
'THE WEBSITE I'M TESTING IS www.gamersfirst.com - currently I'm working on its home page



'Function to count pages on a browser


Public Function sPage()

'set the broser

Set gBrowser = GlobalDictionary("gBrowser")

'declare an dynamic array

Dim temp()

'create an object

Set pDesc = Description.Create()

'set it class as page

pDesc("micclass").Value = "Page"

'get the page child objects

Set pList = gBrowser.ChildObjects(pDesc)

'store the number of page objects

GlobalDictionary("numPage") = pList.Count()

're-declare the dynamic array with number of items equals the number of page elements

ReDim Preserve temp(GlobalDictionary("numPage")-1)

'copy the array elements from pLists to temp

For y = 0 to GlobalDictionary("numPage")-1

Set temp(y) = pList(y)


'return the sPage object

sPage = temp

End Function


'Function to get and store a particular type of objects from the page


Public Function sElement(sPage, eT)

'set the type variable

eType = eT

'declare an dynamic array

Dim tempG()

'create an element description

Set eDesc = Description.Create()

eDesc("micclass").Value = eType

'get the list of child objects matching the object description

Set eList = sPage.ChildObjects(eDesc)

'get the count of objects of description eType

eCount = eList.Count()

'set the respecitve global count variable

Select Case eType

Case "WebEdit"

GlobalDictionary("numEdit") = eCount

Case "WebElement"

GlobalDictionary("numWebEl") = eCount

Case "WebButton"

GlobalDictionary("numBtn") = eCount

Case "Link"

GlobalDictionary("numLink") = eCount

End Select

're-declare the dynamic array with number of items equals the number of page elements

ReDim Preserve tempG(eCount-1)

'copy the array elements from WElLists to temp

For y = 0 to eCount-1

Set tempG(y) = eList(y)


'return the sWebElement object

sElement = tempG

End Function



'------XML FUNCTIONS ------




'add page element


Public Function xmlAddPage(eP, pIndex, ip)

'set index as index of the browser

index =cStr(ip+1)

Set ePg = eP

'create and open a xml object

Set xmlD = XMLUtil.CreateXML()

xmlD.LoadFile "z:\smoke.xml"

Set root = xmlD.GetRootElement()

'set the browser element

Set children = root.ChildElements()

Set eBrowser = children.ItemByName("Browser")

'add a page element

eBrowser.AddChildElementByName "Page", ePg.GetROProperty("title")

'save the xml doc

xmlD.SaveFile "z:\smoke.xml"

'get the index of the browser / parent

Set bChildren = eBrowser.ChildElements()

'Set bAttr = eBrowser.Attributes

' 'set the index of the page as "browserindex_pageindex"

' i = 1

' Do while i < bAttr.Count()


' Set attr = bAttr.Item(i)


' If lcase(attr.Name()) = "index" Then


' index = attr.Value() & "_" & index


' 'once the index is found, exit do while loop

' Exit do

' End If'

' Loop

index = pIndex & "." & index

'set the page element

Set ePage = bChildren.ItemByName("Page")

'add attributes to page element

ePage.AddAttribute "index", index

ePage.AddAttribute "Description", "Page on G1 Home"

'save the xml document

xmlD.SaveFile "z:\smoke.xml"

'return the index of the page

xmlAddPage = index

End Function




'add an element node to the page node


Public Function xmlAddElementNode(eE, pIndex, ix, ip, eT)

'set index as index of the browser

'add a leading zeroes to make index a 3 digit string

If ix < 9 Then

index = "00" & cStr(ix+1)

ElseIf index < 99 Then

index = "0" & cStr(ix+1)


index =cStr(ix+1)

End If

Set eEle = eE

eType = eT

'create and open a xml object

Set xmlD = XMLUtil.CreateXML()

xmlD.LoadFile "z:\smoke.xml"

Set root = xmlD.GetRootElement()

'set the browser element

Set children = root.ChildElements()

Set eBrowser = children.ItemByName("Browser")

'get the index of the parent

Set bChildren = eBrowser.ChildElements()

Set ePage = bChildren.Item(ip)

'Add the element node

ePage.AddChildElementByName eType, ""

'save the xml doc

xmlD.SaveFile "z:\smoke.xml"

'set the page element

Set pChildren = ePage.ChildElements()

Set eElementColl = pChildren.AllItemsByName(eType)

Set eElement = eElementColl.Item(ix+1)

'create a customized index extention

Select Case eType

Case "WebEdit"

temp2 = ".1"

Case "WebElement"

temp2 = ".2"

Case "WebButton"

temp2 = ".3"

Case "Link"

temp2 = ".4"

End Select

'set the index

index = pIndex & temp2 & index

'add attributes to page element

eElement.AddAttribute "index", index

'add name attribute for all but webelement

If eType > "WebElement" Then

eElement.AddAttribute "name", eEle.GetROProperty("name")

'add width for webelement only


eElement.AddAttribute "width", CStr(eEle.GetROProperty("width"))

End If

'add disabled for webedit or webbutton

If eType = "WebEdit" or eType = "WebButton" Then

eElement.AddAttribute "disabled", CStr(eEle.GetROProperty("disabled"))

End If

'add innertext for webelement or link

If eType = "WebElement" or eType = "Link" Then

eElement.AddAttribute "innertext", eEle.GetROProperty("innertext")

End If

'add html tag and html id for webelement and webbutton

If eType = "WebElement" or eType = "WebButton" Then

eElement.AddAttribute "html_tag", eEle.GetROProperty("html tag")

eElement.AddAttribute "html_id", eEle.GetROProperty("html id")

End If

'add href and height for link

If eType = "Link" Then

eElement.AddAttribute "href", eEle.GetROProperty("href")

eElement.AddAttribute "height", CStr(eEle.GetROProperty("height"))

End If

'save the xml document

xmlD.SaveFile "z:\smoke.xml"

End Function





'add attributes to Page node


Public Function xmlAddAttribute(indx, atName, atValue)

'set index as index of the browser

index = indx

'create and open a xml object

Set xmlD = XMLUtil.CreateXML()

xmlD.LoadFile "z:\smoke.xml"

Set root = xmlD.GetRootElement()

'set the browser element

Set children = root.ChildElements()

Set eBrowser = children.ItemByName("Browser", 1)

Set bChildren = eBrowser.ChildElements()

Set ePage = bChildren.ItemByName("Page", index+1)

'Set ePage = eElementColl.Item(index+1)

'add attributes to page element

ePage.AddAttribute atName, CStr(atValue)

'save the xml document

xmlD.SaveFile "z:\smoke.xml"

End Function

