Creativity/Design / Model is in 3-D. Was well thought out and designed. Organelle is in proper shape. Can observe interior and exterior of organelle. / Model is in 3-D. Design shows thought. Organelle is in proper shape. Can observe interior and exterior of organelle. / Model Is in 3-D. Organelle is close to expected shape, but design could have used more thought. Can observe either the interior or exterior of organelle. / Model is in 3-D, however it looks nothing like it should. Can observe either the interior or exterior of organelle. / Model is not in 3-D. Shows no thought.
Neatness / Project is neat and void of any visible mistakes. / Project is neat and mostly void of any visible mistakes (1-2). / Project is somewhat neat and has a few visible mistakes (3-4). / Project is fairly neat, but has an excess of errors (5-6). / Project is sloppy and riddled with mistakes (>6).
Structure Accuracy / Model structure is excellent representation of actual structure of organelle. / Organelle structure is well represented by model structure. / Organelle structure is present in model, but not clearly distinguishable. / Structure is present in the model, but it does not match the organelle covered.
Labels / All important parts of organelle structure are labeled. / Most important parts of the organelle structure are labeled. / Some important parts of the organelle structure are labeled. / Nothing on the model of the organelle is labeled.
Research / Research was well written, in the student’s own words, and contains no grammatical errors. / Research was well written, in the student’s own words, and contains 1-2 grammatical errors. / Research was decently written, in the students own word’s, and contains 3-4 grammatical errors. / Research was poorly written, but in the student’s own words. / Research was plagiarized (will also result in report to Administration).
Function Accuracy / Research accurately describes the functions/processes of the organelle. / Research accurately describes most of the functions/processes of the organelle. / Research accurately describes some of the functions/processes of the organelle. / Research is not accurate in its description of the functions/processes of the organelle. / There is no research.
Cell Organelle project –Model Rubric
Make a model of the organelle you researched. It must be neat. The structure needs to be represented and the function needs to be represented. You may use whatever materials work to make the model accurately represent your organelle. It will be graded using the rubric below.
Points Earned/Available ------______/ 24