Grand Forks Community Trails Society
June 16th, 2015
Selkirk College @ 6:30 pm
Attending: Dawna Small, Chris Moslin, Lesley Matthews, John Grandy, Alan Peterson, Hazel Thomson, Jock Macay, Peter Naaykens, George Longden, Nigel James
Regrets: Margo Deane, MaryAnn Westaway
Guests: Ciel (couldn’t attend)
Welcome Members:
Meeting called to order: 7:19 pm
Acceptance of Agenda:Alan made a motion to accept, George 2nd. Carried.
Review and Acceptance of Minutes of April 21st, 2015:
Alan motioned, Jock 2nd. Carried.
Appointment of a Treasurer
“move that the directors appoint ? as temporary treasurer”
Chris unsure of what to do as position is vacant. Chris reviewed report of basic balances. Chris would like to receive electronic copies of statements so that he can circulate to members. $1800.00 refund for Perepelkin Bench was deposited. $1158.00 currently in chequing account. Project fund $6846.00. City will send bill for plaque in the amount of $350.00. Chris asked if anyone would be willing to stand in a temporary treasurer. Chris willing to do it, but may cause a conflict with the number of signing officers. Hazel and Dawna willing to be signing officers. Chris is asking that meeting appointment himself as temporary treasurer.
Alan moves that Chris be treasurer, Peter 2nd. Motion carried. Chris makes a move that signing officers for trails society be Chris Moslin, Dawna Small, and Hazel Thomson. Alan seconds. All members in favour, motion carried. MaryAnn may still stay on as a signing officer.
President’s Report:
Perepelkin Bench and plaque and refund
Bench is now in town, and is to be carried up by helicopter. City will let us know date. Landing pad for helicopter to be determined. City offered to pay for bench, but trails to pay for plaque. Alan offered to make a motion to approve expenditure for plaque. Mary Ann Westaway wants to provide a budget for approval of bench.
Dam Site Trail meeting June 11
George and Chris attended. Meeting with regional director Justin Dexter. Connor Herman from enforcement branch. Chris had to organize meeting and agree to take stewardship. Roly Russell also attended. Chris made motion to accept stewardship of the Dam Site Trail. Clean debris, and take measurements to create a design for safety railings. Jock suggested moving the fence, but Chris would rather focus attention on cleaning the trail. Removing the fence can be addressed at a later date. Fence has created damage to the “right of way”, but it will take about a year of good stewardship to have it removed. Lesley asked about Doug Zorn’s team being able to work on it, but Chris stated that they are busy with other projects for now. Alan made a motion that the old stewardship agreement will have addendum added with respect to the Dam Site Trail. George 2nd. Carried. Chris would like to set up a work party in August/Sept.
COTW presentation on non-motorized designation on June 15
Presentation was well received. Council is going to write a letter of support. Vicki Gee has written her own letter of support. Chris happy with her support and leadership. Hopes that Roly and ATV Club will be supportive. Designation will likely happen in the fall.
Mowing the Kettle River Heritage Trail
Heritage Trail has been mowed. Removal of Cottonwoods will be challenging. Outhouses are in good condition thanks to Peter. No camping signs have been placed at the outhouses near the nursery trestle.
Canada 150 Fund
Outdoor recreation council suggested that Chris apply for the Canada 150 Fund. Application needed to be in by June 17th. Time and numbers did not add up.
Trails to the Boundary (stewardship group to the west)
They have received but not signed off on stewardship agreement. They will assess sections of the TCT and apply for money.
North Fork Bench
John stated that bench would be completed soon. He hopes that members will hike up and check it out. Stained glass images are incased in cement. Goal was to try to find a portable bench that people could carry and put into place. Benches were too big to make this realistic. Members can get the mold for slabs if they want to make their own. Bench turned out beautiful. Project almost done.
North Fork Trail Surface and Signage
Multi use (etiquette) trail sign defers all users to horses. Motor bikes defer to hikers, bikes defer to hikers, motor bikes defer to stationary bikes. Chris would like to see a speed limit of 25 m/hour. Legal signage will state legal requirements of motorized users (province will provide the sign). John suggested adding “yield” to each arrow of the etiquette sign. Chris hopes cost will be reimbursed by the province. Trail surface has been brought up as a concern by members and tourists. Idea placed on wishlist at last AGM. Cost will be about $26000 to repair (eagle ridge to coalshute). Chris will be seeing owner Granby River Gravel and discussing grading. Possible funding sources include RDKB Area D, RDB Grant to Aid, MFLNRO, GFCTS. Chris asking if society is willing to pay 5000. It will cost 13000/km to crush and grade. 1500/km to simply grade.
Roxul Kiosk and other kiosks
Margo got pictures from the Museum. Not much has been done. George distributed scanned files. Lesley and Alan couldn’t open documents. Chris would like to finish kiosk at the nursery tresel and Roxul. George will put images onto memory stick and let Lesley and Chris download.
Nursery Trestle steps
3 steps need to be added. May possibly be set back to the fall. George has time in September. Date has been set for September 16th, 2015. 10 am start time.
Maps and Pamphlets
New Business
John wanted to place warning signs indicating the deteriorating condition of the North Fork trail. Trail is a multi-use trail and heavily used. Charis asked John to think about what wording he wants for a warning signs. John will create template.
Next Meeting: September 15th, 2015 @ 7pm Selkirk College (likely room 1)
Meeting Adjourned @ 8:36 pm