Grange Farm Steering Group (SG) Committee
One Enterprise Ltd (Independent Tenant Advisor)
19.00 Wednesday 12th July 2017
Community Hall, 66 Osmond Close
Present: Ken Woods (Chair), Fiona Allen, Ghizlane Darugaa, Alison Coudray, Kandiah Thayaparan, Shaz Mohammed, Varsha Patel, Shamim Manji, Ranjan Narayanasamy and Amita Jagai-Kempster.
Andrea Joseph (Lighthouse Cafe)
Zainab Malik, Raj Kumar (One Enterprise Ltd) and Paddy Lyne (HFTRA)
Apologies: Bill Beardon (Vice Chair), Duad Amin, Marim Sekanderza, Rekha Mehta, Ali Noormohammed, (SG), and John Harvey (ITA)
Declarations: No new declarations.
1. Notes of previous meeting held on 5th July were agreed.
2. Good News Stories
· Raj, Fiona and Ghizlane had all attended the London Anniversary Games.
3. Matters Arising
· All incidents of anti-social behaviour (ASB) should be reported to the Council’s Housing Resident Services Team:
and copy Paddy into the email:
Also the Police should be informed: 101 service or 999 if in immediate danger.
· The Estate Walkabout took place on 6th July and was very well attended by council staff and it was clear that progress is being made in terms of cleanliness of the blocks and litter picking. Marim, Fiona and Raj also attended and it is important to encourage more residents to participate in the walkabouts, which will take place every 6 weeks. A copy of the walkabout inspection will be sent to the Steering Group members. The next walkabout will take place on Wednesday 6th September at 14.00 (meet outside the community hall).
Marim’s car had been vandalised with abusive language by youths from the estate, which was reported to the Police and the Housing Officer during the estate walkabout.
· Xcite did not show up to the planned Door Knocking day. However, Mark Billington has confirmed Xcite’s attendance for the Fun Day.
4. Fun and Community Safety Day update
· Raj will be on the estate from 9:30am and Bill will join him from around 10.00. It will be helpful to have other Steering Group present before 13.00 to help set up. The Lighthouse café will be on the estate from 10:30am onwards and will be providing hot drinks, biscuits and cakes and Paddy will bring the tea urn.
· Ken’s idea for a raffle will be organised and tickets will sold for 50p a strip. Varsa will buy £50 worth of toys for the raffle and other SG’s may wish to donate gifts too, such as drinks, chocolates and gift sets. These will all need to be dropped off at the community hall on Friday evening.
· The floor location plan for the activities and stalls will be updated.
· Important that a log of attendees is kept, for which Fiona, Alison and Ranjan volunteered to help with and anticipated other Steering Group members would also help later during the day.
· Really important for Steering Group members to speak to as many residents as possible on the day to promote events such as children’s art classes, the green initiative and women’s coffee morning. In addition to seek new recruits to join the Steering Group.
· Consent forms need to be filled out for photos.
· Ranjan and Shaz would like a projector and screen to show photographs. Raj will see if he can find the equipment, but it was rather short notice at this stage.
5. Community Safety Log
· Residents will also be encouraged to speak to the Police and agencies such as Victim Support who will be attending the event. The aim is to promote community safety, understand how to report issues and where to obtain support from when required.
6. Date of Next Meeting
· Steering Group: Wednesday 21st June 19.00, community hall.
· Steering Group: Wednesday 16th August 19.00, community hall.
7. A.O.B
· No other business.