Integrated III
Mrs. Farias
ROOM: / N-107
EXTRA AVAILABLE HOURS: / Afternoons: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:45 pm-3:15 pm or by appointment.
OFFICE PHONE: / 951-736-3241
E-MAIL ADDRESS: / (Best form of communication)


The course of Integrated III will be taught using Integrated III Mathematics Vision Project ( and the California Algebra 2 textbook (Prentice Hall Mathematics). The content and curriculum is in accordance with the Common Core State Standards in Integrated III that were adopted by California. This course is designed to teach the essentials needed and prepare students for future courses. It is also constructed with prerequisites and more extensive Integrated II content. In order to achieve the objectives of this class, the students must master the following topics in accordance with the Common Core State Standards:

Integrated III Units:

1.  Functions and their Inverses

2.  Logarithmic Functions

3.  Polynomial Functions

4.  Rational Functions

5.  Modeling with Geometry

6.  Trigonometric Functions

7.  Modeling with Functions

8.  Statistics


Mathematics builds! To be successful in Integrated III there are certain skills that you are expected to already have mastered. Although some of the topics may be reviewed in Integrated III, you are expected to already have some familiarity with them so that we can quickly move beyond the basics to higher-level discussions. Integrated II is a prerequisite for Integrated III.


All students have the right to learn and should behave appropriately. Therefore, I will not allow any students to prevent me from teaching or keep other students from learning. In order to guarantee that each student has the best possible opportunity to learn, I have added the following rules to the school wide rules of classroom conduct:

Ø  Respect each other at all times.

Ø  Be in assigned seat when the bell rings and ready to begin class with notes and homework out.

Ø  Bring required materials to class daily.

Ø  Remain seated until the bell rings AND until you have been released.

Ø  Enter the class in an orderly and mature manner.

Ø  Engage in only mathematical topics in the classroom.

Ø  Please do not ask to go to the restroom when a lesson is in session. Ask when I am done with the lesson.

Ø  No electronic devices such as cell phones, iPods, and handheld games may be used in class unless directed by me. Violating these regulations will result in removal of the electronic device and action taken based on the school policies.

Ø  Rules are subject to change in accordance with California Code of Education.






**Please note: Severity of action could result in a referral to be the first step as noted in school consequences. Any continuing problems will result in parent conference and/or administration conference.


Textbook/**MVP Copies**

Composition Graph Ruled notebook (100 sheets, 9 ¾ X 7 ½)

College or wide ruled paper

Writing utensils (pencils and black and/or blue pens)



Points will be given to the following components:

·  Tests/Quizzes/Projects 45%

·  Classwork/Homework 30%

·  Notebooks 15 %

·  Participation 10%

**Please note: Components and percentages are subject to change.**


90-100% …………..A

80-89% ……………B

70-79%...... C

60-69%...... D

59% and below…….F

**Note: Minuses and pluses are also given.


You are required to take notes during class and keep them organized neatly in your Composition Graph Ruled notebook. You must keep your notes up to date and safe. Your notes must be in order, with table of contents and proper sections and title headings labeled every day. Please highlight each section. When grading the notes, it should be easy to find where each section is. Notes are a tool for you to use while doing homework and studying for the unit tests. You will turn in your notes to me at the end of each chapter TO BE GRADED.


When a student is absent from class it is their responsibility to talk to the teacher and get the work that needs to be made up.

A student will ONLY be given two days for each day absent to turn in the make-up work.


Homework/classwork will be checked daily.

There are several ways homework/classwork will be graded including; a quick check, collected and graded, or graded in class and collected. It is very important that you complete your homework each night it is assigned.

In order to receive full credit on a homework/classwork assignment, you must write with a pencil, attempt EVERY problem, copy down the question, AND show ALL work.

Students will receive a “0” on their assignment if they don’t attempt most of the problems or if they don’t show their work.


Homework/classwork MUST be done in pencil.

Homework/classwork needs to be turned in ON TIME. Late work is NOT accepted.

Mrs. Farias: Integrated Math 3 **Please keep for your records**


Assessments will be given each unit. There are NO retakes on assessment.

Notes and unit review will be due and graded the day of the test.

Students will be expected to make up missed assessments immediately upon their return. Any assessment that is not made up will result in a grade of Zero and may not be taken at a later time.

There will be a district midterm and a final exam.


If you drop to a C-, it is strongly recommended that you attend tutoring after school as needed. Tutoring is offered according to available hours and is subject to change.


Norco High School urges students to conduct themselves ethically and honorably. It is expected that the grade a student earns is based upon work that the student has completed. Cheating is dishonest. It harms you and it harms the other students who do not cheat. We, therefore, will not condone nor will we tolerate any student submitting work that is not produced solely by the student’s own effort.

*Cheating is NOT tolerated in my classroom.

-1st offense –on a test, quiz or homework assignment, you will receive a ZERO and your parents will be notified. A referral will be written, administration will be notified for further punishment and an Academic Dishonesty form will be submitted. If you receive a zero for cheating, that assignment cannot be made up.

Grades Online: Q-Student Information System

-Go to the NHS Website at:, scroll to the bottom, and click on “Student Connect (check online grades)”.

-All student grades will be posted on this website and can be accessed with the student’s ID number and a password.

-This will allow students and parents to be constantly aware of their progress in my class.

-Grades will be updated regularly as assignments are turned in or every two weeks.


**Please detach and turn in**

Mrs. Farias: Integrated Mathematics 3

I have read the Integrated Mathematics 3 Syllabus and understand my responsibilities. I acknowledge that tutoring is available after school and I will come if my grade falls below a C.

Print Student Name______

Student Signature______Date______

Print Parent/Guardian Name______

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______

Parent/Guardian email______

Parent/Guardian phone number ______