person selling Big Issue Cymru on the street. Ask pupils to relate the religious teachings to each situation.
Display the text ‘There is no Greek or Jew, man or woman …for you are all one in Christ Jesus.’ ‘..treat others as you want to be treated’. Remind pupils of Year 7 work and
the teachings of Jesus.
Story Jigsaw activity on the parable of the Good Samaritan. Divide class into pairs/small groups. Read parable of the Good Samaritan and ask pupils to sequence (or number) the cards.
Discussion activity based on the parable: ‘Over to You 2’ p13.
Pupils could write their own parables. / EQ 2 pp 12-13
Teacher’s book pp 130-1
Recent images - Newsround
Cards for Story Jigsaw – p 131; instructions p.118
Could use story picture cards
How can we see equality in action?
What examples of equality in society do I know of?
Understand how people are seen as equal in the Muslim faith.
Appreciating the experience of equality on Hajj /
/ 1.iii
2.iv / 2.iii
2.vi / Show the pupils the pictures of Hajj and they should try to work out what has happened, discussing who is in the
pictures/what they are wearing/the country they could be in/what artefacts could be seen in use, etc.
One way of beginning the task is to give each pupil one of the images laminated as they walk into class. Tell the pupils to imagine that these are pictures that a new member of the class has brought into school, asking them to find 5 things to describe about their picture. Pupils feedback their descriptions and a bigger picture of all the events begins to emerge. With this bigger picture – guess where Yusaf might have been.
Ask the question what is the Hajj?
Read Yusaf’s first experience of Hajj – page 15.
Identify the parts of his experience that show equality being expressed (you could use the sorting activity on pp 137-8).
Imagine you are a Muslim who has completed Hajj. Write a journal/e-mail entry for each day. / EQ 2 pp 14-15
Teacher’s book gives pictures of Hajj (pp 135-6), sorting activity (p137-8) and instructions (p118)
Video resource available on Hajj.
How do we make things change?
Study and evaluate the lives of people who have challenged inequality in the world.
What can people do to change things?
Who has inspired change in the past? /
/ 1.ii
2.iii2.iv / 2.v
3.ii / Brainstorm information on Martin Luther King / Mahatma Ghandi / Dalai Lama.
Groups could be given different individuals and asked to research into their lives to investigate how they have challenged inequality in the world. Pupils could use the EQ in RE books / internet to collect as much information as possible.
Welsh medium groups could look at individuals within Wales e.g. Gwenno Teifi who went on a fast to show her feelings about the inequality faced by people in third world countries.
Pupils could do independent research into the life of any individual who has inspired others in the past – and give a talk on the work of that individual.
After all research has been completed pupils join others who
have studied someone different. They share their information.
Each group is given a copy of the Odd one out template to complete (see instructions on p 119).
Feedback to class and discussion to summarise what pupils have found out. What conclusions have they reached about these people? What does it take to make things change?
Alternatively it would be possible to study one individual e.g. Martin Luther King. Watch DVD/Video and use p16-17 How did he put his belief into practice. What were his beliefs? How did he put these teachings into action? What is your opinion of his work? / EQ 2 pp 16-21
Teacher’s book gives odd one out template (p 139) and instructions (p119)
Research materials
Article in Garthen on Gwenno Teifi.
Do I live in an equal way with others?
Are men and women equal?
Are men and women treated equally?
How does Sikhism practice equality through worship?
Why is equality important? / / 1.i
3.i / 2.v
3.ii / Discuss who does what types of work at home.
Look at attitudes to women in Jesus’ time, and Jesus’ attitude to women.
Look at the Welsh poem, ‘A wnaiff y gwragedd aros ar ôl?’ by Menna Elfyn. Discuss traditional role of women.
Show images of religious ceremonies in places of worship on whiteboard and in pairs, pupils try to recognise the way different genders lead worship in different faiths (revisit Vicar of Dibley / Simpsons).
Discuss the gender issues raised. Which faiths had/have women
leaders? What does this tell you about equality between men and women in that faith/religion in general?
Read the account of a service of worship in the gurdwara – highlight ways in which men and women are treated during the service .Reference could be made to Orthodox and Reform Jews.
Discuss the Brain Stretcher question on p 23. / EQ2 – pp22-23
video clip of Sikh worship.
Images on county RE site – gurdwara in Wales.
Tasg lefelu.
‘Mae’n amhosib trin pawb yn gyfartal.’ ‘It is impossible to treat everybody equally’.
‘Mae arweinwyr crefyddol wedi gwneud eu gorau ond mae cydraddoldeb i bawb yn freuddwyd amhosib.’ Religious leaders have tried their best but equality for everyone is an impossible dream.’