Doc: / Exam 1 Study Guide / Instructor: / Lesley Hamilton
Common Cold(compare symptoms by looking horizontally across this chart)
Wind Cold Invasion / Wind Heat Invasion / Summer Wind-Damp Invasion / Exterior cold + Interior HeatCommon Cold exterior invasion signs
- Strong aversion to Wind and Cold
- Slight concurrent fever
- No sweating
- Cough + thin white sputum
- Nasal/sinus congestion + clr/white runny discharge
- Scratchy throat
- No sensation of excess thirst
- Headache
- Aching joints/limbs
P: Floating, tight / Common Cold exterior invasion signs
- Slight aversion to Cold
- Prominent fever
- Sweating
- Cough + thick yellow phlegm
- Nasal congestion with turbid yellow mucus
- Dry or sore throat
- Obvious thirst
- Headache
P: Floating, rapid / Common Cold exterior invasion signs
- Slight aversion to Cold
- Unsurfaced fever
- Slight/no sweating
- Cough + sticky phlegm
- No thirst or wants warm drink
- Headache with heavy sensation
- Irritable
- Dizziness
- Foggy headed
- Chest tightness/oppression
- Lack of appetite/nausea
- Tastelessness
- Greasy feeling in mouth
- Distention/fullness of epi/ab
- Loose stools
- Heavy limbs/joints
- Cloudy or dark/scanty urine
P: Soft/soggy, slippery / Common Cold exterior invasion signs
- Strong fever + chills
- No sweating
- Cough + sticky yellow sputum
- Nasal congestion
- Sore throat
- Thirst
- Dyspnea
- Dark yellow urine
- Constipation
P: Floating, rapid
F: Jing Fang Bai Du San / F: Yin Qiao San / F: Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin / F: Shuang Jie San
Release exterior, dispel cold, disperse LU Qi / Release exterior, Dispel Wind, clear Heat / Release exterior, resolve damp, dispel wind / Release exterior, clear heat, relieve toxicity, disperse LU Qi
Common Cold cont’d
Exterior Wind Invasion + Qi/Yang Xu / Exterior Wind Invasion + Yin/Blood XuCommon Cold exterior invasion signs
- Strong aversion to Cold
- Slight fever
- May have slight sweating, doesn’t help
- Cough (weak) + white discharge/phlegm
- Nasal/sinus congestion + white discharge/phlegm
- Headache
- Shortness of breath
- (Cough is weak)
- No desire to speak
- Tiredness or fatigue
P: Floating, no root, forceless / Common Cold exterior invasion signs
- Slight aversion to Cold
- Prominent fever, hotter at night
- Slight/no sweating
- Dry cough, scanty phlegm
- Nasal congestion, dry
- Dry or sore throat
- Thirst + dry mouth/throat
- Headache
P: Floating, rapid
F: Shen Su Yin / F: Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang
Release exterior, dispel wind, dissipate cold, supplement Qi / Release exterior, dispel wind, clear heat, nourish yin
Single Herbs for Common Cold
These aren’t the only herbs you could use for these things. Plug in your own if you prefer.
Induce sweating / Dispel Wind / Aches/PainWind/Cold Invasions
- Ma huang
- Gui zhi
- Zi su ye
- Sheng jiang
- Xiang ru
- Jing jie
- Fang feng
- Qiang huo (upper body, taiyang HA))
- Du huo (lower body)
- Gao ben (taiyang, jueyin HA)
- Bai zhi (yangming/sinus HA)
- Chuan xiong
- Xi xin (shaoyin HA, body aches)
- Ge gen
(upper back and neck, expel pathogens) - Ju hua (wind/heat HA)
- Man jing zi (taiyang HA)
- Chai hu (shaoyang HA)
Relieve Sore Throat / Cough / Itching / Clear Sinuses
Wind/Heat Invasions
- Bo he
- Niu bang zi
- Jin yin hua
- Lian qiao
- Da Qing ye
- Ban lan gen
- Lu gen (generates fluids)
- Tian hua fen (dry sore throat)
- Xuan shen (sore throat + cool bld)
- Sang ye
- Ju hua
- Qian hu (descends Lu Qi)
- Shan dou gen
- She gan
- Chan tui
- Xin yi hua
- Xi xin
- Cang er zi
- Xiang ru
- Cong bai
Release W/H with Yin Xu / Affect on Lung / Aromatic/Transform Damp / Shameless plug…
- Dan dou chi
- Huang qin
- Jie geng (also guides to upper jiao)
- Huo xiang
- Pei lan
- Hou po
on Facebook!
Cough(compare symptoms by looking horizontally across this chart)
Wind/Cold Invasion of the Lung / Wind/Heat Invasion of the Lung / Wind/Dry Invasion / Phlegm DampCough
- High pitched cough
- Heavy sensation in throat/itchy throat, bronchii, and trachea prompting need to cough.
- Choking feeling prompting need to cough
- Aversion to cold
- Headache
- Possible nasal congestion
- Clear sputum
P: Floating, tight / Cough
- Frequent cough
- Thick, sticky phlegm, hard to expectorate
- Slight aversion to cold
- Headache
- Thirst
- Dry/sore/itchy throat
- Dry mouth
- Itchy eyes
- Prominent fever
- Sweating
- Heavy breathing
P: Floating or slippery, rapid / Cough
- Dry cough
- Phlegm that is scanty, sticky, hard to expectorate, may have blood streaks
Other W/Dry/exterior symptoms
- Aversion to wind
- (cold) Aversion to cold
- Thirst
- Stool may be dry, difficult to move
- (heat) May have feverish sensations
P: Floating, tight (cold) or rapid (heat) / Cough
- Heavy, low sounding
- Copious sputum, can be thick, watery or sticky. Clear or white, more in the morning. Can be due to external invasion migrating to interior or from foods in the diet.
- Aversion to wind
- Gastric fullness
- Flatulence
- Abdominal bloating
- Poor appetite
- Tired/fatigued
- Loose stools
P: Deep, slippery
F: San Ao Tang and Zhi Sou San / F: Sang Ju Yin / F: (w/Heat) Sang Xing Tang
F: (w/Cold) Xing Su San / F: Er Chen Tang and
San Zi Yang Qin Tang
Dispel wind/cold, disperse Lu Qi, stop cough / Dispel wind/heat, disperse Lu Qi, resolve exterior / Moisten dryness, disperse Lu Qi / Strengthen Spleen, dry damp, resolve phlegm, stop cough
Cough cont’d
Phlegm/Heat Accumulation in Lung / Liver Fire Insulting Lung / Liver Overacting on Stomach / Lung Yin DeficiencyCough/phlegm
- Cough with thick, sticky, yellow phlegm
- Fever or sensations of heat
- Sore throat
- Chest pain from so much coughing
- Thirst without desire to drink
- Dark yellow urine
- Constipation
P: Slippery, rapid / Cough/phlegm
- High pitched cough
- Sticky yellow phlegm, hard to expectorate
- Cough induces hypochon pain and chest tighness
- History of emotional stress (chronic or acute)
- Irritability
- Bitter taste in the mouth
- Red face
P: Wiry, rapid / Cough/phlegm
- High pitched cough
- Sticky yellow phlegm, difficult to expectorate, may be scanty
- Cough induces epi and hypochon pain
- Cough can result from acid reflux if happens in recumbent position.
- History of emotional stress (chronic or acute)
- Irritability
- Bitter taste in the mouth
- Red face
- Burning sensation in epi, along esophageal tract, throat. May be worse in recumbent position
- Burning hunger
- Belching putrid odor
P: Wiry, rapid / Cough/phlegm
- Chronic dry cough, worse at night
- Dry sticky sputum
- Thirsty
- Dry mouth
- Low grade fever, tidal fever, or warmer at night
- Hoarse voice
- Lassitude
T: Deep red + scanty/peeled coat
P: Thready, rapid
F: Qing Jin Hua Tan Wan / F: Dai Ge San and
Huang Qin Xie Bai San / F: Zuo Jin Wan / F: Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Tang
LU/KI yin xu:
(above, plus gen weakness,
low back/knee pain, tinnitus)
F: Ba Xian Chang Sou Wan
(aka,Mai Wei Di Huang Wan)
Clear heat, resolve phlegm, disperse Lu Qi, stop cough / Clear Lu and Lv heat, descend Qi, stop cough / Clear Lv and St heat, descend Qi,
stop cough / Nourish yin, moisten Lu, resolve phlegm, stop cough
Single Herbs for Cough
You’ll note a lot of overlap in these herbs, Asthma herbs, and Lung Distention herbs. Look for the similarities and make your life easier!
Phlegm / WindPhlegm Cold (dry damp/trx phlegm)
- Ban xia
#1, also↓ St qi - Tian nan xing
Lv wind/phlegm - Xuan fu hua
↓ Lu/St qi - Bai qian
copious phlgm, direct ↓ - Bai jie zi
excess cold/damp, warm Lu
- Bei mu
zhe – acute phlegm heat
chuan – chronic cough, moistens - Dan nan xing
- Gua lou’s
gua lou – opens chest
gua lou pi – open tight chest pain
gua lou ren – constipation - Qian hu
↓ Lu Qi - Pang da hai
sore throat, hoarse, mild constip
- Zhu ru
- Hai fu shi
- Hai ge ke
- Jie geng
open/disperse LuQi
guide to upper jiao
- Sang ye
- Ju hua
- Bo he
- Jing jie
- Fang feng
Cough/Wheeze / Astringe Lu Qi / Tonify Kidney / Others…
- Xing ren
Wheezing/ asthma - Zi wan
#1 stop cough/moisten Lu - Bai bu
- Bai guo
excess of deficiency of Lu/Ki - Kuan dong hua
esp cold cough - Pi pa ye
↓ Lu/St Qi
- Wu wei zi
stop cof, gen fluid, tonify Ki - Wu mei
stop cof, gen fluid - Bai guo
stop cof/whz for excess or xu of
- Ge jie
- Dong chong xia cao
- Hu tao ren
- Huang qin
Clr Lu heat, dry damp, detox - Chen pi
Dry damp, resolve phlegm, reg Qi - Di gu pi
Clr Lu heat (excess/xu), stop cof - Lai fu zi
↓ Lu Qi, reduces phlegm
Asthma – Acute Phase
Cold Type Asthma / W/C + Yin/fluid AccumulationWind cold on the surface
+ internal phlegm/fluid / Excess above(ph/c)+ Xu below (Ki yang xu)
Cold ph/fluid in Lu with Ki qi xu
Asthma/cough/phlegm signs
- Asthmatic wheezing
- Chest tightness
- Difficult breathing
- Minimal cough
- Minimal clear phlegm
- Expectorant: thin white, possibly foamy
- Dark face d/t low O2 intake
- Exposure to cold air/drink can induce acute attack.
- Aversion to cold
- Cold limbs
- Preference for warm drinks
- Slight fever
- Headache
- No sweat
- No thirst
- Aching joints
swollen + moist coat
P: Tight, floating, wiry, slippery / Asthma/cough/phlegm signs
- Asthmatic wheezing
- Difficult breathing
- Copious phlegm in Lu + thin clear foamy phlegm
- Exposure to cold air/drink can induce acute attack
- Aversion to cold
- Cold limbs
- Preference for warm drinks
- Slight fever
- Headache
- No sweating
- No thirst
- Aching joints
P: Slippery or soggy, tight, floating / Asthma/cough/phlegm signs
- Asthmatic wheezing
- Difficult inhalation
- Fluid in Lu + copious thin clr foamy phlegm
- Aversion to cold
- Cold limbs
- Low back/knee pain and weakness
- Edema
- Fatigue
P: Slipperyor soggy, deep, weak
F: She Gan Ma Huang Tang / F: Xiao Qing Long Tang / F: Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang
Dispel w/c, warm Lu, disperse Lu Qi, resolve phlegm, stop wheezing / Dispel w/c, warm Lu, disperse Lu Qi, resolve phlegm-fluid, calm wheezing / Disperse cold, disperse LU qi, resolve phlegm, stop wheezing
Asthma – Acute Phase cont’d
Heat Type AsthmaAsthma/cough/phlegm signs
- Asthmatic wheezing
- Fast, difficult breathing
- Slight cough
- Sticky, yellow phlegm
- Feverish or feels hot
- Red face
- Irritable
- Restless
- Sweating
- Thirst for cool drinks
- Slight fever
- Aversion to cold
- Headache
- Aching joints
- No thirst
P: Fast or tight + slippery/wiry / If no mixed hot/cold signs for Heat Type Asthma / If Ki Qi and Lu yin damaged due to disease +
- Profuse sweating
- Must sit up to breathe
- Aggitation
F: Ding Chuan Tang / F: Sang Bai Pi Tang / F: Qi Wei Du Qi Wan
Clear heat, disperse LU qi, resolve phlegm, stop wheezing
Asthma Remission Phase
Wei Qi Deficiency / Lung Qi Deficiency / Spleen Qi Deficiency / Kidney Qi DeficiencyAsthma/cough/phlegm
- Asthma, plus…
- Tendency to get W/C invasions
(common cold and allergy types) - Tends to sweat easily, spontaneous sweating
- Sensitivity to windy conditions
- Easily fatigued
P: Weak / Asthma/cough/phlegm
- Wheezing
- Weak, forceless cough
- Possible thin, runny nasal discharge or sputum
- Tendency to catch colds
- Sweats easily, spontaneous sweating
- Sensitivity to windy conditions
- Shortness of breath
- Tiredness with breathing
- Feeble voice
- Preference not to talk
- Easily fatigued
P: Weak, forceless / Asthma/cough/phlegm
- Asthma, plus…
- Often triggered by foods, esp stuff that causes loose stools
- Tiredness
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Loose stools
P: Slippery or soggy, weak / Asthma/cough/phlegm
- Persistent wheezing
- Aggravated by work
- Shallow breathing/shortness of breath
- Difficult to maintain regular respiration rhythm
- Fatigue/lassitude
- General weakness/pain of low back and/or knees
- General coldness of body or limbs
- tinnitus
P: Deep, weak, thready
F: Yu Ping Feng San / F: Bu Fei Tang
(no dryness/yin xu)
F: Sheng Mai San
(dry cof, thirst, cof @ nite) / F: Liu Jun Zi Tang / F: Shen Ge San
Tonify qi, stabilize exterior, stop sweating / Nourish LU, bu LU qi, calm wheezing / Strengthen Sp, resolve phlegm/damp / Strengthen Ki, calm wheezing
Asthma Remission Phase cont’d
Kidney Yin Deficiency / Kidney Yang DeficiencyAsthma/cough/phlegm
- Asthmatic wheezing, worse at night
- Red malar flush
- General weakness/pain of low back/knee
- Warm feeling
- Night sweating
- Thirst
- Tinnitus
P: Thready, rapid / Asthma/cough/phlegm
- Asthmatic wheezing, worse with inhalation
- Fatigue
- General weakness
- Coldness/pain of lower back/knees
- General coldness of limbs
- Edema
- Profuse clear urination
- Loose stools
P: Deep, thready, weak
F: Qi Wei Du Qi Wan / F: Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan
Strengthen Ki yin, calm wheezing / Strengthen Ki yang, calm wheezing
Single Herbs for Asthma
Note the similarities between this chart and the herbs detailed in Cough and Lung Distention.
Phlegm / Cough and WheezePhlegm Cold (dry damp/trx phlegm)
- Ban xia
#1, also↓ St qi - Tian nan xing
Lv wind/phlegm - Xuan fu hua
↓Lu/St qi - Bai qian
copious phlgm, direct ↓ - Bai jie zi
excess cold/damp, warm Lu
- Zhe bei mu (acute phlegm heat)
- Chuan bei mu (chron cof, moist)
- Dan nan xing
- Gua lou – opens chest
- Gua lou pi – open tight chest pain
- Gua lou ren – constipation
- Qian hu - ↓ Lu Qi
- Pang da hai
sore throat, hoarse, mild constip
- Zhu ru
- Hai fu shi
- Hai ge ke
- Jie geng
open/disperse LuQi
guide to upper jiao
- Xing ren
Wheezing/ asthma - Zi wan
#1 stop cough/moisten Lu - Bai bu
- Kuan dong hua
esp cold cough - Pi pa ye
↓ Lu/St Qi
Cold Type Asthma (excess) / Heat Type Asthma (excess) / Deficient Type Asthma / Astringe Lu Qi
- Ma huang
expands bronchii - Zi su zi
↓ Qi, stop cof/whz, trx phlegm - Xing ren
various cough/wheeze, moist int’s - Zi wan
cough/wheeze/trx phlegm - Hou po
wheeze d/t phlegm, Lu qi ↓
aromatic, drying, warming
- Ting li zi
- Sang bai pi
- Di long
wheeze, trx phlegm, ↓ Qi - She gan
wheeze from phlegm/heat
- Ge jie
strong tonifies Ki to rec Lu qi - Dong chong xia cao
ton Ki/Lu to trx phlegm - Hu tao ren
warm Lu, help Ki grasp Qi - Zi he che
ton Ki/Lu Qi - Bu gu zhi
aid Ki 2 grasp Qi, warms
- Wu wei zi
ton Ki, nour yin - Wu mei
astringe Lu qi, stop cof, gen fluids - Bai guo
stop cof/whz due to excess or xu
of Ki/Lu
- Huang qin
clr lung heat, dry damp, detox - Chen pi
dry damp/res phlegm, regulate qi
- Di gu pi
clr xcs Lu heat/xu heat, stop cof - Lai fu zi
Lu qi ↓, reduces phlegm
Lung Distention – Acute Phase
Exterior Cold +Interior Yin Fluid Accumulation / Phlegm Heat Accumulation in Lu / Phlegm Stasis Obstruction
(Phlegm obstruction blood stasis) / Phlegm Misting the Heart/Shen
- Dyspnea, unable to lie down
- Cough
- Copious thin, clr or foamy sputum
- Swollen chest
- Dark complexion/purplish face
- Aversion to cold
- No thirst
- Clear urination
moist white coat
P: Floating, tight / Breathing/cough/phlegm/lung
- Dyspnea + rough breathing
- Cough/wheeze
- Thick sticky yellow phlegm
- Chest fullness
- Probable pulmonary infection
- Purple/red face
- Fever
- Restless
- Irritable
- Slight chills
- Thirst for cold drink
P: Floating, slippery, rapid / Breathing/cough/phlegm/lung
- Dyspnea
- Cough and/or sobbing
- Clear phlegm
- Significantly distended chest, suffocating sensation
Other stasis signs
- Dark grey complexion
- Purplish lips
P: Slippery, wiry / Breathing/cough/phlegm/lung
- Dyspnea + phlegm in throat
T: Dark red + thick white or
sticky yellow coat
P: Slippery, rapid, thready
F: Xiao Qing Long Tang / F: Yue Bi Jia Ban Xia Tang / F: Ting Li Da Zao Xie Fei Teng and
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan / F: Di Tan Tang (-phlegm)
F: An Gong Niu Huang Wan
(induce consciousness)
Warm Lu, dispel cold, descend/disperse Lu qi, resolve ph/fluid / Purge heat, resolve phlegm, descend/disperse Lu qi, stop cof/whz / Resolve phlegm, remove stasis, purge Lu, disperse Lu qi, stop cof/whz / Purge phlegm, open orifices, extinguish wind
Lung Distention – Chronic/Remission Phase