The September 2016 Meeting of the Grant County Sanitary Sewer District was called to order on September 22, 2016, at 3:00 p.m. at the District Headquarters, One Farrell Drive, Crittenden, Kentucky. Present at the meeting were the following: Chairman Charles Givin, and Commissioners, Robert Worthington, Danny Northcutt, Rodger Bingham and Leo Saylor. Also present were Karen VanHolten, Dianne Cook, Superintendent William Catlett and counsel Thomas R. Nienaber. Kerry Odle of HMB Professional Engineers, Inc., was absent,
The first order of business was a review of the August 2016 Minutes as attached. After discussion, upon motion of Danny Northcutt and second by Robert Worthington, it was unanimously,
“RESOLVED: that the August 2016 Minutes of the Grant County Sanitary Sewer District be approved as attached.”
The next order of business was a presentation of the August 2016 Profit and Loss Statement and Warrants as attached. After discussion, upon motion of Robert Worthington and second by Leo Saylor, it was unanimously,
“RESOLVED: that the August 2016 Profit and Loss Statement and Warrants be approved as attached.”
The next order of business was a report by counsel Thomas R. Nienaber as follows:
1.Mr. Nienaber stated he reviewed the Morris & Bressler engagement letter. He reported that everything is in order. After discussion, upon motion of Rodger Bingham and second by Danny Northcutt, it was unanimously,
“RESOLVED: that Chairman Givin be and he is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the District the Morris & Bressler engagement letter as attached.
2.Mr. Nienaber reported that Peggy Gamble has provided the attached Rate Increase figures that were recently compiled. Mr. Nienaber reported that he had forwarded them to all of the Commissioners the previous week. Everybody acknowledged that they have reviewed them and are in agreement with those numbers. Mr. Nienaber is hereby directed to proceed with the Rate Increase Application filing with the Public Service Commission.
The next order of business was a report by Superintendent Catlett as follows:
1.Superintendent Catlett reported that HMB Professional Engineering Inc’s Kerry Odle did not have a report as there was a medical emergency in Kerry Odle’s family and he was unable to attend the meeting.
2.Superintendent Catlett reviewed with the Commissioners his monthly report as attached.
3.Superintendent Catlett reported that Mr. Heichelbeck damaged a high pressure transmission line on Dixie Highway in Sherman. Superintendent Catlett reported that after the line was repaired, Mr. Heichelbeck damaged it a second time. The high pressure line was repaired again by District personnel. Superintendent Catlett reported that the total cost of repair for both occasions was approximately $5,700.00. Superintendent Catlett stated that he is preparing a bill to send to Mr. Heichelbeck.
4.Superintendent Catlett reported that a new grinder pump was installed at the Gusher Pump location on Dixie Highway, Crittenden, Kentucky.
The next order of business was a report by Dianne Cook as follows:
1.Ms. Cook reported that the next meeting is scheduled for October 20, 2016.
There being no further business to conduct, upon motion and second, the meeting was adjourned.