You are invited to attend a Meeting of Kegworth Parish Council on Monday 7th March 2016 at 7.30pm

Public Participation – Prior to commencement of the meeting, members of the public may make ask questions or make representations on items on the agenda – up to 15 minutes. During the meeting and only at the Chairman’s discretion, the meeting may be adjourned for other matters of public interest to be raised.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest with regard to items on the Agenda
  3. To receive a Police Report
  4. To approve and sign the Minutes of 1st February 2016
  5. Financial Matters
  • To approve payments and sign any cheques
  • To agree quote from NWLDC for repairs to play equipment
  • To discuss quotes for Parish Council Insurance
  1. To consider parish councilor vacancies and application for co-option
  2. To discuss Business Plan – Chris Carter
  3. To discuss Newsletter and request to advertise – Vicky Roe
  4. To discuss NWLDC, Gypsy and Traveler Site Allocation Consultation and call for sites
  5. To discuss land at Long Lane – Vicky Roe / Val Teffahi
  6. To receive update on progress in relation to allotments – Vicky Roe / Martin Hawksworth
  7. To formally agree use of Market Place for Easter Charter Market & to discuss Parish Council Pop-Up
  8. To discuss/note planning applications (PA), planning permissions (PP), planning consultations (PC) and listed building consent (LBC) from NWLDC including:
  • 16/00174/TPO Works to 2 no. Horse Chestnuts (Protected by TPO T54) at land Adjacent to Waterwheel Cottage, Mill Lane, Kegworth
  • 16/00146/FUL Proposed single storey rear extension at 101 Whatton Road, Kegworth
  • To note planning permission at 3 Borough Street, Kegworth
  • 16/00176/FUL Insertion of new windows to north facing elevation at Kegworth Hotel, Packington Hill
  • 16/00161/TPO Works to 7 no. trees and 1 no. Beech (protected by TPO T372) at 3 Whiteholmes Grove, Kegworth
  • 16/00221/FUL Proposed two storey extension at 7 Pleasant Place, Kegworth
  • 15/00365/OUT (Amended Application) Residential development of three dwellings (Outline-all matters other than part access drive) at 29 London Road, Kegworth
  • To note planning permission at 40 Ashby Road, Kegworth
  • To note planning permission at 71 Derby Road, Kegworth
  1. To receive correspondence from the Clerk
  2. Date of next meeting – Monday 4th April 2016
  3. To take a vote to discuss the next two items in a closed session under Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960
  4. To consider the legal advice from Hedleys Solicitors re: KPC's responsibilities towards a charitable organisation
  5. To discuss recruitment of a Deputy Clerk

All members of the public are welcome to attend parish council meetings