Sports Statistics


Instructor: Mr. Lorge

Phone number:(714) 996-4970 ext. 10156

Text:Statistical Reasoning in Sports

Course Description:Sports Statistics is to teach students the principles of statistical reasoning in an accessible and enjoyable way that helps prepare them for the twenty-first century.

My experience suggests the following as probable:

  • If you make a habit of missing class;
  • If you make excuses for not doing your homework; and/or
  • If the material is difficult for you and you do not ask for help

you will have significant difficulty in passing this course.

Your success in this class will depend on prompt and regular attendance, a positive attitude, good work habits, organization, cooperation, and the acceptance of the responsibility to learn.

Materials:Students will be expected to bring the following items to class everyday:

  • Notebook with loose-leaf, three-hole punched paper
  • Pencils with erasers
  • GraphingCalculator TI 84

Grading Policy:The semester grade is composed of test grades, quiz grades, daily assignments, investigations and homework.

Homework/Classwork (~20%): Homework and/or classwork will be assigned daily and checked for thoroughness (not accuracy). Students are expected to give their best effort on all assignments, ask questions and learn from their mistakes.

Quizzes/Tests (~40%): At least one quiz will be given each chapter. Students will be given at least one day’s notice before a quiz is given and ample opportunity will be provided to ask questions before each quiz. One test will be given per chapter and may cover any material previously covered in class. Test dates will be announced at least two days in advance. Each student will have an opportunity to ask questions about their corrected tests, but the tests must be returned to the teacher to be kept on file. Review of a test by the student or parent can be arranged.

Investigation (~40%) Written reports analyzing data using excel and word. The investigation will allow students to apply concepts learned in a particular chapter to a sports team, or athlete of their choosing.

Make-Up Work: It is the student’s responsibility to find out ABOUT and make up all missed assignments. The student should contact a fellow classmate or speak with the teacher to find out what he or she missed during the day(s) of the absence. Students will be given two days to complete missed work for each day missed. Any work not made up will be subject to a zero grade. When a test/quiz has been announced in advanced and a student is absent from the class the day of the test/quiz, he or she will be expected to take the test/quiz the day of return. A “cut” during test/quiz day may result in a zero or other appropriate disciplinary actions. Arrangements should be made for make-up work with the teacher when the student returns to school or PRIOR to prearranged absences. In cases of extended absences and extenuating circumstances, the student should see the teacher immediately to arrange a make-up date.

Extra Credit: Extra credit opportunities will be offered to the whole class at my discretion and count as part of the homework component of the grade. Individual extra credit will not be available under any circumstances.

Grading Scale:A:89% and above




F:below 58%


Your signatures below indicate that you and your parents have read and understand these class guidelines.


Student SignatureParent SignatureDate