May 23rd, 2017
Call to Order
A board of directors meeting of Sideburn Run Recreation Association was held on May 23rd, 2017 at the 4085 Chain Bridge Road Suite G5, Fairfax VA. It began at 7:17 PM and was presided over by Marian Littleton.
Voting members in attendance included Marian Littleton, Nicki Miller, Rob Proulx, Kenneth Simonsen, Jason Grimm,
Approval of Previous Minutes
April 29, 2017-Motion to approve the April BOD minutes. Moved by Marian Littleton , seconded by Nicki Miller. Motion carried.
Motions to be Read into Minutes
1. Motion to approve April 2017 meeting minutes. Moved by Marian Littleton,
seconded by Nicki Miller. Motion Carried.
2. Motion to add lap swim hours between 1:30 - 3:30 on Mon, Wed, Fri between 5/29 - 6/23 for $464. Moved by Kenneth Simonsen, seconded by Marian Littleton. Motion carried
3. Motion to add lap swim hours between 1:30 - 3:30 on Tues & Thur between 5/29 - 6/23 for $371. Moved by Kenneth Simonsen, seconded by Marian Littleton. Motion denied.
4. Motion to approve contract between SDS and SRRA for a master swim program. Moved by Nicki Miller, Marian Littleton. Motion Carried.
5. Motion to appoint Chris Cosgriff as Secretary and Nikki Miller as Membership Chair while continuing to serve as VP, Moved by Marian Littleton Second Kenneth, motion carried
Due to lack of quorum, no voting occurred at this meeting – all votes will have to occur via voting tracking and read into next minutes.
1. Treasurer Report –
a. Reconciliation Report for both SRRA accounts and SRSD account. SRSD has not been reconciled because there no expenses only income. Still working on SRSD reserve account. SRRA Accounts reconciled – Balances BOA Checking $53,032.95, Maximer Acct $46,921.79, Paypal $10,769.90 – already swept to BOA checking, does not include May – All accounts reconciled thru 4/30/2017.
b. We are at roughly 53% of projected income but anticipate summer memberships to start coming in. We are about $16K behind where we were last year.
c. A lot of expenses for opening the pool to Guardian and other repairs (plumbing, etc).
2. Operations Report
a. Landscaping- need more, will plan another landscaping work day/ask for more hostas and other shade plants
b. Mowing – K&K is on board, same contract as last year
c. Guardian – Communication to management about Guard expectations.
d. Dumpsters – full service starts this week
e. Snack Bar –Paired down, ice cream ordered.
3. Membership Report
a. Membership update – we have about 243 (40 redemption list, 30 let-ups, and remainder is multi category bond and summer membership)
4 more new bonds
b. Bond redemption update – will communicate with new & current redemption requests regarding wait list and obligations
c. Reconciliation – still working toward an automated system to better track membership due payments
4. Communications Report – No Report
5. Swim & Dive Team's Report & Budget Presentation- only income, no expenses
a. Dive only Membership – none yet
b. Signing of swim coaches contracts
c. MDA Proposal – no response
d. Change dive practice
6. Fundraising & Social Chair Reports
a. MOD fundraiser set for June 5
b. Need someone to run Boola Boola – Pizza at 2 pm
7. President's Report –
a. Happy Hour discussion
b. Solicit more members to join board & committees
Marian moved that the meeting be adjourned, and this was agreed upon at 9:10 PM.