NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next meeting of the Great Wakering Parish Council will take place on Wednesday 21st September, 2016, in the Parish Council Offices, Little Wakering Hall Lane, Great Wakering, SS3 0HH, commencing at 7.30 p.m.

This meeting may in part be open to the press and members of the public.

ALL MEMBERS of the COUNCIL ARE HEREBY SUMMONSED to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out hereunder.

Signed: Date: 15th September 2016

S. Hyatt.

Clerk to Great Wakering Parish Council.

1.  The Chairman to declare the meeting open.

2.  To receive apologies for absence.

To be voted upon individually.

3.  To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct and with section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.

4.  Financial Matters.

a.  To approve Payment Schedules for July/August 2016 (Previously circulated).

b.  To approve Receipt Schedules for July/August 2016 (Previously circulated).

c.  To approve the Financial Statement for the 5 months to 31st August 2016 (Previously circulated).

5.  To receive the Chairman’s report.

6.  To receive an oral update regarding Neighbourhood Watch and Community Speedwatch.

7.  To receive reports from the County Councillor and the District Councillors on County and District matters (5 minutes each at Chairman’s discretion).

8.  To sign as a correct record the minutes of the Full Council Meeting

held on 3rd August 2016. (Previously circulated).

9.  The meeting will stand adjourned to permit Parishioners of Great

Wakering to address the Council (3 minutes each at Chairman’s


10. To agree the Finance/Personnel Committee recommendation that for the remaining period of the financial year 2016/17 a £40 charge be made for the transfer of grave ownership.

11. Proposal by Councillor Street that the Parish Council purchase a radio controlled wall clock up to a maximum price of £25 for use in the council meeting room.

12. Proposal by Councillor Street that the Parish Council go out to quote to lop and trim all trees within the Parish sign garden paying particular attention to those fouling the overhead cables.

13. Proposal byCouncillor Street that Parish Council go out to quote to supply and apply100 millimetres (4 inches) of high quality forest bark to the beds below the trees and roses at the Parish sign garden.

14. i) Councillor Sawyer’s proposal to make provision for waste

accumulation in the Parish Council Burial Ground and the appointed

contractor remove same in accordance with appropriate regulations.

ii) Councillor Sawyer’s proposal to remove the enclosure behind the

grave diggers hut in St Nicholas churchyard when waste disposal has

been implemented in the Parish Council Burial ground.

15. Proposal by Councillor Street that the Parish Council go out to quote to construct a simple waste (Green, spent tributes, litter and all rubbish) Collection Pointwithin the Parish Council Burial Ground consisting of two x one cubic metre builders bags supported on wooden up rights and two rows of horizontal wooden battens.

16. Proposal byCouncillor Street that Parish Council go out to quote to improve safety at the entrance to the Parish Council Burial ground thus- Remove 6 no 600 x 600 X 50 ml. slabs and put to one side. Dig out base to a depth of 125 ml. grade off gradient in a eastern directiontowards beech hedge to cover an area of 1800 ml. X 2400 ml. (12 x 600 x 600ml.slabs). Supply additional six 600 x 600 x 50 ml slabs. Lay 12 slabs on a lean mix base butting slab edges together (no gaps. no pointing.)Gradient down to the east leaving eastern edge slightly proud of the level of grass. Grade off edges of slabbed area with fine soil to merge into existing grassed areas and broadcast grass seed. Slabbed area to abut existing tarmac path where previous slabbed area was situated.

17. To consider the proposal by Councillor Street that the Parish Council go out to quote to cut and remove all ivy from all Parish Council trees within the Parish Council Burial Ground.

18. i. To consider any new ideas for a competition to replace the ‘villager of

the year’ contest for Great Wakering for 2016.

ii. To agree the proposal by Councillor Street to hold a ‘villager of the

year’ contest for Great Wakering for 2016.

19. To decide upon an offer from an allotment holder that they purchase the Parish Council owned Mountfield Empress mower for £20.00.

20. To receive written reports from those persons representing the Council on Committees/outside bodies and to receive reports on seminars and conferences attended, to include,

a. Village Memorial Hall – Councillor Street

b. Transport Users Group – Councillor Efde

c. Rochford Hundred Association of Local Councils – Councillor Street

d. Footpath Report

e. Finance/Personnel Committee report.

21. To agree the proposal from Councillor Street to commence the tender process for landscape maintenance at St. Nicholas churchyard, Great Wakering for one year to commence at the expiry of the current contract in accordance with the M.E.A.T. principle, subject to revision of the tender specification and a satisfactory qualified assessment of memorials being received before the tender process commences.

22. At the Chairman’s discretion to exchange information under any other


23. Exclusion of the Press and Public.

To agree that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the remaining business on the grounds that exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 would be disclosed.

24. Noticeboards:

a.  To award the contract re erection of Parish Council Burial Ground notice board.

b.  To award the contract re replacement of perspex to Little Wakering Hall Lane notice board.

25. To award the contract re cutting/ strimming non-cultivated 5 square rod plots and surrounding paths leaving waste in situ.

Date of next meeting – 2nd November, 2016 – Full Council Meeting.