You are invited to attend a Meeting of Kegworth Parish Council on Monday 7th March 2016 at 7.30pm
Public Participation – Prior to commencement of the meeting, members of the public may make ask questions or make representations on items on the agenda – up to 15 minutes. During the meeting and only at the Chairman’s discretion, the meeting may be adjourned for other matters of public interest to be raised.
- Apologies for absence
- Declarations of interest with regard to items on the Agenda
- To receive a Police Report
- To approve and sign the Minutes of 1st February 2016
- Financial Matters
- To approve payments and sign any cheques
- To agree quote from NWLDC for repairs to play equipment
- To discuss quotes for Parish Council Insurance
- To consider parish councilor vacancies and application for co-option
- To discuss Business Plan – Chris Carter
- To discuss Newsletter and request to advertise – Vicky Roe
- To discuss NWLDC, Gypsy and Traveler Site Allocation Consultation and call for sites
- To discuss land at Long Lane – Vicky Roe / Val Teffahi
- To receive update on progress in relation to allotments – Vicky Roe / Martin Hawksworth
- To formally agree use of Market Place for Easter Charter Market & to discuss Parish Council Pop-Up
- To discuss/note planning applications (PA), planning permissions (PP), planning consultations (PC) and listed building consent (LBC) from NWLDC including:
- 16/00174/TPO Works to 2 no. Horse Chestnuts (Protected by TPO T54) at land Adjacent to Waterwheel Cottage, Mill Lane, Kegworth
- 16/00146/FUL Proposed single storey rear extension at 101 Whatton Road, Kegworth
- To note planning permission at 3 Borough Street, Kegworth
- 16/00176/FUL Insertion of new windows to north facing elevation at Kegworth Hotel, Packington Hill
- 16/00161/TPO Works to 7 no. trees and 1 no. Beech (protected by TPO T372) at 3 Whiteholmes Grove, Kegworth
- 16/00221/FUL Proposed two storey extension at 7 Pleasant Place, Kegworth
- 15/00365/OUT (Amended Application) Residential development of three dwellings (Outline-all matters other than part access drive) at 29 London Road, Kegworth
- To note planning permission at 40 Ashby Road, Kegworth
- To note planning permission at 71 Derby Road, Kegworth
- To receive correspondence from the Clerk
- Date of next meeting – Monday 4th April 2016
- To take a vote to discuss the next two items in a closed session under Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960
- To consider the legal advice from Hedleys Solicitors re: KPC's responsibilities towards a charitable organisation
- To discuss recruitment of a Deputy Clerk
All members of the public are welcome to attend parish council meetings