2009 USTA New England Grant Application



USTA New England is committed to promoting tennis at the local level. To that end, we offer program grants to assist organizations in initiating or expanding tennis programming. Grants may be used to develop instructional programs and/or organized league play for people of all ages, abilities and populations. Our long-term goal in providing grants is to help programs become self-sufficient. Grants will not be awarded for more than three (3) continuous years, unless there are exceptional circumstances to consider.


Financial support will be awarded only to organizations. Applications for individuals will not be accepted. Applying organizations must be open to all people, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, citizenship status, or veteran status. All applicants must be current USTA Organizational Members.


• All grant applications must be typed and fully completed.

• To be considered for a grant, an organization or program must be a current USTA Organizational Member.

• The applying organization must present its plans to become self-sufficient within the next three (3) years.

• Any program registration fee should be reasonable in order to encourage participation and be affordable for families in the community. Provisions should also be made for interested participants who need financial assistance.

• In general, program grants are not meant to support one-day programs or special events. The intent is to support multi-session programs that provide on-going play opportunities.

• All grant applicants must submit a complete grant application form that includes a description of the program, program objectives, evaluation methods, and program budget (pages 3-5).

• All grant recipients must return a grant accountability form within two weeks of the conclusion of the program. If the program is on-going, an evaluation must be submitted no later than November 16, 2009. Evaluations are mandatory. If USTA New England did not receive a grant accountability from you for the previous year, your application will not be considered.


All grant applications must be received on / before Monday, March 2, 2009. Late applicants will not be considered!


All grant applicants will be notified on / before Thursday, April 30, 2009.

Send questions & completed application forms to , or :

USTA New England

110 Turnpike Road

Westborough, MA 01581

ATTN: Kelly Goodhart

Program Grants / Purpose / Eligibility
USTA Jr. Team Tennis Grant / For the creation or expansion of USTA Jr. Team Tennis leagues registered on TennisLink.
USTA League Grant / For the creation or expansion of an adult, senior, super senior, mixed or combo USTA League program.
USTA School Tennis Grant / For assistance in offering USTA School Tennis programming in physical education classes.
QuickStart Format Equipment Grant / Organizations receiving this equipment grant must use this equipment for Jr. Team Tennis QuickStart leagues. Applicants who are awarded a QuickStart grant must attend a Recreational Coaches Workshop (RCW)or QuickStart format training. This equipment package will include 2 portable 18’ nets, 12 racquets, 1 dozen foam balls, 1 dozen low compression balls, and throw down lines.
Community Tennis Association (CTA) Grant / For the creation or expansion of a Community Tennis Association (CTA). CTA’s enlist local tennis enthusiasts and serve as a tennis lobbying force within the community. Grants are also available to offset applicable fees for a CTA to incorporate with the State.
USTA National Junior Tennis League (NJTL) Grant / For the creation or expansion of a USTA National Junior Tennis League (NJTL). The USTA NJTL is a nation-wide network of community tennis organizations seeking to develop the character of young people through tennis and education.
Multicultural Grant / For the creation or expansion of community-based initiatives that serve predominantly multicultural populations.
Tennis in the Parks Grant / Specifically for local Park & Recreation departments for the creation or expansion of USTA Jr. Team Tennis registered on TennisLink.
Wheel Chair / Adaptive Tennis Grant / For the creation or expansion of tennis opportunities for beginner and advanced wheelchair athletes, or for the creation or expansion of community tennis opportunities for special populations that include persons with mental, emotional and/or developmental challenges.
USTA Tennis On Campus Grant / For the creation or expansion of USTA Tennis On Campus program (TOC). TOC focuses on providing co-ed team play opportunities for the entire college campus community.
Marketing Grant / For advertising/promotional efforts designed to leverage an organization's investment in marketing the sport of tennis.

Be sure to check into additional grants from the USTA National Office!


Sponsoring Organization:
Program Name:
Contact Name:
Mailing Address (Street):
City, State, Zip:
Make Check Payable to:
Work Phone / USTA Organization Membership #:
Home/Mobile Phone / Are you a 501[c]3?
Fax / Tax ID #
USTA Jr. Team Tennis Grant (Registered on TennisLink) / USTA National Junior Tennis League (NJTL) Grant
USTA League Grant / Multicultural Grant
USTA School Tennis Grant / Tennis in the Parks Grant
Marketing Grant / Wheel Chair / Adaptive Tennis Grant
QuickStart Format Equipment Grant / USTA Tennis On Campus Grant
Community Tennis Association (CTA) Grant
Years in existence: / New / 1-3 years / 4-6 years / 7+ years
Target Audience: / Youth / Collegiate / Adult / Senior
(18 & under) / (19-24) / (25-49) / (50 & up)
Target Ability: / Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced
Facility Type: / School(K-12) / College or University / Tennis Club / Tennis Club
(Private) / (Public)
Public Park / CTA / Other (list):
Program Start Date: / Number of program participants: / Hours/Week:
Program End Date: / 2008 Actual: / 2009 Goal:
Number of tennis courts to be used: / Number of sites to be used:
Program Fee: / $ / / person / Number of scholarships offered:

Please keep your answers concise. Answer must be typed here.

Describe the specific activities for which you seek funding:
List your overall goal(s) and specific objectives to help meet your goal(s):
List your measurable criteria for a successful program and the results you expect to achieve:
Describe your long-term strategies for sustaining this program:
Describe your strategies for retaining participants in this program:

How will you advertise, promote, and generate publicity for your program? (“X” all that apply)

Flyers/Posters / Website/
Email / Direct Mail / Local Newspaper / Radio / Other:______

Advertising Period: to


Please use this budget form when applying for a USTA New England Tennis Grant. Your application for financial support will be strengthened by the inclusion of a program budget that illustrates sound financial planning. NOTE: NOT ALL BUDGET ITEMS BELOW WILL APPLY TO ALL APPLICANTS.

Budget for the period / to
Source / Amount / Item / Amount
Program Fees / Advertising/Promotions
Administrative Expenses
Court Rental Fees / Supplies
Sponsorships / Shipping
Website development
Special Events
Awards Banquet / Program Expenses
Fundraisers / Equipment
Grants / Salary or Wages
Government / Certified Pro
Foundation / Instructor(s)
Corporation / Program Coordinator
USTA District / Administrative Support
USTA Section
USTA National / Education / Training
Other: / Recreational Coach Workshop
Pro Certification
Court Rental Fees
Participant Scholarships
In-Kind Support
Court Rental / Other Expenses:

Send questions & completed application forms to , or :

USTA New England

110 Turnpike Road

Westborough, MA 01581

ATTN: Kelly Goodhart

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