The ABC’s of Mrs.Hutton’s and Mrs. Hensley’s

Kindergarten Class

A-Arrival! The school opens at 7:30. Breakfast begins at 7:45. Students may enter the class at 7:45. If you are here before 7:45, your child will need to go to the cafeteria. Arrivals after 8:00 are considered tardy. If you arrive after 8:00am, your child will need a tardy note from the front desk.We go to our specials at 8:10am. Our mornings are extremely fast paced.

Attendance! If your child is absent because of an illness ALWAYS send a parent note or a doctor’s note stating why your child was out. The attendance policy has changed for McDowell County Schools. See the separate handout to learn about the changes.

B-Breakfast! All students will receive breakfast in the classrooms. Breakfast will be served promptly at 7:45. Breakfast is free for everyone.

Birthdays! You may bring in cupcakes and drinks for your child’s birthday. Everything must be store bought. Just let me know ahead of time!

C-Communication! I will be sending blue folders home every night with information to return to school or keep at home. This folder will also contain behavior sheets that need to be signed and returned to school. On Friday’s, your child will receive all the work they completed for the week. You may keep this work at home.

Conferences! Please attend all parent conferences during the school year. I will work with your schedules to ensure you can attend. We will be meeting twice during the year.

D-Dismissal! Bus riders will be dismissed at 2:45. Students who are car riders or after school will be dismissed at 2:45 to the cafeteria. Car riders must have a car tag to pick their child up.Parents picking up their children are asked to stay in the car line. Please do not walk down to the classroom to pick up your child.You must pick you child up in the car line by 3:10.

Discipline! See page 4.

E-Email! You may reach me via email at .

Emergency! Please make sure we have updated emergency information at all times such as new phone numbers, custody agreements, etc…

F-Field Trips! The Kindergarten team is working on a trip to the apple orchard in Morganton in September/October. Information to follow…just make a note.

Fundraisers! There will be fundraisers throughout the year. You will receive flyers and letters whenever there is a fundraiser or event.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetables! The cafeteria will be provide a fresh portion of fruits or vegetables every day for an extra snack.

G-Gym! Please note the calendar for days we have PE. Make sure your child has on comfortable clothing and proper shoes that day.The homework sheet has PE days marked.

H-Homework! Please check for homework each night in the blue folder and sign.

Health! Make sure we know of any major health issues that occur during the year.

I-Immunizations! Kindergarten students need all immunizations up to date.

J-Journals! We will be making a poetry notebook/journal throughout the year. We will also be working on math journals to explain how we arrived at our answer.

K-Kindness! Students in our classroom are encouraged and expected to treat all members of our class as well as others with kindness and respect.

L-Lunch! Lunch is free for all students. Please, memorize your lunch number!! We will be eating at 10:50-11:25. A monthly menu of hot lunches will be sent home. Children will be allowed to choose between two choices. Kindergarten students are not permitted to buy extra food items. Students may also pack their lunches. We cannot warm any lunches sent from home.

Library! Children will have the chance to visit the library and check out books. Please make sure books are returned when finished.

M-Money! When sending money please place it in a labeled baggy or envelope with a note telling what the money is for and the amount sent. *Don’t forget to put a name on it.

N-Notes! You may send notes via the blue folder. I will also send notes home inside the folder as well. Please note any changes in transportation or person picking your child up. I cannot go on what the child tells me. It must be in written form from you or make a phone call to the school and they will deliver the message.

O-Opportunities! You may volunteer or participate anytime throughout the year. Just send me an email or note to school. I need parents to help tear math pages out of their workbooks and/or cut and staple books together.

P-Parties! We will schedule several celebrations this year. We will have a Fall/Halloween Parent Day and a Valentine Parent Day. We will get to make crafts, sing songs, and enjoy treats.

Playground! We will visit the playground each day. Please dress your child appropriately. Tennis shoes are the best due to small gravel covering the ground.

Q-Questions! Just email, call, come by or send a note!

R-Restrooms! Children will always have access to the restrooms and we will also set aside time each day to go as a whole group.

Rest! Kindergarten students will rest the last part of the day. They are not expected to sleep, but are expected to rest quietly. No blankets allowed. They may bring a small stuffed animal if they need one.

S-Snack! Please pack your child a healthy snack each day.

Special Classes! We go to computers, library, art and PE

T-Toys! Please do not allow children to bring toys unless it is a special occasion and the teacher has sent a note home.

U-Unbelievable! The progress of each child will be unbelievable! We are so excited to have you!

V-Visitors! You are always welcome here at Nebo. Just check in with the office to get a name badge.

W-Web Page! You may access the county page at

X-Extra Clothing! All Kindergarteners need to send in a change of clothing. Please send an extra shirt, shorts/pants, socks, and underwear just in case they have an accident at school.

Y-You! Parents you are the child’s BEST teacher! Please know how much your child looks up to you. Let’s work as a great team this year!

Z-ZZZZZ’s! Make sure your child always gets plenty of rest for each of our fun filled days.

Positive Behavior and Discipline Information

Our goal is to create an environment in the class that is exciting, but also safe for your child. This includes assisting children in making appropriate behavioral choices. The classroom rules are posted, discussed, and reviewed often. The State of North Carolina has high expectations and standards to meet in kindergarten. This means Mrs. Hensley, Mrs. Poplin, the Kindergarten Team, and I have high expectations for your child as well.

We begin with positive reinforcement first. Positive reinforcement is encouraging and helps guide them to make better decisions. Our hope is to redirect the negative behavior to better choices. An example we might say is, “Are you being respectful to the rules? What can you do to be a better example?”

Nebo Elementary has a Honey Pot at the front of the school. Students who have outstanding behavior all week will get their name in the Honey Pot. On Friday mornings, Mrs. Poplin randomly draws names from the honey pot. If their name is called out over the intercom, they get to walk to the PRIDE room to choose a prize.


Listening Ears

Quiet voices

Looking Eyes

Helping Hands

Walking Feet

We have an individual star chart. If they have positive behavior all day, they will earn a star on the chart. Once they earn 10 stars, they may get a treasure from our classroom treasure box.

If we see inappropriate behavior, we will re-direct the student in a positive way. If the behavior continues, a warning will be given. If the behavior continues after a warning, they will have a timeout. A note will be sent home if a student has timeout. Re-occurring bad behaviors will result in a parent meeting. Please sign and return these notes.