Minute of the meeting of the Grampian LMC

Monday 18th June at 4.30 pm

Summerfield House, Aberdeen


Drs. Neil MacRitchie, David Bell, Sandra Grant, John Reid, Robert Donald, Caroline Fraser, Stuart Reary, Margaret Denison, Rebecca Riddell, Dr Singh (Registrar, Elgin), Denise McFarlane, Ewan Paterson, Thomas Philip.

1)  Welcome and apologies

NMacR welcomed the committee.

Apologies were received from Drs. Graham Gordon, Russell McInnes, Caroline Howarth.

It was pointed out that Margaret Denison is resigning from the committee and this was her last meeting. The chair thanked her on behalf of the committee for all her input while serving.

2) Minute of last meeting

Corrections to be made – Stuart Reary sent apologies and Margaret Denison did attend.

3) Matters arising

None apart from those on agenda.

i)  Industrial Action

Takes place on Thursday. Clearly the LMC is not a trade union. We do not have any role as a trade union, However, the Local Negotiating Committee invited NMacR to attend their meetings over the past couple of weeks. Pauline Strachan has circulated a letter re meetings although it is mainly relating to secondary care. In Aberdeen City there are 21/30 practices taking part in Industrial Action.

All practices but 2 in Moray will take part and there is uncertainty about the extent of involvement in Aberdeenshire at the present.

BMA’s model letter to PCOs is advised to be copied to LMC, however this has not yet happened in many cases.

Confusion over non BMA members taking part in industrial action was discussed. It would seem that practices are covered and will get representation if they have at least one BMA member. However that doctor would not be covered in the unlikely event of action taken against them as an individual,

LMC cannot give advice but merely direct queries to the BMA website.

ii)  Consultation on integration of Adult Health and Social Care

This was discussed at SGPC 2 weeks ago. Negotiators there indicate that the Government is keen to get as much feedback as possible.

The committee was asked for good ideas. It was suggested that the GPSub version should be used.

Not much clarity to document.

Feedback welcome until the end of September rather than July as originally planned.

NMacR and DMcF will modify the GPSub document with a LMC slant.

DMcF will also add personal comments in relation to Adults with Learning Disabilities.

iii)  Guide to good practice and the management of controlled drugs in Primary Care.

Available only as a web page. No action needed. For information.

iv)  Patients being sent to hospitals outwith Grampian.

Letter was received about a patient sent to Rosshall Hospital, Glasgow.

Excessive amount of work was required by the practice.

Other examples of this type of transfer of work should be sent to the office. Discussed with NHSG at today’s meeting and AF will look into this further.

v)  Neuromuscular research.

Letter received with apologies and this was copied to the committee.

vi)  Constitution.

NMacR asked to be invited to a meeting with Lesley Hall and Andrew Fowlie. CH will also attend.

This meeting is about the GPSub constitution. The LMC constitution should be complimentary to the GPSub constitution hence the need for our inclusion in this meeting.

A constitution produced in 2008 was rejected as frequency of meetings, office bearers and elections mentioned were not considered to be reasonable for the LMC. Longstanding members of the committee are needed so the idea of members having to stand down after 3 years was seen as unacceptable by the committee.

Issues regarding payment need to be addressed. Elections is on the agenda for today`s GPSub meeting.

vii)  Treasurer.

The committee was informed that TP has volunteered to step in to this post. He was elected without contest. This is effective from the start of this financial year with JR supporting initially. LMC Ltd may be formed on 1st July, though further meeting with the bank required.

AR will give Thomas an introduction to the accounts.

viii)  Links with BMA/LNC

This follows on from talks with the LNC who represent employed doctors, salaried GPs to the Board and GMed doctors.

Ideally they should have representation on LMC, and we should have on LNC, however for logistical reasons this proves difficult. NMacR and their office bearers had suggestion is that there should be meetings with both committee’s office bearers twice a year to keep them informed. Also, a more accessible meeting with members should be yearly. Copying in of papers in between times.

It was considered that links with the LNC are useful.

4) Feedback

GPC – Last meeting was overwhelmed by industrial action/pensions issue.

Also discussed were changes in England re HCA. Also revalidation, and how it fits in with appraisal. Revalidation is going ahead. BMA has always supported concept, but GPC not supportive of roll out at present as issues re sessional doctors and remediation (including funding) not yet sorted. GPC is in dialogue with GMC and DH.

Discussions about 360 followed. Concerns re validity of it as a test.

Multi Source Feedback (MSF) and Scottish Online Appraisal Resource (SOAR) also discussed.

SGPC - Committee has received the June 2012 newsletter.

Previous Chair (Dr Dean Marshall) has stepped down.

Some confusion in SGHD correspondence re question of walk-ins needing to be seen in GP Extended Hours DES, however this is not expected at all.

A & E QOF guidance. Figures go out to practices this week.

Industrial action.

Data sharing – further guidance being worked on, in the meantime national principles should be adhered to.

ESG – no meeting. Enhanced Service on going budgetary restrictions discussed.

Premises - no representation at this meeting but NMacR was copied in to the minutes.

NHSG meeting – There was discussion about Enhanced Service funding pressure. Other items already mentioned.

SAW – no meeting

5) AOB

1. DMcF raised the issue of Psychiatric referrals. She will write letter.

2. SGPC – NMacR will attend through GPC. JR, CH and DMcF nominated.

3. DB was thanked for all his work for the LMC.

6) Date of next meeting – 20 August (Please note there is no July meeting)