Grassroots Official Award

Award Criteria

  • Outstanding contribution to netball officiating as a volunteer for a minimum of 3 years
  • This award can include umpiring, match bench officials, scorers, mentors and assessors
  • Nominees should have made a particular impact between 1st April 2017 and 31st March 2018
  • Nominees must hold an England Netball Officiating Award
  • Nominees must be affiliated to England Netball

Completing the Nomination Form

All fields must be completed on the nomination form, additional documents submitted will not be considered.

Each nomination is to be accompanied by two high resolution images (jpeg or png file format). One action and one portrait image if possible.

Utilise theword limit,itisimportanttobesuccinct.Ensureyou havespecific,appropriate and precise information aboutthenominee.

Writeshortsentences that areconcise and givespecificdetail. Avoidpraising adjectives.Listthemostimportant informationin the firstfewsentences,andthenelaborateasnecessary.

Do notincludeinformation thatisnotrelevantto thecategory.For example,thenomineesplaying history isnot relevantandwillbedisregarded.

If anindividualhas beennominatedina previousyeartheyare stilleligiblefor thisyear’saward so you can nominate themagain.

Impact & achievements –please include specific examples, numbers and anecdotal evidence.

Typed nomination formsarepreferredhowever ifsubmittinga handwrittennominationuseblackinkandwrite or printasclearlyaspossible.

If you have any queries regarding completion please contact your Regional office of email

Please send your completed form to Helen:

North West Netball, the National Cycling Centre, Stuart St, Manchester M11 4DQ

Deadline: 1st May 2018

This year the NW Goalden Globe event is being held on Saturday 2nd June after Manchester Live - Thunder v Wasps (2.15pm) at the Arena the Celebration event will be held afterwards at the Renaissance Hotel, Manchester (from 5pm) and we are offering in conjunction with Manchester Thunder a Joint “Golden” ticket watch thunder at the arena followed by the GG’s.

Nominee Information
E-mail Address
Telephone Number
Date of Birth
Number of Years Officiating Grassroots
Affiliation Number (must be included, your Regional Office will be able to source this for you)
Nominator Information
E-mail Address
Telephone Number
Relationship to Nominee
Officiating Qualifications
Qualification Level
Additional Officiating Specific Qualifications or relevant Professional Development
Officiating Roles
Role / Organisation / Dates to/from / Hours p/week / Voluntary (Y/N)
Does the individual support any other volunteers?
In bullet points, please note what IMPACT the nominee has made over the past 12 months and what ACHIEVEMENTS they have contributed to (300 Words, please see notes above for guidance)
In three bullet points, please demonstrate why the nominee is outstanding (150 Words)
How has this person encouraged others to participate in netball and join the netball family? (200 words)

Goalden Globe Awards 2018