Monday, March 27, 2017
Call To Order (Olman)
Attendance: Kathy Olman, Barbara Warren, Rhonda Boggs, Jeff Northouse,
Jim Vander Maas, John Katerberg, and Joanna Willoughby
Absent: Tina Koetje, and Mandy Bush and Mike Salliotte
Coaches and Guests
Tom Feeney – Boys Rugby
Minutes from Last Meeting (Warren)
Motion to Approve December Minutes as Written: Northouse
Second: Katerberg
All in Favor = Passed
Treasurer’s Report (Vander Maas): No Treasurer’s Report available.
Athletic Report & Requests (Parsons)
- Boys Rugby membership & dues:
$45players at $55 per player, Club fee is $250
8 coaches at $85 for each coach = $680
For a total of $3180
Motion to Approve $3180 = Katerberg
Second: Warren
All in Favor = Passed
- Girls Rugby:
$1000 for Tournament Fees for (2) tournaments ($500 each Midwest & National))
$1500 for Midwest Transportation (Team would cover if goes to Nationals)
Total of $2,500
Willing to work concession stand dates on behalf of Boosters
Motion to Approve $2500 to cover Tournament Fees and an additional $1500 to cover transportation fees if team works (7) concession stand dates on behalf of Boosters before the end of the year: Warren
Second: Katerberg
All in Favor = Passed
- Girls Soccer:
(2) Kick Back Goals for Training for both boys and girls
$1760 each for a total of $3520
(4) Mini Training goals at $222 = $888
Vote Tabled until further conversation with Brian Parsons.
There is 1-2 weeks to get in after approval.
President’s Report
- Lead on possibly (3) new members. Discussion of recruiting for help without the commitment of being on the Board.
- Jeff Dykstra passed on Saturday. Card to be sent out.
Committee Report:
Concessions (Boggs, Olman):
o Discussion of utilizing concession stand shifts in return for Booster funding without profit sharing.
o Water is turned on April 10th
DawGear (Koetje, Bush)
o Update on Team sports by Warren
o Olman passed out Dog Den Monthly Sales Reports for Dec, Jan & Feb
Car Party (VanderMaas, Olman)
o People who went gave good results. Light on people there this year.
o Resulted in light this year in comparison to previous years.
o Positive cash flow of about $19,000 for that event.
o Changes for next year? Limit after party auction? Difficulty hearing at awards table. Committee to start meeting year round to discuss so meetings can be shorter.
Golf Outing (Warren & Boggs)
o Boggs to take over for Warren
Scholarships ( Warren & Olman)
o Forms are out there.
Old Business: Nothing
New Business:
- Northouse requesting that we do a monthly communicator. Joanna manages Facebook and twitter. Discussed having link on weekly update. Barbara emailed golf outing flier in order for Joanna to assist in putting in the communicator. Possibly using Constant Contact in order to push announcements to contacts.
- Rugby food during games? Coach Feeney suggesting probably not needed.
- Rugby Middle School Invitational help requested on April 29th with concessions.
- Athletes with individual needs are to be continued to be sent to Parsons.
Sergeant of Arms: Northouse pd $1 for leaving early. Warren pd $1 for phone.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:22pm
Next Meeting: Monday, April 10, at 7:30 pm Room 290