Great Primary Lesson Ideas
Lots of ideas for creating fun and engaging lessons for primary aged children. You can also watch Great Secondary Lesson Ideas.
There are 45 videos in this series.
Great Secondary Lesson Ideas
Teachers demonstrate inspirational KS3/4 lesson ideas, offering comprehensive resources including lessons plans and tips for you to use in class. You can also watch Great Primary Lesson Ideas.
There are 32 videos in this series.
Math Activities For PreschoolersWhen is a good time to teach your child math? As soon as they can say a few words! Math activities for preschoolers will definitely put your child on the right path to mathematical success and an early age.
Two years of age is a great time to start. Children ages 3 -5 know immediately if someone got more cookies than they did. They like telling their age, address, phone number. We can use this interest.
Caterpillar Count
Grade Level: Preschool - Kindergarten
Skill: Counting
Number of players: 2
Object of the game: Be the player who colors the last part of the caterpillar
•Caterpillar Count game board
•A different colored crayon for each player
•Index cards, numbered from 1 to 9 ***
•Paper bag
•Print a copy of the Caterpillar Count game board
•Place the numbered index cards in the paper bag
Click to print off Game Board #1
Click to print off Game Board #2
To Play with Game Board #1:
- Decide who goes first by pulling numbers from the number bag. The person with the highest number begins.
- The first player takes a number from the bag. Using her own color, she shades in that number of spaces on the caterpillar. (Example: Amy picks a 2 from the number bag. She colors the first two spaces on the caterpillar with her red crayon.) She places the number card back in the bag.
- The next player draws a number card and uses his crayon to color in that number of spaces on the caterpillar. (Example: Matt picks a 4 from the bag. He colors the next 4 spaces on the caterpillar with his blue crayon.)
- Play continues until the entire caterpillar has been colored. The player who colors in the last space on the caterpillar is the winner
- Give each player his own Caterpillar Game board and use numbers 1 to 20. The first player to finish his own board wins.
- Use Game board #2 with numbers 1 to 30.
- For either game board, use multiples of 5 up to 50. Players “skip count” so that every section of the caterpillar represents 5 numbers. For example, if a player draws 25, he counts, “5, 10, 15, 20, 25” and colors 5 sections of the board.
- Use multiples of 10 up to 100. Players “skip count” so that every section of the caterpillar represents 10 numbers.
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There are math activities for preschoolers no matter what level they are on...This next one is a hands-on game helps kids learn to associate numbers with sets of objects.
GRAB BAG NUMBERS: Help your toddler get comfortable with this hands-on preschool math activity.
DIVVY IT UP-A COUNTING GAME: Yes it's time to start counting! All you need for this activity is the little plastic tray that pre-cut veggies come in from the grocery store. Ready to practice counting?
Online Preschool Math Games
Children really enjoy learning with math activities for preschoolers.
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Here is a list of all of the skills students learn in pre-K! The skills are organized into categories, and you can move your mouse over any skill name to see a sample question. To start practicing, just click on any link. IXL will track your score, and the questions will even increase in difficulty as you improve!
• A.1 Identify circles, squares, and triangles
• A.2 Identify squares and rectangles
• A.3 Identify cubes and pyramids
Count to 3
• B.1 Count dots (up to 3)
• B.2 Count shapes (up to 3)
• B.3 Count objects (up to 3)
• B.4 Represent numbers (up to 3)
Count to 5
- C.1 Count dots (up to 5)
- C.2 Count shapes (up to 5)
- C.3 Count objects (up to 5)
- C.4 Represent numbers (up to 5)
Count to 10
- D.1 Count dots (up to 10)
- D.2 Count shapes (up to 10)
- D.3 Count objects (up to 10)
- D.4 Represent numbers (up to 10)
Count to 20
• E.1 Count dots (up to 20)
• E.2 Count shapes (up to 20)
• E.3 Count objects (up to 20)
• E.4 Represent numbers (up to 20)
• F.1 Compare groups (fewer or more)
• F.2 Compare in a chart (fewer or more)
• F.3 Compare in a mixed group
• G.1 Inside and outside
• G.2 Left and right
• G.3 Left, middle, and right
• G.4 Above and below
• G.5 Top and bottom
• H.1 Same
• H.2 Different
• H.3 Same and different
• H.4 Classify by color
• I.1 Long and short
• I.2 Tall and short
• I.3 Light and heavy
• I.4 Holds more or less
• I.5 Compare height, weight, and capacity
• I.6 Wide and narrow
• J.1 Pennies and nickels
• J.2 Dimes and quarters
• J.3 Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters
J.4 Count pennies