Granted course report form
ESC Central Office only
Date of sending out the form:30 December 2015
Contact person/applicant: Duarte Vilar
Country: Portugal
Title of the course:“To Progress” (Progredir)
Amount granted by the ESC (in euro): 3.750
Course number: Allocated mentor: Catarina C.
Your granted course/meeting/event
Title of the course: “To Progress”
Date(s) of the course:To Progress (March to August 2016)
Place (venue):Funchal
Organisation hosting the course: Associação para o Planeamento da Família
Amount you received from the ESC (in euro): 3.750
Did the course go ahead? Yes / No YES.
If not, why not?
If yes, please give details of the course as follows.
Learning objectives:
- Raising awareness of the risks of teenage pregnancy
- Prevention Of Sexually Transmitted Infections
-Know The contraceptive methods and their correct use
-Work Parental and personal skills
- Reflect on the sexual reproductive rights
Were all objectives met (Yes/No- if No why not?)Yes
Numbers who attended: Attended 12 teenage mothers.
Did as many attend as planned?No. Young people would participate in the project failed because they had to leave her babies and other 'cause were placed in internships. These young people could not attend the sessions. The group that participated was lower than planned but was assiduous intervention sessions.
Audience type (ie doctors / nurses):
Evaluation of the course from your (the Director / Organiser’s) point of view to include:
- Speakers’ knowledge regarding subject.scored on a 1 to 4 with 4 best for each item.3
- Speakers’ communication skills scored on a 1 to 4 with 4 best for each item.4
- Images or handouts quality and readability scored on a 1 to 4with 4 best for each item.4
- Was their any bias regarding any presentation or discussion on a product or procedure;if any- Yes/No NO.
Evaluation of the course by the participants:
- Did you use an evaluation form: if so please attach results:
Yes, is attached. It conducted a questionnaire (Pre and Post evaluation) that the young participants met at the beginning and end of the sessions. This questionnaire is a qualitative assessment. The questions have to evaluate myths in the area of sexual and reproductive health, to assess knowledge of contraceptive methods, the sexually transmitted infections, family planning and future prospects these young mothers to assess the recurrence of pregnancy in these young people.
Finally this questionnaire also sought out other topics that young people would like to explore.
- If no form used, how did you evaluate the participants’ views?
Budget – how did you use the ESC grant? Please give a detailed breakdown of costs and supply receipts if requested. Is attached.
- if your course did not go ahead, what is planned with regard to the money you received
Was the ESC acknowledged for the financial support? Was it mentioned in the promotion or any kind of information provided to the participants:YES.
Yes, they were informed of the ESC funding, existing in the documents used the logo and a bag offered to young people who participated in the sessions.
Any other information you feel important to report:
Pleaseattach the final programme of the course to your report (not a problem if not in English).
Was having a mentor helpful – please comment?
The training is a psychologist with a Masters in health and sought to meet the needs presented by young mothers who participated in the sessions. The group showed interest in all subjects and showed concern in the subject of sexually transmissible infections verifying the existence some myths in the transmission of Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV / AIDS.
It was important to share in the group and exposure situations. The group showed interest in addressing issues such as homosexuality, gender issues, dating violence, hepatitis and caring for babies.
It is considered that the intervention with these groups that suffer from vulnerabilities should be continuous and should cover various topics, working myths, providing information and promoting awareness of risk behaviors. Some young people shared symptoms and interest in changing the contraceptive method they use.
Providing pamphlets, male and female condoms, use of contraception kit that allowed the exploitation of all contraception consider that were very useful. Used to display videos and powerpoint on the computer and various activities in group and individually. Some individual activities the young people were more difficult than in a group. Most of these young people have few qualifications, have difficulty in interpreting and throughout the sessions demonstrate low self-esteem anddifficulty seeing and plan your future. It is considered necessary to address other issues and work the parental and personal skills of every young person. Many young people yearn to be in the labor market but due to low education and the fact that they are mothers and have no one to care of the children makes the process more complex. It should be noted that there has been a situation of withdrawal of a baby in one of these young people, which was institutionalized and waiting for a possible adoption.
These lamentable situations reinforce the importance of family planning and the use of contraceptive methods to avoid unwanted or early pregnancy.
Many young people do not have economic conditions or family support is necessary to their stay in the supporting institutions.
The evaluation is positive, lamenting not continuing this project for jersey and the non-participation of many other young people living in the wood they need these interventions to reduce risk behavior and recurrence of early pregnancy.
These young people were positive reinforcements at the end of the intervention, participants would products from care for their babies (a bag with the ESC logo) and a trip to the movies, most young people have never had the opportunity to go to the movies, showing great satisfaction.
It should be noted that the project began in March, we learned on March 2 of the project approval. It was prepared immediately a program, meeting, place setting for meetings, schedules and frequency. The sessions took place from April to July. August was carried out the assessment and questionnaire analysis, reflection and intervention and financial report. It has received a positive assessment from the stakeholders and responsible for the project (Center of Mother and Association for Family Planning).
It should be noted that we took some photos, some young people do not want to be photographed. We send some pictures to your registration. Please find attached some documents used in the sessions.
Parte superior do formulário
Signed – Name:
Date: August 31, 2016
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