Grand Cities Lacrosse Association

General Meeting Agenda

11 May 2016

Members present: ALL

Meeting called to order at 7:38pm PM by Brent Lindstrom

Prior minutes: Reviewed by those in attendance, motion to approve by Lindstrom, Second by Dusak, motion carried.

Treasurers Report: Brent read the report. Original checking closed, $7,828.85 in new checking, $8.25 registration fees in Paypal, $15,000 in Savings Account, $300.00 in receivable registration fees, $23,137.10 total. Motion to approve by XXXXX, Second by XXXXX, motion carried.


-  U9 First Stick Grant Update:

-  DuWayne emailed a great submission to US Lacrosse with a picture and received a positive response. Postcards distributed.

-  Start thinking about Year 2 requirements, in particular the coach for training. I talked to Mike Mannausau, who else should we consider

-  Start thinking about marketing to a new group of U9s to keep the fantastic participation level there.

-  Registration update, final numbers:

-  131 registrations, 17,22,26,15,51

-  No TRF organization for 2016, no TRF kids (*need to market to TRF in winter)


-  Discuss preparation for jamboree in GF.

-  Food vendor, has been updated to the smaller event an is still coming

-  Detroit Lakes U9s

-  Fields

-  Game equipment

-  Officials

-  Shed/Container

-  End of year recognition

-  Medals for U9s, last games Wednesday, 25 May

-  Each team should have an end of season event to be handled by that team.

-  Summer activities and events:

-  Fargo Jamboree 11-12 June, not happening

-  Sioux Falls Spark Shootout, Sioux Falls, 18-19 June (No details yet)

-  Star of the North (U13, U15), St Cloud, 24-26 June 9 ($250 by 14 May, $300 after)

-  Centennial Summer Sizzle, 9-10 July, Lino Lakes, MN (U11,U13,U15)

-  GCLA Summer Day Camp - *Shaver will produce a draft soon

-  Update website with pictures and summer events – Shaver

-  Post upcoming Board Elections - Lindstrom

Next meeting: Wednesday, June 8, 2016 @ 7:30 PM, at the VFW Club.

Motion to adjourn by Miller, Second by Lindstrom. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 PM.

Jake Shaver

Grand Cities Lacrosse Association -Secretary