Grassington Parish Council Meeting


Grassington Parish Council

Council Office
Town Hall, Grassington
Skipton, N Yorkshire
BD23 5AA
Tel: 01756 753405


A meeting of GRASSINGTON PARISH COUNCIL will take place on Thursday 31st August 2017 at 7.30pm in the Council Office, Devonshire Institute.

The public & press are invited to attend. There will be a public session at the end of the meeting.


1. / To receive apologies for absence.
4. / To welcome Mr Johnson to the Council
To receive any declarations of interest or applications for dispensations under the Council’s Code of Conduct.
To approve the minutes of the meeting of the parish Council held on 27th July 2017.
15. / Financial Matters
5.1 To approve accounts for payment
a) Wages and salaries
b) Use of home as office £20.00
c) Audioworks £1114.80
d) petty cash £30.00
5.2 To receive an update on cash received
Farmers Market £120.00
Car Park permits £80.00
VAT refunds £1486.46
5,3 Financial Report
Cash at bank £38,110.03
Lighting Matters
To receive an update on lighting matters
Property Matters
7.1 To agree future actions re Overton report
7.2 Update on fence adjacent to rear access to Town Hall
7.3 To reconsider a dog bin adjacent to Wood Lane carpark
7.4 To receive an update on any other property matters
Highway Matters
To receive an update on any highway matters
To receive information and updates from (for information only)
10.1 Cllr R Foster -Craven DC
10.2 Cllr G Quinn –NYCC
Planning Applications-
10.1 C/33/184M/LB Town Head Farm-removal of office cabin and reinstatement of wall and garden
10.2 Mire House, Moor Lane Change of use from agricultural to agricultural/equestrian and construction of stables and hard standing
10.3 Gills Top Replacement windows using UPVC
Planning Approvals
C/33/407 Hawkswind, Hebden Rd-replacement roof
C/33/338D Garth Cottage-rear-facing conservatory
Matters Requested by Councillors
12.1 Car parking.
12.2 Playpark - responsibilities of Council and Playing Fields Assn.
- damage to climbing frame
12.3 To report accident outside Cobblestones café
To discuss correspondence received and agree action if required
13.1 YDNP parish forum-21st September at Ingleton
13,2 CDC parish liason meeting 20th September, Skipton
13,3 CDC Open meeting re Castleberg Hospital 7th September
13,4 Letter from Chamber of Trade re new constitution and car parking
For information
The next meeting is Thursday 28th September at 7.30pm, Council Office, Devonshire Institute.
Public Participation
This session provides opportunity for members of the public to raise questions about or comment on items on the agenda. Time for this session is limited to 15 minutes
Parish Clerk

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