Gateway Center for Giving
Grantmakers’ Survey
Please return by Friday, April 6
1141 South 7th Street
St. Louis, Missouri 63104
The Gateway Center for Giving in coordination with the Nonprofit Management and Leadership Program at University of Missouri-St. Louis is in the process of developing the Giving in St. Louis 2012 report. This report will be a follow up to our landmark 2004 report Private Dollars for Public Good and will benchmark individual, corporate, and foundation philanthropic giving in St. Louis, Missouri. It is our hope that this report will strengthen the donor community, the nonprofit community, and the broader St. Louis community as well as the Gateway Center for Giving. There is no report currently being published of this nature about St. Louis area charitable giving.
We need your helpto ensure that the data contained in this report is accurate and reflects the true nature of giving in St. Louis. Attached and linked below you will find a survey. We would greatly appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey. We are asking that survey be completed no later than Friday, April 6. We only need one completed survey per grantmaking organization.
Your response to this survey helps us better understand organized philanthropy in the St. Louis region. Please note responses are reported only in the aggregate; comments are not attributed by organization name. Individual responses will not be made publicly available. We understand that your organization likely receives multiple surveys a year asking for similar information. The Center will not be engaging in a research endeavor like this again for a number of years and we hope you see the importance of ensuring that we have the most accurate local data available as we create this important report.
Giving in St. Louis 2012 will be released this summer so stay tuned for information about the launch event for this report.
This survey is an interactive form- only the shaded boxes and check boxes are editable. Click on a shaded field or check box to enter your information. Or, print the form and fill it out by hand. Please return the completed survey by email () or mail (Gateway Center for Giving, 1141 South 7th Street, St. Louis, MO 63104).
- Organization Name: Click here to enter text.
- Main Organization Contact: Click here to enter text.
- Contact Title: Click here to enter text.
- E-mail: Click here to enter text.
- Phone: Click here to enter text.
- Date completed: Click here to enter text.
- Type of grantmaker (choose one):
Grantmakers’ Survey - Page 1
☐ Community/Public Foundation
☐ Family Foundation
☐ Independent Foundation
☐ Corporate Foundation
☐Corporate Giving Program
☐ Supporting Organization
☐ Federated Fund
☐ Donor Advised Fund
☐ Other : Click here to enter text.
Grantmakers’ Survey - Page 1- Financial data for fiscal year ending: Click here to enter text.
- Foundation assets (fair market value, year-end):$ Click here to enter text.(if applicable)
- Grantmaking:
- Grants/contributions paid (including matching gifts):$ Click here to enter text.
- Number of grants/contributions: Click here to enter text.
- Smallest grant/contribution: $Click here to enter text.
- Largest grant/contributions: $Click here to enter text.
- Matching Employee Gifts: $Click here to enter text.(if applicable)
*Please do not include grants approved for future payment. If you wish to report in-kind donations or other non-cash contributions, please do so, separately, in the space provided below.
- PRIs (Program related investments or loans):
- Amount Paid: $Click here to enter text.
- Number of PRIs:Click here to enter text.
*Program-related investments (PRIs) are loans or investments to support charitable activities that involve the potential return of capital within an established time frame.
- Grants authorized/approved for future payment:
- Were grants authorized or approved for payment in future years?: ☐Yes or ☐No
- Current liabilities (grants payable in next 12 months): $Click here to enter text.
- Long -Term liabilities (grants payable in 12+months): $Click here to enter text.
- Were any multi-year grants approved? ☐Yes or ☐No
- Largest multi-year grant approved: $Click here to enter text.
- Type of multi-year grant (e.g. operating, program): Click here to enter text.
If you typically report in-kind donations and other non-cash charitable support, please complete this section.
- Total dollar value of in-kind donations and other non-cash charitable support: $ Click here to enter text.
- What is included in your non-cash contributions and what is the estimated percentage of each(e.g., product donations only; products and services; volunteer time; etc.)?
Non-Cash Contributions(type) / Percentage %
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.%
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.%
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.%
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.%
- How is the dollar value determined (e.g., cost of goods sold; fair market value; etc.)? Click here to enter text.
- Describe the purpose of your grants or contributions program:Click here to enter text.
- Describe funding restrictions (funding areas not considered/ineligible): Click here to enter text.
- Do you make contributions only to pre-selected charitable organizationsand do not accept unsolicited requests for funds. ☐Yes or ☐No
- Geographic priority and restrictions(check all that apply):
Grantmakers’ Survey - Page 1
☐ Greater St. Louis Metro Area
☐ Missouri Statewide
☐ Areas outside Missouri
☐ National Areas
☐ International Areas
Grantmakers’ Survey - Page 1- Areas of Funding Interest (check all that apply):
Grantmakers’ Survey - Page 1
☐ Animal Related
☐ Arts, Culture, Humanities
☐ Civil Rights
☐ Community Improvement
☐ Education
☐ Employment/Jobs
☐ Environmental Protection/Beautification
☐ Food/Nutrition/Agriculture
☐ Health – Diseases/Medical Disciplines
☐ Health-General/Rehabilitative
☐Health – Mental Health/Crisis Intervention
☐ Health – Research
☐ Housing/Shelter
☐ Human Services
☐ International Affairs
☐ Philanthropy/Volunteerism
☐ Public Affairs/Society Benefit
☐ Public Protection – Crime/courts/legal services
☐ Public Safety/Disasters/Relief
☐ Recreation
☐ Religion/Spiritual Development
☐ Science/Technology
☐ Social Sciences
☐ Youth Development
☐ Other: Click here to enter text.
☐ Other: Click here to enter text.
Grantmakers’ Survey - Page 1- Top three funding areas of interest (fill in):
- Click here to enter text.
- Click here to enter text.
- Click here to enter text.
- Types of support provided (check all that apply):
Grantmakers’ Survey - Page 1
☐ General purpose/operating support
☐ Capital campaigns
☐ Emergency funds
☐ Student aid (grants to institutions)
☐ Research
☐ Grants to individuals
☐ Capacity Building
☐ Program development/project support
☐ Management/technical assistance
☐ Program related investments (PRI’s)
☐ Sponsorship
☐ In Kind Services
☐ Matching Grants
☐ Other :Click here to enter text.
Grantmakers’ Survey - Page 1CHANGES IN GIVING
Decreased by more than 5% / Decreased by less than 5% / Remained flat / Increased by less than 5% / Increased by more than 5%Cash giving change
2007 - 2008 / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Cash giving change
2008 - 2009 / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Cash giving change
2009 - 2010 / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Cash giving change
2010 - 2011 / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Cash giving expectations 2012 / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
In-kind giving change
2007 - 2008 / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
In-kind giving change
2008 - 2009 / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
In-kind giving change
2009 - 2010 / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
In-kind giving change
2010 - 2011 / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
In-kind giving expectations 2012 / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
- Have your funding priorities changed since 2008? If so, how have they changed and why?
Click here to enter text.
Thank you for your cooperation in completing this important survey.
Grantmakers’ Survey - Page 1