Timetable for Hilary Term 2013 – this will be updated

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
WK / 10-11 / 11-12 / 12-1 / 2.00 / 3.00 / 10-11 / 11-12 / 12-1 / 1.30 / 9-10 / 10-11 / 11-1 / 10-11 / 10-11 / 11-1 / Class
2.15-4.15 / 2.00 / 4.15 / 10-11 / 11-12 / 12-1 / Class
2.15-4.15 / 2.00
Lectures / 4.15
0 / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
1 / - / PPO* / - / LFT** / - / - / PPO* / - / PPS / - / QCD / - / Acc* / QCD / GS / Acc* / - / APS* / Acc* / PPO* / LFT** / Acc** / EW / -
2 / MPP / PPO* / - / EW* / EM* / PPO* / - / PPS / - / QCD / GS** / Acc* / QCD / GS / - / EW* / APS* / Acc* / PPO* / SMB / Acc* / - / C
3 / MPP / PPO* / SMB / - / EW* / PDE / PPO* / - / PPS / EM* / QCD / GS* / Acc* / QCD* / GS / Acc* / - / APS* / Acc* / PPO* / PDE / - / EW* / C
4 / - / - / SMB / SMB / EW* / PDE / - / SMB / PPS / EM* / QCD / GS** / Acc* / QCD / GS*** / Acc* / - / APS* / Acc* / - / PDE / - / EW* / -
5 / - / - / SMB / SMB / EW* / PDE / MPP / SMB / PPS / EM* / QCD / GS*** / Acc* / QCD / GS / Acc* / - / APS* / Acc* / - / PDE / - / EW* / C
6 / - / - / SMB / SMB / EW* / PDE / - / SMB / PPS / - / MPP / GS** / Acc* / - / - / - / - / APS* / Acc* / - / PDE / AA* / EW* / C
7 / MPP / - / SMB / SMB / EW* / PDE / MPP / SMB / PPS / - / MPP / GS*** / Acc* / - / GS*** / Acc* / - / APS* / Acc* / - / PDE / QCD / - / C
8 / MPP / - / SMB / SMB / EW* / PDE / MPP / SMB / PPS / - / MPP / GS* / Acc* / - / - / Acc* / - / APS* / Acc* / - / PDE / - / EW* / C

* these courses may be optional. Please consult with your supervisor and the Director of Graduate Studies.

** Strongly advised to attend the first two introductory lectures

Acc* / - Accelerator Physics (16 + 6) Video Conference Room
- classes will take place in the Video Conference Room
** this class will take place in the JAI Mulvey Room / : / Professor E.J.N. Wilson and Professor E. Tsesmelis
AA* / - Accelerator Applications (Class) Video Conference Room / : / Professor K. Peach and others
EM* / - ElectroMagnetism for Accelerators and Detectors (4) (Seminar Room 501) / : / Dr. R. Bartolini
EW / - Electro-weak Interactions (12 + 2) (Video Conference Room)
* These will take place in the Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre / : / Dr. C. Hays (prefers Mondays and Wednesdays)
LFT** / - Introduction to Lattice Field Theories (2)Fisher Room / : / Dr M. Teper
MPP / - Modern Particle Physics Experiments (10) (Fisher Room) / : / Professor P. Burrows; Dr J. Cobb; Dr S. Henry
PDE / - Particle Detectors & Electronics (12) (Seminar Room 501) / : / Dr R. Nickerson and others
PPO* / - M.Phys. Particle Physics Option: students who did not attend an equivalent course are encouraged to attend (Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre)
QCD / - Introduction to QCD (10+1) (Fisher Room)
* this lecture will take place in the Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre / : / Professor A. Cooper-Sarkar
GS / - Graduate Seminar (Seminar Room 501)
* These will take place in the Conference Room
** These will take place in the Fisher Room
*** These will take place in the Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre / : / Dr. T Huffman & Dr. L Corner
SMB / - Standard Model and Beyond (18) Fisher Room / : / Professor J. March-Russell
RAL / - RAL Graduate Lectures (Video Conference Room) / : / Dr W. Scott
PPS / - ParticlePhysicsSeminar (Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre)
C / - Physics Colloquium (Martin Wood Lecture Theatre (Clarendon))
APS* / - Accelerator Physics Seminar (Fisher Room)
Seminars will not take place on all weeks, please look out for announcements / : / Dr. G. Christian
* Most classes will take place in the FISHER ROOM unless otherwise stated Week 0 of term begins on Sunday 6th January 2013

* these courses may be optional. Please consult with your supervisor and the Director of Graduate Studies.

All problems classes (apart from Accelerator Physics) will be held in the Fisher Room. The Accelerator Physics classes will be in the Video Conference room.