Grants' Work Programme 2010

On this page:

  • I. Objective of the General Publicity
  • II. Context: the Mission of the Enterprise and Industry Directorate General
  • III. List of planned actions
  • IV. Ad Hoc Grants
  • V. The publication of the Grant Work Programme 2010 is mainly indicative

I. Objective of the General Publicity

The purpose of this publication is to inform the public about the main lines of the grants Work Programme 2010 of the Enterprise and Industry Directorate General. The submission of proposals is not possible at this stage: each action described in the list of planned actions (see point III) will be the subject of a specific call for proposals. The list of ad hoc grants is given for reasons of transparency and will not be the object of any specific call for proposals.

II. Context: the Mission of the Enterprise and Industry Directorate General

Enterprise and Industry DG works to ensure that EU policies contribute to the sustainable competitiveness of EU enterprises and facilitate job creation and sustainable economic growth. It plays a major role in implementing the Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs. We pay particular attention to the needs of manufacturing industry, tourism, and small and medium sized enterprises, managing programmes to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation and ensuring that Community legislation takes proper account of their concerns.

This grants annual programme revolves around the Objectives of the Enterprise and Industry Directorate General's Annual Management Plan.

In order to reach these Objectives the following activities, from which the grant programme is derived, are to be carried out:

  1. Competitiveness, industrial policy, innovation and entrepreneurship

The activities of Enterprise and Industry DGin this area are designed to assist the ongoing adjustment of Community industry to industrial change in an open and competitive market, improving its competitiveness in the face of global competition and stimulating entrepreneurship to ensure a steady supply of new entrants into business.

  1. Internal market for goods and sectoral policies

This activity covers measures designed to ensure the smooth operation of the internal market (either through horizontal measures or through actions which focus on particular economic sectors such as automotive or chemicals).

  1. Space and Security

The aims of the actions carried out in the area of space are as follows:

  • to move to coordinated Space activities at EU and international level, so that the competitiveness of the sector is enhanced;
  • to bring the Global Monitoring for the Environment and Security services into operation;
  • to strengthen the technological base of the space industry through actions carried out under the 7th Framework Programme for research and technological development;
  • to increase the technological basis for security in Europe so that higher security levels are possible.

III. List of planned actions

  1. Competitiveness, industrial policy, innovation & entrepreneurship
  2. ENT/CIP/10/B/N02C00 - China IPR Sme Helpdesk
  3. ENT/CIP/10/B/N04S00 - Knowledge Networks For The Competitiveness And Sustainability Of European Tourism
  4. ENT/CIP/10/D/N01S00 - Eco-Innovation: First Application And Market Replication Projects
  5. ENT/CIP/10/D/N02S00 - Services For SMEs In The Field Of Environment Through The EnterpriseEurope Network
  6. ENT/CIP/10/E/N01C00 - Mentoring Schemes For Women Entrepreneurs
  7. Preparatory Actions
  8. Action 4.1.1. - "Erasmus for Young Entrepreneures"
  9. Action 5.1.1. "European tourist destinations of excellence"
  10. Action 6.1.1. - Sustainable tourism
  11. Action 7.1.1. - Social tourism in Europe - CALYPSO
  12. Space & Security

1. Competitiveness, industrial policy, innovation & entrepreneurship

ENT/CIP/10/B/N02C00China IPR SME Helpdesk - The “Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation”

  • Legal basis European Parliament and Council Decision No.1639/2006/EC establishing a Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013).
  • Beneficiary Support bodies for the enterprises in China and Sectoral business bodies in the EU.
  • Objectives Creation of an environment favourable to SME co-operation, particularly in the field of cross-border co-operation
    This service offers first-line advice and support to European SMEs facing intellectual property rights difficulties in, or arising from China. By offering expert advice through in-person workshops, e-learning tools, and response to individual business queries, it helps SMEs respond practically to such challenges as:
  • counterfeit products entering the European market
  • protecting their valuable IPR before doing business in China (e.g. developing the market there for their own products or when following a company to which they have traditionally been a supplier when it enters China business);
  • how to find and constructively work with administration or service providers to enforce their IPR in such situations.
  • Scheduled date for the call for proposals 2nd quarter of 2010
  • Indicative total budget Up to 90% of eligible costs, subject to a maximum Community contribution of €3 000 000
  • Expected results The project should make it possible to increase awareness by European SMEs of how to incorporate protection and enforcement of their intellectual property rights into their day-to-day business, particularly to address problems coming from or related to doing business in China. It should also offer them practical information about possible solutions available to cope with these problems, as detailed in the call for proposals.

ENT/CIP/10/B/N04S00Knowledge Networks for the Competitiveness and Sustainability of European Tourism

  • Legal basis European Parliament and Council Decision No.1639/2006/EC establishing a Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013).
  • Beneficiary Public and/or private organisations
  • Objectives Support for initiatives of public and/or private bodies, or their networks, to contribute to enhancing the sustainability and competitiveness of European tourism, especially for small and micro enterprises, while allowing for wider economic, social and environmental benefits
  • Scheduled date for the call for proposals 1st trimester 2010
  • Indicative total budget Up to 75% of eligible costs, subject to a maximum Community contribution of €1 000 000
  • Expected results The action aims at supporting networks which actively involve knowledge actors so as to create a favorable framework for tourism competitiveness and sustainability, to improve cooperation and coordination on competitiveness and sustainability issues through tourism local, regional and knowledge gathering networks, to increase the level of sustainability-driven innovation of enterprises, in particular small and micro enterprises, through awareness-raising activities.

ENT/CIP/10/D/N01S00 Eco-innovation: first application and market replication projects – This call will be launched by EACI

  • Legal basis European Parliament and Council Decision No.1639/2006/EC establishing a Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013).
  • Beneficiary See call for proposals.
  • Objectives
  1. Promoting the adoption of new and integrated approaches to eco-innovation in fields such as environmental management and the environmentally friendly design of products, processes and services;
  2. Encouraging the uptake of environmental technologies by increasing the market uptake and by the removing the barriers to market penetration;
  3. Increasing innovation capacities of SMEs.
  • Scheduled date for the call for proposals 2nd quarter 2010 the call for proposals for this action will be launched by the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation EACI,
  • Indicative total budget Up to 50% of eligible costs, subject to a maximum Community contribution of €35,020,000
  • Expected results The promotion of eco-innovation through the CIP contributes to the implementation of the Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP). The aim of ETAP is to stimulate eco-innovation and encourage the take-up of environmental technologies on a broad scale. The measure will support projects connected with eco-innovative products, techniques, services or processes which aim at prevention or reduction of environmental impacts or which contribute to the optimal use of resources. As such, and in addition to ETAP implementation, the measure should contribute to the implementation of Community actions in the areas of the Climate Change Package, Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial Policy and Lead Market Initiative

ENT/CIP/10/D/N02S00Services for SMEs in the field of environment through the Enterprise Europe Network – This call will be launched by EACI

  • Legal basis European Parliament and Council Decision No.1639/2006/EC establishing a Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013).
  • Beneficiary Partners in the EnterpriseEurope Network
  • Objectives The objective of this measure is to help European SMEs turning environmental challenges into economic opportunities, to spread environmental expertise within the Network and to develop a support and service delivery structure in cooperation with environmental service providers
  • Scheduled date for the call for proposals 3rd quarter 2010 the call for proposals for this action will be launched by the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation EACI,
  • Indicative total budget Up to 80% of eligible costs, subject to a maximum Community contribution of €9,000,000
  • Expected results The objective of the project is to ensure that services are provided to help SMEs turn environmental challenges into economic opportunities. This will be achieved without duplicating activities of other European, national and regional programmes in the field of environment. Instead available expertise and results will be identified, marketed and disseminated EU-wide, through the Enterprise Europe Network, in order to maximise the up-take by SMEs.

ENT/CIP/10/E/N01C00Mentoring schemes for women entrepreneurs

  • Legal basis European Parliament and Council Decision No.1639/2006/EC establishing a Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013).
  • Beneficiary Female entrepreneurs who have recently established their business and potential female entrepreneurs.
  • Objectives
  • identification of potential entrepreneurs mentors;
  • selection of the mentors(geographical coverage);
  • identification and implementation of mentoring schemes and activities;
  • organisation of national kick-off meetings;
  • ensure networking / workshops / activities.
  • Scheduled date for the call for proposals 3rd quarter of 2010
  • Indicative total budget Up to 60% of eligible costs, subject to a maximum Community contribution of €1 000 000
  • Expected results Establishment of a network of +/- 100 mentors in at least 10 different countries which shall carry out the following tasks:
  • to advise and support to women entrepreneurs to set-up, manage and grow their own business;
  • to organise visibility/networking events


  • Action 4.1.1. - "Erasmus for Young Entrepreneures"
  • Action 5.1.1. "European tourist destinations of excellence"
  • Action 6.1.1. - Sustainable tourism
  • Action 7.1.1. - Social tourism in Europe - CALYPSO

Action 4.1.1."Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs"

  • Base juridique action préparatoire au sens de l’article 49, paragraphe 6, point b) du règlement (CE, EURATOM) n°1605/2002 du Conseil du 25 juin 2002 portant règlement financier applicable au budget général des Communautés européennes (JO L 248 du 16.9.2002, p. 1).
  • Bénéficiaires Organismes dans les États membres qui sont actifs dans le domaine du soutien des entrepreneurs et qui organisent, sur la base d'une convention de subvention, la mobilité des nouveaux entrepreneurs et entrepreneurs potentiels vers des entrepreneurs existants dans un autre État membre.
  • Objectifs Faciliter la mobilité des nouveaux entrepreneurs et des entrepreneurs potentiels afin d'accroître l'esprit d'entreprise, l'internationalisation et la compétitivité des entreprises qui ont été récemment fondées ou qui seront fondées dans l'Union européenne.
  • Date prévue pour l’appel de propositions mars/avril 2010
  • Budget total indicatif 4 300 000 euros; jusqu'à 90 % des coûts éligibles dans les limites d'une contribution communautaire maximale de 180 000 euros par partenariat européen d'organismes de soutien et jusqu’à 500 000 euros pour l'organisme de coordination.
  • Résultats attendus Organisation d'environ 1200 actions de mobilité d’entrepreneurs potentiels ou débutants envers des entrepreneurs existants, afin d'encourager l'échange d'expériences, de renforcer le développement et l'exploitation d'idées en matière d'entreprise et la création de réseaux de nouveaux entrepreneurs.

Action 5.1.1."European tourist destinations of excellence"

  • Base juridique action préparatoire au sens de l’article 49, paragraphe 6, point b) du règlement (CE, EURATOM) n°1605/2002 du Conseil du 25 juin 2002 portant règlement financier applicable au budget général des Communautés européennes (JO L 248 du 16.9.2002, p. 1).
  • Bénéficiaires les candidatures doivent être présentées par les administrations nationales des États membres responsables du tourisme. Si la responsabilité du secteur du tourisme est décentralisée, la proposition peut être soumise par l’administration régionale compétente. Les offices de tourisme nationaux ou d’autres organismes publics chargés du tourisme peuvent présenter des candidatures si l’administration nationale compétente donne son consentement par écrit. Les demandeurs peuvent choisir comme partenaire tout organisme technique compétent. Les pays candidats ont la possibilité de participer au présent appel de propositions dans les mêmes conditions que les États membres, mais aucune subvention ne leur sera octroyée dans le cadre de la présente action préparatoire.
  • Objectifs la valorisation de la richesse, de la diversité et des caractéristiques communes des destinations touristiques européennes ainsi que la promotion des destinations poursuivant des objectifs de croissance économique permettant un tourisme durable des points de vue social, culturel et environnemental.
  • Date prévue pour l’appel de propositions Mars 2010.
  • Budget total indicatif 1.000.000 €. La subvention proposée couvrira jusqu’à 75 % du coût des procédures de sélection nationales (maximum 52.000 € par projet).
  • Résultats attendus la sélection de 27 destinations d’excellence au maximum, une par État membre, plus une pour chaque pays candidat ayant décidé de participer à l’action préparatoire. Toutes les destinations sélectionnées seront annoncées lors d’une manifestation européenne.
    Les résultats spécifiques de l’action préparatoire seront les suivants:
  • améliorer la visibilité des destinations touristiques européennes;
  • faire prendre conscience de la qualité et de la diversité des destinations touristiques européennes;
  • promouvoir les pays et les régions d’Europe dans les Etats membres er dans les principaux marchés des pays tiers;;
  • créer une plateforme d’échange de bonnes pratiques au niveau européen;
  • encourager la constitution de réseaux entre destinations primées;
  • inciter d’autres destinations à adopter des modèles de développement touristique durables.

Action 6.1.1.Sustainable tourism

  • Base juridique action préparatoire au sens de l’article 49, paragraphe 6, point b) du règlement (CE, EURATOM) n°1605/2002 du Conseil du 25 juin 2002 portant règlement financier applicable au budget général des Communautés européennes (JO L 248 du 16.9.2002, p. 1).
  • Bénéficiaires Autorités en charge du développement du tourisme au niveau local, national et européen, associations cyclistes (au niveau national et de l’UE) et autres acteurs du secteur du tourisme en mesure d’apporter une valeur ajoutée aux projets
  • Objectifs Support et promotion de réseaux cyclistes transfrontaliers (au niveau de l’Union européenne) et de bonnes pratiques relatives aux réseaux cyclistes et aux possibilités de coopération transfrontalière dans ce sens en vue de pouvoir contribuer, directement ou indirectement, à la réduction des émissions de CO2 dans le secteur du tourisme
  • Date prévue pour l’appel de propositions Avril 2010.
  • Budget total indicatif 600.000 € ; jusqu'à 75 % des coûts éligibles dans les limites d'une contribution communautaire maximale de 200.000 € par projet
  • Résultats attendus Meilleure prise de conscience de l’importance du tourisme cycliste et de son impact économique au niveau local et régional.
    Dissémination et échange de bonnes pratiques relatives aux réseaux cyclistes et aux possibilités de coopération transfrontalière

Action 7.1.1.Social tourism in Europe - CALYPSO

  • Base juridique action préparatoire au sens de l’article 49, paragraphe 6, point b) du règlement (CE, EURATOM) n°1605/2002 du Conseil du 25 juin 2002 portant règlement financier applicable au budget général des Communautés européennes (JO L 248 du 16.9.2002, p. 1)
  • Bénéficiaires Les secteurs privé et public (notamment les autorités en charge du tourisme au niveau national, régional et local, à travers les services offerts par des entreprises privées/opérateurs commerciaux (y compris le secteur d’hébergement), des associations de tourisme social et associatif et des comités d'entreprise, des entreprises de transport, des collectivités locales et territoriales associations de tourisme et des associations de solidarité.
  • Objectifs Suivant les résultats de l’ étude et des conférences organisées fin 2009 et début 2010, sur base des crédits Calypso de l’ année 2009, la mise en œuvre de l`action constituerait une véritable opportunité d`améliorer la citoyenneté européenne en promouvant des partenariats, entre les secteurs public, privé et de l’économie sociale, sous l’impulsion de la Commission européenne, en ayant comme but principal les échanges dessaisonalisés de touristes appartenant aux 4 groupes-cible de l’action CALYPSO (seniors, jeunes, personnes à mobilité réduite et familles à bas revenus), au moins entre deux Etats membres et/ou Pays candidats.
  • Date prévue pour l’appel de propositions Mai – Juin 2010
  • Budget total indicatif 800.000 €, jusqu'à 75 % des coûts éligibles dans les limites d'une contribution communautaire maximale de 200.000 € par projet
  • Résultats attendus Mettre en œuvre un cadre concret d`évaluation pour vérifier les possibilités de croissance future au niveau européen de ce schéma, en facilitant/améliorant les emplois durables, la désaisonnalisation de l’activité touristique, les économies nationales/régionales/locales et la citoyenneté européenne à travers le développement du tourisme social.


Complete information about funding available for actions under the Seventh RTD Framework Programme 2007-2013 can be found at the following internet address:

ACTION ENT/FP7/THEME 9SPACE - Call for proposals under this work programme part (Space) will be implemented by the
Research Executive Agency (REA)

  • Legal basis The Seventh Framework Programme adopted by Decision No 1982/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstrations activities (2007-2013).
  • Beneficiaries see FP7 Rules for Participation.
  • Objectives The objective of the FP7 space work programme is to support a European Space Policy focusing on applications such as GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security), with benefits for citizens, and also other space foundation areas strengthening the competitiveness of the European space industry. This will contribute to fulfil the overall objectives of the European Space Policy, complementing efforts of Member States and of other key players, including the European Space Agency.
    Scheduled date for the call for proposalsMid 2009 (FP7-SPACE-2010). See Work Programme on
  • Indicative total budget See Work Programme on
  • Expected results Readiness of geo-information service providers to deliver operational services, and Increased strengthened technological basis for space industry in.

ACTION ENT/FP7/THEME 10 SECURITY - Call for proposals under this work programme part (Security) will be implemented by the Research Executive Agency (REA)

  • The management of all projects to be funded as a result of this call for proposals will be implemented by REA, with the exception of:
  • security sensitive grant agreements and contracts and
  • policy related actions (indicated in section II of this work programme).
  • Legal basis The Seventh Framework Programme adopted by Decision No 1982/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstrations activities (2007-2013).
  • Beneficiaries See FP7 Rules for Participation.
  • Objectives The objective of the Security theme is to develop the technologies and knowledge for building capabilities needed to ensure the security of citizens from threats such as terrorism, natural disasters and crime, while respecting fundamental human rights including privacy; to ensure optimal and concerted use of available and evolving technologies to the benefit of civil European security, to stimulate the cooperation of providers and users for civil security solutions, improving the competitiveness of the European security industry and delivering mission-oriented research results to reduce security gaps.
  • Scheduled date for the call for proposals Mid 2009 (FP7-SEC-2010). See Work Programme on
  • Indicative total budget See Work Programme on
  • Expected results Increased technological basis for security in Europe so that higher security levels are possible

IV. Ad Hoc Grants