While we are all looking and theorizing about the October Surprise, is anyone watching the strange activity and geographical location of Dick Cheney’s most recent visit to Oregon? {41 miles from hundreds of tons of stored SARIN GAS being “prepared” to be “destroyed” by burning.

You don’t think that He would bring some WMDs home with him for shipment to Iraq, do you????


Sept. 3 Cheney arrives for another visit to Eastern Oregon (Pendleton) JUST 41.7 MILES from the Umatilla Chemical Plant. The plant has been testing filters etc. in preparation for “burning” Weapons of Mass Destruction .WMDs! [article below]

Sept. 5th

Umatilla chemical depot continues to test filters and move missile into place for “puncturing” and releasing deadly SARIN GAS to be burned at the site. [or put on Cheney’s Plane?]

Sept. 7th

Condoleezza Rice visits Portland.

Sept. 7th

Man running from assailants who shot him in UMATILLA gets killed by a car.

Cheney brings GOP campaign back to Oregon

02:18 PM PDT on Friday, September 3, 2004

By JOSEPH B. FRAZIER, Associated Press Writer

PENDLETON, Ore. -- Vice President Dick Cheney accused John Kerry of inconsistency on issues important to Oregon here Friday in his first campaign appearance since the Republican Convention ended Thursday in New York.

Vice President Dick Cheney speaks to supporters in Pendleton, Oregon during a campaign stop.

An enthusiastic crowd of perhaps 3,500, dressed in everything from business suits to jeans and work shirts, interrupted him often with chants of "four more years" and groans when he referred to Democratic challengers John Kerry and John Edwards.



Eastern Oregonian Newspaper

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Chemical Depot continues testing

HERMISTON — Umatilla Chemical Depot officials continue to test the heating and ventilation system of its disposal facility and are hesitant to predict when destruction of chemical weapons might begin.

“We’re going to test the filters until we are sure they are working properly,” said Rick Kelley, spokesman for the Washington Demilitarization Company, the contractor operating the Umatilla Chemical Agent Disposal Facility. “We are dotting all the ‘i’s and crossing all the ‘t’s.”

The depot has completed all state and federal regulatory requirements and has the necessary approval to begin burning the more than 7.4 million pounds of chemical agent it stores in a variety of munitions. But in mid-August, days before the depot was to start incineration operations, officials halted the process to investigate why a trace amount of vapor from industrial chemicals was found in the carbon filters of the system.

Samples of the chemicals were sent to a laboratory for testing and the results raised more questions, Kelley said.

Depot employees are testing all the carbon filters within the ventilation system of the disposal facility, and Kelley said he doesn’t know when the task will be finished. The next update on when the depot might begin burning rockets is expected Tuesday.


KGW News 11 PM


By ANDREW KRAMER /Associated Press

Four days before the third anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice assured an audience in Portland that the United States has a long-term strategy to defeat terrorists around the globe.

Channel 8 News


Umatilla Chemical Plant story #2, (not on site during this search) showing file footage of puncturing canisters of Sarin gas in anticipation of burning the toxins at the site.

Unrelated article?

Man struck by gunfire, tries to flee, hit by vehicle on I-84

08:31 AM PDT on Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Associated Press

UMATILLA, Ore. -- A man who was struck by a vehicle on Interstate 84 in Umatilla had been shot and appeared to be trying to escape from one or more assailants before he died.

The motorist was not a suspect.

The District Attorney's office says before the victim was hit on the highway near the Umatilla Chemical Depot, there was an altercation involving gunshots on nearby Gun Club Road.

Authorities say they think the man was being pursued on foot by his assailant.

Police found him about 8:30 Sunday evening, after he was dragged by the car. The victim's name has not been released.

An autopsy is planned.

Officials say they are classifying the death as a criminal homicide. They believe it was a personal dispute.