The Lord blessed our most recent church plant in Jerez, Mexico. We saw several receive Christ as Savior, five follow the Lord in baptism, and a healthy baby church established. Pastor Nathan Massey of the reproducing church did a wonderful job of overseeing this plant. Please pray for Iglesia Bautista Biblica and Pastor Ramon Acevedo as they continue to reach Jerez and surrounding areas with the gospel.
Pray for the next two church plantsthis fall. We will keep you updated and informed.
- Hartford, AL – September 10-14(Reproducing church is Grace Baptist, Ozark, AL – Pastor Doug Crosby; New Church is Lighthouse Baptist – Pastor Aaron Pack)
- Big Timber, MT – October 1-4(Reproducing church is Calvary Baptist, King, NC – Pastor Kevin Broyhill; New church is Bible Baptist – Pastor Trevor Martin)
On September 1, BCPM added its newest staff member, Brother Rick Rust, to be the assistant to Brother Rowland. Brother Rusthas over twenty years of ministry experience and has assisted BCPM with several church plants. He will be a great asset to BCPM and a needed help to Brother Rowland. Pray for Brother Rust and his wife Tammy as they travel extensively both for the ministry and to raise support.
We are excited to announce our first “Church Planter Retreat” scheduled for September 21-22 in Pickerington, OH. This retreat is designed to encourage, enrich, and equip church planters and their wives as they face the unique challenges on the “front lines” of church planting. A second retreat is scheduled for November 6-7 in Catalina, AZ. We pray that these small, personaland interactive retreats will be of great help. Find out more at
In a few weeks you should receive information about our 25th anniversary offering. The Lord has blessed BCPM and with so much to do to advance church planting, and with the financial demands ever increasing, we want you to celebrate this special 25th anniversary year with us by considering giving to a special 25th anniversary offering.
With all the negative and disheartening news in the world today, it is refreshing to hear about new, vibrant, aggressive churches being planted that are carrying the light of the gospel in dark areas. Thank you for your investment in BCPM. Your support is making an impact!
Advancing for Christ,
Jeremy Rowland, General Director