Dear Anaheim ACS Symposium Organizers,

Thank you for spending the time this week to review and accept submissions to your symposia and to edit and organize them. We know that this requires a lot of time and effort on your part, and we appreciate what you have done.

Before you lose access to PACS (on Monday), please make sure you have an external list of your presenters and their email addresses so you can email them once we inform you about the schedule for the meeting.

Thank you again. We'll be in touch as the meeting draws closer to let you know a little more about your responsibilities at the conference itself.


Dear Anaheim ACS Symposium Organizers,

We are running out of time for you to organize your symposia for the Anaheim meeting! Your symposia MUST be organized in PACS BEFORE November 8. That means that Sunday is the absolute last opportunity for you to organize your symposia (but I think you'll give your program chairs a heart attack if you wait that long to organize your symposia since we always have to clean up a few mishaps along the way!).

If you are receiving this email, it is because your symposium is not currently organized. You will need to (1) Review and accept abstracts, (2) Edit titles and abstracts, (3) Generate an external email list of all presenters in your symposium, and (4) organize your symposium. Detailed instructions for doing each of these are found at the end of this email. My hope is that each of you will organize your symposium by tomorrow at the latest. I will check in again on Saturday, mid-day...and if your symposium is not organized at that point, you will get another reminder from me (hopefully friendly!).

We appreciate that organizing a symposium requires time and effort on your part. Thank you for putting the time in. We look forward to seeing your organized symposia in the next few days.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Organizer Responsibilities

1. Review and accept abstracts. Please view each of the abstracts submitted to your symposium and accept those that are appropriate. I have attached a document with instructions about how to do this ("Symposium Organizer - Vieweing, Editing, and Accepting Submissions.pdf"). Do NOT reject abstracts. Work with the presenters to either modify the abstract to make it more appropriate for your symposium or to move the abstract to another symposium. I have attached an updated list of the available symposia and their abstracts in case you are unsure about where an abstract might fit.

2. Edit titles and abstracts. Please correct the formatting and any minor typos in the titles and abstracts you accept. For example, titles MUST be in sentence case and not bold. Some abstracts have extra line spaces in them that should not be there. Please edit each of the abstracts you have accepted to make them appropriate for printing. Information about editing titles and abstracts can be found in two of the attached documents: ("Symposium Organizer - Vieweing, Editing, and Accepting Submissions.pdf" and "Organizing your symposium using PACS.pdf").

3. Keep an external list of email addresses for all presenters whose abstracts you have accepted. You will need this list to contact your presenters once the schedule has been set.

4. Organize your symposium. Once PACS closes to authors, you will need to organize your symposium (i.e., add introductions and intermissions; put the talks in order). Instructions for doing this are found in the attached document "Organizing your symposium using PACS.pdf." The typical schedule for symposia is as follows:

--The standard talk time slot is 20 minutes (15 minutes for "talking" and 5 minutes for questions).

--The minimum number of papers for a half-day session is 5.

--The maximum number of papers for a half-day session is 9.

--Sunday - Wednesday, morning sessions start at 8:30am and finish by noon. Afternoon sessions start at 1:30pm and finish by 5:00pm.

--On Thursday, the morning sessions start at 8:00am and finish by 1:00pm.

--Each session starts with a 5 min introduction by the presider.

--There is a 10 min intermission after each set of three talks.

We will not know which sessions will be held in the mornings and which will be held in the afternoons until we see how many sessions there are; however, the general format for a symposium should be as follows:

Introductory Remarks (5 min)

Talk 1 (20 min)

Talk 2 (20 min)

Talk 3 (20 min)

Intermission (10 min)

Talk 4 (20 min)

Talk 5 (20 min)

Talk 6 (20 min)

Intermission (10 min)

Talk 7 (20 min)

Talk 8 (20 min)

Talk 9 (20 min)

The majority of sessions should be organized following this format and timing. If you feel that this format does not meet the needs of your symposium, let us know, and we'll work with you to meet your needs.